V. Schmitt
Localized excitation effect on dipole moments of oligophenylenevinylenes in their excited Franck–Condon state
Abstract The results from electrooptical absorption measurements (EOAM) on the ground and excited Franck–Condon state dipole moments of oligophenylenevinylenes in 1,4-dioxane and cyclohexane are presented. The dipole moments of quadrupolar dyes in the ground state are not equal zero. This means that one of the functional end groups of these molecules is not on the axis or on the plane with the central part of the molecule. Such a conclusion is confirmed by the quantum-chemical and semi-empirical recalculations. Owing to disorder in the ground-state geometry of the dyes the π–π conjugated system is located on mostly the plane part of the molecule and in the main this part absorbs the light. …
Investigation on phospheonol pyruvate carboxylase and proline in damaged and indamaged needles of Picea Abies and Abies Alba
The client of forest damage is rapidly characterized by visible criteria such as loss and yellowing of leaves and needles Additionally damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver fit (Abies alba) can be diagnosed by biochemical criteria. The results in the present study performed in 1993 and 1994 on six Norway Spruces of each of the eleven open air stands in south-western Germany indicate that the activity of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) correlates with the extent of damage and of the loss of needles, respectively. Needles of severely damaged trees had higher levels of PEPC than needles of healthy trees. There was also a positive correlation between the activity of PEPC and …
Ethylene-biosynthesis in conifers: Investigations on the emission of ethylene and the content of ACC and MACC in Norway Spruce (Picea abies) and silver fir (Abies alba)
Abstract The assessment of forest damage is carried out throughout the European Community by evaluation of the loss and yellowing of leaves or needles. The results of this ocular damage diagnosis can be confirmed and stated more precisely by applying biochemical criteria, e.g. by monitoring ethylene, its precursor ACC (1-amino-cyclopropane-carboxylate) and the malonyl conjugate of ACC malonyl-amino-cyclopropane-carboxylate (MACC). Therefore we investigated ethylene emissions well as ACC and MACC contents in six Norway Spruce trees (Picea abies) each of eleven permanently monitored sites in the southwest of Germany. The same examinations were applied with silver fir at two additional sites. …
Structural symmetry breaking in octupolar tetrastyrylpyrazines and their dipole moments in equilibrium ground and Franck-Condon excited state
Abstract From electrooptical absorption measurements (EOAM) follows that the dipole moment of octupolar tetrastyrylpyrazines in the equilibrium ground state is large and that the change of dipole moments upon transition to the excited Franck–Condon state is significant. Obtained results unambiguously testify to structural symmetry breaking in the studied octupolar tetrastyrylpyrazines. Molecular mechanics and semi-empirical calculations evidence that tetrastyrylpyrazines have non-planar configurations. The non-planar geometry of the molecules causes large μg values and significant change of dipole moment Δaμ after excitation. Due to large μg and Δaμ values the maxima of the first absorption…
The combined effects of CO2, ozone and drought on rubisco and nitrogen metabolism of young oak trees (Quercus petraea) A phytotron study
Abstract In this phytotron experiment we investigated the influence of increased CO 2 , O 3 and drought on the content of soluble proteins and some enzymes of carbon and nitrogen metabolism. We found that the amounts of soluble proteins and the large subunit of the rubisco per fresh weight in young oak leaves declined under conditions of increasing levels of CO 2 and after temporary water stress. The activities of nitrite reductase and glutamine synthetase were reduced when O 3 and CO 2 levels were raised.
CCDC 2080018: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: V. Schmitt, G. Holzmann, D. Schollmeyer, H. Detert|2021|IUCrData|6|x210443|doi:10.1107/S2414314621004430
CCDC 267938: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: H.Fleischer, Y.Dienes, B.Mathiasch, V.Schmitt, D.Schollmeyer|2005|Inorg.Chem.|44|8087|doi:10.1021/ic050814m
CCDC 202462: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: H.Fleischer, Y.Dienes, B.Mathiasch, V.Schmitt, D.Schollmeyer|2005|Inorg.Chem.|44|8087|doi:10.1021/ic050814m
CCDC 249831: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: H.Fleischer, Y.Dienes, B.Mathiasch, V.Schmitt, D.Schollmeyer|2005|Inorg.Chem.|44|8087|doi:10.1021/ic050814m
CCDC 207623: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: H.Fleischer, Y.Dienes, B.Mathiasch, V.Schmitt, D.Schollmeyer|2005|Inorg.Chem.|44|8087|doi:10.1021/ic050814m