Aurora González-teruel
The diffusion and influence of theoretical models of information behaviour : the case of Savolainen's ELIS model
PurposeTo ascertain the diffusion and influence of Savolainen's ELIS model and its use as a theoretical and/or methodological basis for research.Design/methodology/approachA context citation analysis was made of the work where this researcher published his model. Analysis covered the year of publication, the type of work and the subject matter of the citing documents concerned. In-context citations were analysed for their frequency in each citing text, style, location and content cited.FindingsThe ELIS model received 18.5 cites/year. 20.2 per cent of them corresponded to papers published in journals in other areas, mainly computer science. The average of cites per paper was 1.8; 64.5 percen…
Attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the process adopting innovation: The OpenCourseWare initiative at the University of Valencia, Spain
The OpenCourseWare project, an open learning resource repository, was established at the University of Valencia between 2008 and2009. It initially consisted of only 10 subjects, none of which was in the field of Health Sciences. The objective of this research was toinvestigate the attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the field of Health Sciences with regard to the project to identify strategies to increase its use and expand its coverage. We applied Rogers’ innovation-diffusion theory along with a qualitative approach using theoretical sampling, semi-structured interviews and open coding. The results indicate the existence of two categories of faculty members. In the first group,…
Visibilidad internacional de la investigación de la Universitat de València (Web of Science 2000-2009)
En esta publicación se ofrecen los primeros resultados del análisis de la producción científica de la Universitat de València para la década 2000-2009 realizado mediante la explotación de las bases de datos de la Web of Science (SCI, SSCI y A&HCI). La información está organizada en dos capítulos. El primero, dedicado a ofrecer una imagen general de la producción de la Universitat, permite apreciar el volumen de publicaciones circulantes en esas bases de datos, su crecimiento en el periodo estudiado, la tipología documental, el idioma de publicación y su clasificación temática. Para esto se han utilizado dos clasificaciones, la primera más detallada basada en las 247 categorías temáticas en …
Los archivos de distrito en Portugal: memoria administrativa, histórica y social
Se presenta un análisis de la evolución histórico-jurídi ca de los Archivos de Distrito (AD) portugueses, como instituciones que asumen la salvaguarda del patrimo nio público-administrativo del país. Para ello se revisa la bibliografía más relevante sobre el tema, así como la documentación histórica, legal y política, describien do su historia desde sus orígenes y los nuevos caminos que se van trazando, en relación con el aumento de la accesibilidad a la documentación que gestionan y a las nuevas estrategias de difusión de la información entre la ciudadanía. Todo ello en el marco de las distintas ini ciativas de modernización administrativa y las nuevas tecnologías disponibles.
Information behaviour of the millennial generation: a scoping review of medical residents and their use of social media.
Background Medical residents can offer ideas for new information services, as most of them are 'digital natives', although reviews of the use of social media in health care settings do not provide data on their information behaviour. Objective A scoping review aimed at providing a research map for the information behaviour of medical residents and their use of social media, listing the aspects of the information behaviour studied and the theories and methods used. Methods A search was carried out in pubmed, embase, cinahl and lisa in April of 2018, with the results limited to the period from 2010 onwards. Results Thirty-nine relevant articles from 38 different studies were identified. The p…
Acceso abierto y revistas médicas españolas
Versión final del artículo disponible en: http://db.doyma.es/cgi-bin/wdbcgi.exe/doyma/mrevista.fulltext?pident=13093056
Dirección de tesis doctorales como reflejo de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación académica española: actores y temas
Doctoral dissertations enable the transfer of research skills and capacities to future generations and the consolidation of lines of research in a given area of knowledge. The field of Library and Information Science in public universities in Spain is characterized by the supervision of doctoral theses by academics in the area. We identified active professors during the 2019–2020 academic year, their date of appointment as civil servants within the public university system, the dissertations that they supervised, and their participation in papers published in scientific journals. The analysis included 644 theses. About a quarter (23%) of university faculty have never supervised a doctoral t…
Contribución de Anales de Pediatría a la visibilidad internacional de la investigación pediátrica española en la Web of Science (2010-2014)
Resumen: Objetivo: Describir el papel de Anales de Pediatría en la difusión de la investigación pediátrica española e identificar las revistas con las que compite internacionalmente. Material y método: Se identificó la producción pediátrica española y la de Anales de Pediatría recogida en la categoría Pediatrics del Science Citation Index de la WoS (2010-2014) analizando su volumen y tipo documental. De los artículos originales y revisiones (artículos) se estudiaron el año, la citación y el tipo de revista de publicación (revistas generales y especializadas). De las generales, se analizó su productividad de acuerdo con su idioma, posición que ocupa en los JCR de 2012 y accesibilidad a sus c…
