Simon Bahrndorff
Effects of photoperiod on life-history and thermal stress resistance traits across populations of Drosophila subobscura
Introduction Organisms use environmental cues to match their phenotype with the future availability of resources and environmental conditions. Changes in the magnitude and frequency of environmental cues such as photoperiod and temperature along latitudes can be used by organisms to predict seasonal changes. While the role of temperature variation on the induction of plastic and seasonal responses is well established, the importance of photoperiod for predicting seasonal changes is less explored. Materials and methods Here we studied changes in life‐history and thermal stress resistance traits in Drosophila subobscura in response to variation in photoperiod (6:18, 12:12 and 18:6 light:dark …
Table S1 and S2 from Heat hardening capacity in Drosophila melanogaster is life stage specific and juveniles show the highest plasticity
Table S1. Tukey's post-hoc test results after false discovery rate correction to compare the heat resistance of hardened and non-hardened individuals at different life stages exposed to 25 ºC compared to corresponding 37 ºC test temperature. The table shows the sum of square (SS), Fdf ratio and the p-values.; Table S2. Tukey's post-hoc test results after false discovery rate (FDR) correction to compare the heat resistance of different life stages at different test temperatures. The table shows the Fdf ratio and the p-values with p < 0.05 in bold.
Heat hardening capacity in Drosophila melanogaster is life stage-specific and juveniles show the highest plasticity
Variations in stress resistance and adaptive plastic responses during ontogeny have rarely been addressed, despite the possibility that differences between life stages can affect species' range margins and thermal tolerance. Here, we assessed the thermal sensitivity and hardening capacity of Drosophila melanogaster across developmental stages from larval to the adult stage. We observed strong differences between life stages in heat resistance, with adults being most heat resistant followed by puparia , pupae and larvae . The impact of heat hardening (1 h at 35°C) on heat resistance changed during ontogeny, with the highest positive effect of hardening observed in puparia and pupae and the …
Data from: Heat hardening capacity in Drosophila melanogaster is life stage specific and juveniles show the highest plasticity
Variations in stress resistance and adaptive plastic responses during ontogeny have rarely been addressed, despite the possibility that differences between life stages can affect species' range margins and thermal tolerance. Here, we assessed the thermal sensitivity and hardening capacity of Drosophila melanogaster across developmental stages from larval to the adult stage. We observed strong differences between life stages in heat resistance, with adults being most heat resistant followed by puparia, pupae and larvae. The impact of heat hardening (1 h at 35°C) on heat resistance changed during ontogeny, with the highest positive effect of hardening observed in puparia and pupae and the low…
Data from: Effects of photoperiod on life-history and thermal stress resistance traits across populations of Drosophila subobscura
Intro: Organisms use environmental cues to match their phenotype with the future availability of resources and environmental conditions. Changes in the magnitude and frequency of environmental cues such as photoperiod and temperature along latitudes can be used by organisms to predict seasonal changes. While the role of temperature variation on the induction of plastic and seasonal responses is well established, the importance of photoperiod for predicting seasonal changes is less explored. M&M: Here we studied changes in life-history and thermal stress resistance traits in Drosophila subobscura in response to variation in photoperiod (6:18, 12:12 and 18:6 light:dark cycles) mimicking s…