Tomas Strandin

Potent Inhibitor of Human Trypsins from the Aeruginosin Family of Natural Products

Funding Information: We would like to thank A. Löfhjelm and L. Saari for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by a Sigrid Jusélius Foundation grant to H.K. and the Academy of Finland funding (321809) to T.S. We would also like to thank the Erkko Foundation and Nordforsk Nordic center of Excellency NordAqua (project number #82845) and University of Helsinki’s Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology funding to M.N.A. D.O.A. was supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP #2018/01563-2). We thank Biocenter Kuopio for the use of their facilities for molecular modeling and MD simulations. We thank the DNA Sequenci…

research product

Description of research methods and results tables from Food limitation constrains host immune responses to nematode infections

Trade-offs in the allocation of finite-energy resources among immunological defences and other physiological processes are believed to influence infection risk and disease severity in food-limited wildlife populations. However, this prediction has received little experimental investigation. Here we test the hypothesis that food limitation impairs the ability of wild field voles (Microtus agrestis) to mount an immune response against parasite infections. We conducted a replicated experiment on vole populations maintained in large outdoor enclosures during boreal winter, using food supplementation and anthelmintic treatment of intestinal nematodes. Innate immune responses against intestinal p…

research product

Food limitation constrains host immune responses to nematode infections.

Trade-offs in the allocation of finite-energy resources among immunological defences and other physiological processes are believed to influence infection risk and disease severity in food-limited wildlife populations. However, this prediction has received little experimental investigation. Here we test the hypothesis that food limitation impairs the ability of wild field voles ( Microtus agrestis ) to mount an immune response against parasite infections. We conducted a replicated experiment on vole populations maintained in large outdoor enclosures during boreal winter, using food supplementation and anthelmintic treatment of intestinal nematodes. Innate immune responses against intestina…

research product

β2 integrin phosphorylation on Thr758 acts as a molecular switch to regulate 14-3-3 and filamin binding

AbstractLeukocyte integrins of the β2 family are essential for immune cell-cell adhesion. In activated cells, β2 integrins are phosphorylated on the cytoplasmic Thr758, leading to 14-3-3 protein recruitment to the β2 integrin. The mutation of this phosphorylation site impairs cell adhesion, actin reorganization, and cell spreading. Thr758 is contained in a Thr triplet of β2 that also mediates binding to filamin. Here, we investigated the binding of filamin, talin, and 14-3-3 proteins to phosphorylated and unphosphorylated β2 integrins by biochemical methods and x-ray crystallography. 14-3-3 proteins bound only to the phosphorylated integrin cytoplasmic peptide, with a high affinity (Kd, 261…

research product

Data from: Food limitation constrains host immune responses to nematode infections

Trade-offs in the allocation of finite-energy resources among immunological defences and other physiological processes are believed to influence infection risk and disease severity in food-limited wildlife populations. However, this prediction has received little experimental investigation. Here we test the hypothesis that food limitation impairs the ability of wild field voles (Microtus agrestis) to mount an immune response against parasite infections. We conducted a replicated experiment on vole populations maintained in large outdoor enclosures during boreal winter, using food supplementation and anthelmintic treatment of intestinal nematodes. Innate immune responses against intestinal p…

research product