Mapping recent information behavior research: an analysis of co-authorship and cocitation networks
There has been an increase in research published on information behavior in recent years, and this has been accompanied by an increase in its diversity and interaction with other fields, particularly information retrieval (HR). The aims of this study are to determine which researchers have contributed to producing the current body of knowledge on this subject, and to describe its intellectual basis. A bibliometric and network analysis was applied to authorship and co-authorship as well as citation and co-citation. According to these analyses, there is a small number of authors who can be considered to be the most productive and who publish regularly, and a large number of transient ones. Ot…
Investigación del comportamiento informacional a través del análisis de redes sociales
El enfoque prevaleciente en la investigación del comportamiento informacional es el constructivista centrado en el indivi- duo como generador de conocimiento. Recientemente han aumentado las críticas a esta postura reclamando un giro hacia lo social. Desde esta perspectiva se emplean métodos como el análisis del discurso que busca conocer, a través del lenguaje de los usuarios, cómo se genera y comparte el conocimiento en el contexto social. Otros métodos más objetivistas como el análisis de redes sociales podrían contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de este aspecto. Este trabajo describe cómo se ha aplicado a la investigación del comportamiento informacional, se presenta una apli…
Diffusion of theories and theoretical models in the Ibero‐American research on information behavior
Ibero-American research on information behavior (IB) lacks the visibility typical of other parts of the world, and little is known about it in countries outside the area. The objective of this paper has therefore been to analyze the way in which Ibero-American research incorporates various theoretical references to empirical research on IB. The results point to the existence of different focuses of research in the past 10 years, in the sense of a reduced empirical approach and a moderate to minimal use of theories in the design of such research. Furthermore, the most cited theories and models of IB at an international level are those most widely applied in this geographical area, and the us…
Scientific mapping of the research output on hypertension in children and adolescents, 2010-2018.
Objective The area of pediatric hypertension (HTN) research has seen substantial progress over the last two decades, but no bibliometric analysis has yet been undertaken to describe these advances. This study aims to describe the published research examining HTN in children and adolescents from 2000 to 2018. Methods Articles were retrieved using PubMed and the Web of Science. Analyses were performed to quantify the evolution of scientific output, identifying the leading journals, authors, and countries as well as the existing collaboration networks. Likewise, we identified the most cited articles, describing their document type, main topic focus, and the age of the patients studied. Results…
Structure and performance assessment in traditional face-to-face and blended learning statistics courses
Abstract In recent years the number of higher education institutions offering blended learning courses has increased notably. Blended learning is understood as the combination of traditional face-to-face teaching with online and distance learning. During the 2012- 13 academic year, for the first time, the Information and Documentation degree course at the University of Barcelona included a blended learning format in its course in statistics. The blended learning course combined biweekly face-to-face classes and online work between sessions. This study describes the organization of the blended course in comparison with the traditional face-to- face course and presents preliminary data on stu…
Investigación pediátrica española financiada: contribución de Anales de Pediatría a su difusión
Resumen: Objetivo: Identificar la investigación pediátrica española financiada publicada en revistas generales pediátricas incluidas en la WoS (2010-2014) y la de Anales de Pediatría (AP). Explorar la relación de la financiación con el prestigio de las revistas y describir sus condiciones para cumplir los mandatos de acceso abierto. Material y método: La financiación de los artículos publicados en revistas pediátricas generales se identificó utilizando el campo Agencia Financiadora de la WoS y revisando el documento original para AP. Para AP se identificaron las entidades financiadoras de los AF y se valoró la diferencia en la citación de los AF y los no financiados mediante test no paramét…
Contribution of Anales de Pediatría to the international visibility of Spanish paediatric research in the Web of Science (2010–2014)
Objective: To describe the role of Anales de Pediatría in highlighting Spanish paediatric research, and to identify the journals with which it competes internationally. Material and method: Spanish paediatric articles, including those from Anales de Pediatría were identified using the Paediatrics category of the Science Citation Index (2010–2014), and their volume and document type was analysed. For original articles and review articles, the year, the citation and journal of publication was studied. The journals were classified as general and specialised. The productivity of general journals was analysed according to their language, JCR quartile, and article access. Results: A total of 2701…
[Spanish funded paediatric research: Contribution of Anales de Pediatría to its dissemination].
