B. Cujec
Ranges of interaction in $$p\bar p$$ scattering at low energies
Thep¯ p cross sections at low energies are analysed in the framework of the optical model. It is shown that the annihilation range is closely related to the size of the proton as measured in electromagnetic and hadronic interactions. At larger distances thep¯ p interaction has the similar character as the NN one.
Measurements of the antiproton-proton elastic cross section in the beam momentum range between 180 and 600 MeV/c
The differential cross section for antiproton-proton elastic scattering has been measured for the beam momenta between 180 and 600 MeV/c. The real-to-imaginary ratio of the forward elastic scattering amplitude is derived from the Coulomb-nuclear interference. The ratio is found to be close to zero between 180 and 500 MeV/c with a minimum ofρ=−0.14 at 260 MeV/c. This result is contrary to model predictions. The phase shifts for thes-,p- andd-waves are extracted. The partial wave compositions of the elastic and inelastic cross sections have been determined. A large contribution of thep-wave is identified in the antiproton-proton interactions at small momenta.
Antiproton-Proton Cross Sections at Small Momenta
Since the startup of LEAR in 1983 we have undertaken a series of measurements of antiproton-proton cross sections for annihilation (pp → mesons)1, charge-exchange reaction (pp → nn)2, and elastic scattering (pp → pp)3,4. We have focussed our efforts of the measurements on the beam momentum range between 160 and 600 MeV/c. Our detector is optimized to handle the antiproton beam at very small momenta5. The liquid hydrogen target is placed in the vacuum tank, and the vacuum is directly connected to the beam line. The incident beam is defined by thin scintillators also placed in the vacuum. With the apparatus of these unique designs we have explored the beam momentum region below 300 MeV/c with…
"Table 3" of "Measurements of the anti-proton - proton elastic cross-section in the beam momentum range between 180-MeV/c and 600-MeV/c"
No description provided.
"Table 1" of "Measurements of the anti-proton - proton elastic cross-section in the beam momentum range between 180-MeV/c and 600-MeV/c"
No description provided.
"Table 2" of "Measurements of the anti-proton - proton elastic cross-section in the beam momentum range between 180-MeV/c and 600-MeV/c"
No description provided.
"Table 4" of "Measurements of the anti-proton - proton elastic cross-section in the beam momentum range between 180-MeV/c and 600-MeV/c"
No description provided.