Pilar Pozo Serrano

La legitima defensa frente a actores no estatales a la luz de la práctica del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas

Sumario: I. Introduccion. II. El Consejo de Seguridad ante la legitima defensa frente a actores no estatales: la practica anterior a los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001. III. Los atentados terroristas de 11 de septiembre de 2001 y las Resoluciones 1268 y 1373 del Consejo de Seguridad: ?un cambio de paradigma? IV. La lucha contra el Estado Islamico: el silencio de la Resolucion 2249 respecto a la legitima defensa. V. Conclusiones

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El uso de la fuerza contra el Estado Islámico en Irak y Siria: problemas de fundamentación jurídica

Current military campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria raises the question of the admissibility of the right to use force in self-defence against attacks by non-State actors in other States. International law in this area remains controversial and State practice ambiguous and inconsistent. This article analyses the legal basis invoked by States to justify their military operations against ISIL. Consent provided by the Iraqi government is lacking in the case of Syria, leaving only self-defence as feasible legal basis. The broad support for the use of force against Islamic State sides with conflicting views regarding the need of territorial State consent to the use of force on …

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La retirada de Estados Unidos del Plan de Acción Integral Conjunto y la reimposición de sanciones a Irán: aspectos jurídicos y políticos

This paper examines some issues raised by the United States withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) related to Iran’s nuclear program. The JCPOA is a nonbinding document, there has been some debate about the effect of the subsequent U.N. Security Council resolution endorsing the document on its legal status and on the US faculty of unilaterally withdrawing from the plan of action. Iran brought a case before the International Court of Justice questioning the legality of the reintroduction of U.S sanctions, the Court could eventually address the issue in later phases. This paper concludes that U.S withdrawal is legal from an international law perspective. Security Counc…

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Las repercusiones del Brexit sobre el proceso de paz de Irlanda del Norte: consideraciones provisionales

United Kingdom and Ireland membership of EU has provided the context for several dimensions in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Concerns have been raised that the Withdrawal from the EU could lead to hard border between Ireland and orthern Ireland, thus jeopardising the Good Friday Agreement. The paper analyses, on the one hand, the direct and indirect influence of the European Union in the orthern Ireland peace process with the aim of exploring the areas that could potentially been compromised by Brexit. On the other hand, the article reviews the prominent position that Northern Ireland has occupied in the Brexit negotiations and the obstacles faced by the UK in order to get the Agreeme…

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El recurso a casos de simulación como instrumento de enseñanza / aprendizaje en Relaciones Internacionales y Derecho Internacional Público

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