Objective: To identify Spanish funded paediatric research published in general paediatric journals included in the Web of Science (WoS) from 2010 to 2014 and those published in Anales de Pediatría. To examine the relationship between funding and the prestige of the journals. To describe the journal conditions to meet the open access criteria. Material and method: Spanish funded paediatric articles (FA) were identified by using the WoS Funding Agency field, and by reviewing the original documents for Anales de Pediatria (AP). For the FA published in AP the number and kind of funding agencies were identified. The possible differences in citations between FA and non-funded was assessed for art…
Viabilidad de repositorios de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud en la Comunidad Valenciana
Se estudian las condiciones de autoarchivo de 3.495 trabajos publicados en 109 revistas que recogen el 50% de la producción científica de la Comunidad Valenciana en biomedicina y ciencias de la salud difundida en las bases de datos ISI (período 2000-2004). Se analiza el autoarchivado desde la perspectiva de la viabilidad de implantación de repositorios institucionales y temáticos de acceso abierto. La información se ha obtenido de la base de datos Romeo disponible en la web Sherpa. Las condiciones de autoarchivo son favorables para la implantación de repositorios institucionales ya que el 56,8% de los trabajos sería depositable inmediatamente, cifra que ascendería al 72% al considerar los d…
Culture of information and information exchange in a public hospital : a study based on the information orientation model and social network analysis
The structures of hospitals have evolved to make them centre on patients and their pathologies, with care procedures that are both interprofessional and interorganisational. This has given rise to work environments made up of teams obliged to collaborate in their problem-solving, with an essential focus on proper collaborative information behaviour (CIB). The aim was to study this behaviour in a clinical service of a hospital in relation to two aspects: information culture (IC) and the exchange of information. This entailed designing a two-part descriptive study. The first step was to administer a survey based on the information orientation model to know more about the service’s IC. The sec…
Factores facilitadores y barreras en la transición a la ciencia abierta: perspectiva de los agentes del sistema científico español
This paper presents the results of a research study whose objective was to identify the facilitating factors and barriers that, in the opinion of representatives of the Spanish scientific community, impact the implementation of the new open science model in four areas: open access, open research data, research assessment and open peer review. A qualitative study was designed in which information was obtained through interviews with researchers, editors of scientific journals, representatives of assessment agencies and vice-chancellors, and through a focus group of librarians with expertise in aspects of open science. The enabling factors and barriers identified were related to the researche…
El discurso profesional en la biblioteca: alternativas en red a la relación usuario-sistema
Este trabajo analiza la relación entre bibliotecarios y usuarios partiendo de un enfoque que toma el texto generado por estos profesionales, no como una ventana a una realidad única, sino como objeto de análisis. Se trata del análisis del discurso, que permite adoptar una perspectiva crítica, cuestionando hechos ampliamente aceptados y reflexionando sobre el objeto de estudio, en este caso los usuarios de las bibliotecas.
Grounded theory for generating theory in the study of behavior
The use of grounded theory procedures for the study of information behavior has contributed to generating theory in this field. Thirty-one works were analyzed with regard to a) their relationship to the context in which the research was carried out, b) the aspect of information behavior researched, c) the use of grounded theory procedures, and d) the generation of theory. Most of the studies were carried out in the context of health information, and grounded theory procedures were for the most part only partially applied. The theoretical propositions produced depended on the subject being studied. Although this methodology is suitable for the study of an individual's interaction with inform…
The influence of Elfreda Chatman's theories: a citation context analysis
The range of theoretical frameworks currently being used by researchers into information behaviour is abundant and diverse. We need to examine thoroughly the contribution of theories and models to further research, as this would help to improve future investigations in the field. This paper adopts this approach, by thoroughly examining the influence that Elfreda Chatman's three middle-range theories have had on subsequent research. A citation context analysis was carried out on the basis of those received by Information poverty theory, life in the round theory and normative behaviour theory. Analysis covered the year of publication, the type of work and the subject-matter of the citing docu…
Características y visibilidad de las revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud en bases de datos
Se describen las características de 207 revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud activas en 2014 y su visibilidad en seis bases de datos biomédicas y multidisciplinares. Scopus e Ibecs son las bases de datos que mayor número de revistas cubren, y Medline y WoS las que menos. La disciplina mejor representada es medicina, seguida de psicología, enfermería y farmacia. Se observa la práctica ausencia de revistas editadas exclusivamente en papel, la existencia de revistas publicadas en inglés, el aumento de versiones bilingües español-inglés y el acceso gratuito a los contenidos. El artículo incorpora el censo de revistas, que puede servir de referencia para los investigadores para selecciona…
Information needs and uses: An analysis of the literature published in Spain, 1990–2004
This article presents a descriptive analysis of works published in Spanish journals and of the papers of conferences held in Spain in the field of information needs and uses in the period 1990–2004 in order to determine if the change in approach described by Dervin and Nilan, among others, also occurred outside the English speaking world. An analysis of the characteristics of relevant publications in this field (by year, authorship, type of document, type of work, and means of publication) shows that although activity is increasing, information needs and uses have not yet become a well-established area. In addition, a study of the content characteristics (by type of user, methodology used, …
Attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the process adopting innovation: The OpenCourseWare initiative at the University of Valencia, Spain
The OpenCourseWare project, an open learning resource repository, was established at the University of Valencia between 2008 and 2009. It initially consisted of only 10 subjects, none of which was in the field of Health Sciences. The objective of this research was to investigate the attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the field of Health Sciences with regard to the project to identify strategies to increase its use and expand its coverage. We applied Rogers' innovation-diffusion theory along with a qualitative approach using theoretical sampling,semi-structured interviews and open coding. Theresults indicatetheexistenceof two categoriesof faculty members. Inthe first group, we f…