Eric Puche
The antagonistic effect of UV radiation on warming or nitrate enrichment depends on ecotypes of freshwater macroalgae (Charophytes).
Increases in ultraviolet radiation (UVR), a negative global change factor, affect aquatic primary producers. This effect is expected to be modulated by other global change factors, and to be different for populations adapted to different environments. A common garden experimental approach using freshwater green macroalgae, the cosmopolitan charophyte species Chara hispida and C. vulgaris, allowed us to test whether the beneficial increases in water temperature (T) and nitrate concentration (N) mitigate negative UVR effects. Also, whether these interactions would be not only species-specific but also according to the origin of the population; therefore, two populations of each species were u…
Effects of overabundant nitrate and warmer temperatures on charophytes: The roles of plasticity and local adaptation
Global change effects, such as warming and increases in nitrogen loading, alter vulnerable Mediterranean aquatic systems, and charophytes can be one of the most affected groups. We addressed the possible interaction between these factors on two populations of the cosmopolitan charophytes Chara hispida and Chara vulgaris. Populations were taken from two different environments, a nitrate-poor mountain lake and a nitrate-rich Mediterranean coastal spring. The laboratory experiment had a 2 × 2 factorial design based on two nitrate levels (similar to and double the local conditions) and two temperatures. Increased temperatures favoured the growth of the four populations, but an increase in nitra…
Non‐trophic key players in aquatic ecosystems: a mesocosm experiment
Modern sedimentary analogues and integrated monitoring to understand varve formation in the Mediterranean Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees, Spain)
Este artículo contiene 13 páginas, 6 figuras, 1 tabla.
Different responses of coexisting Chara species to foreseeable Mediterranean temperature and salinity increases
Abstract An increase in temperature of approximately 4 °C is expected to occur in the Mediterranean by the end of the century. Concomitant to this warming, a foreseeable rise in salinity will affect aquatic species. We addressed the effects of warming and salinity, and their interaction on three coexisting characean species (Chara aspera, C. hispida and C. vulgaris) from a Spanish Mediterranean interdunal pond (spring water temperature 20–23 °C, when charophytes re-grew; salinity 1.3–1.8 PSU). A laboratory experiment was designed with two levels of water temperature treatment (23 and 27 °C), plus two levels of salinity treatment (0.4 and 4.0 PSU). The variables considered were total length,…
Structure and vulnerability of the multi‐interaction network in macrophyte‐dominated lakes
The network approach is crucial to understand how ecosystems are structured and how they will respond to the disturbances (e.g. the current global change). We have recreated the multi‐interaction network of a shallow freshwater lake dominated by submerged macrophytes (Charophytes), a known system very vulnerable to environmental changes, considering both trophic and non‐trophic relationships among its elements. To minimize the environmental variability, we established it in an experimental mesocosm, including three habitats: the pelagic, the habitat around the meadow and the periphytic community living on macrophytes. We aimed to study the structure of this network and the roles of its elem…
On the tolerance of charophytes to high-nitrate concentrations
Currently a debate exists about whether the reduced growth of macrophytes with increased nitrogen loading in shallow ecosystems is determined by ecological or physiological factors. To discover whe...
On the tolerance of charophytes to high-nitrate concentrations
Currently a debate exists about whether the reduced growth of macrophytes with increased nitrogen loading in shallow ecosystems is determined by ecological or physiological factors. To discover whether nitrate in the water is detrimental per se to charophytes, we subjected Chara hispida and Chara vulgaris specimens, collected from two habitats greatly differing in nitrate concentrations (1.5 and 10 mg NO3-N/L, annual means), to a wide nitrate range (0.5–50 mg NO3-N/L) in two experiments (with free-floating specimens using nitrate as the sole N source, and with planted specimens, with other N sources in sediment). Charophytes grew both unplanted and planted in all treatments, and growth redu…
Database of an ecological multi-interaction network of a macrophyte-dominated lake
Esta base de datos presenta la matriz comunitaria de una red ecológica multi-interacción (con relaciones tróficas y no-tróficas) entre los elementos planctónicos y bentónicos de un sistema de agua dulce dominado por praderas de macrófitos. Los datos provienen de una recreación a escala de mesocosmos de este tipo de sistemas. Además se proveen datos de métricas globales de la red así como métricas de nodos. También se dan resultados de los análisis de como se altera la estructura y la vulnerabilidad de la red al eliminar cada uno de los nodos. This database presents the community matrix of an ecological multi-interaction network (considering both trophic and non-trophic relationships) among …