Consuelo Ramón Chornet

Impact of the refugee crisis in the EU CSDP. Reference to the Spanish contribution

For the last three years the EU has been facing a refugee crisis which adds on to the flux of immigrants heading to Europe. The absence of safe and legal routes results in both immigrants and refugees having to recur to traffic mafias in order to cross the Mediterranean (through two main routes, the central one from Libya and the eastern one from Turkey), which ends up turning into a pit for thousands of deaths. The EU has launched a dispositive to fight against this situation, specifically in the route that stems from Libya, the operation EUNAVFOR MED. However, its features raise a series of problems which the Security Council’s Resolution 2240 (2015) has yet to resolve.

research product

La reciente evolución de la estrategia antiterrorista, test de la estrategia global de seguridad de la UE

This article focuses in the analysis of the European Common Security and Defence Policy’s evolution, specifically taking the European Global Agenda presented by the High Representative F. Mogherini in the European Council of June 2016 as the starting point. This strategy includes as a priority the fight against terrorism. This article focuses in the analysis of the European Common Security and Defence Policy’s evolution, specifically taking the European Global Agenda presented by the High Representative F. Mogherini in the European Council of June 2016 as the starting point. This strategy includes as a priority the fight against terrorism.

research product

Argumentos contra la guerra [Ressenya]

Reseña del libro "No en mi nombre. Guerra y derecho" edición de Linda Bimbi, epílogo de Luigi Ferrajoli), Madrid, trotta, 2003, 236 p.

research product

La guerra como discurso político del imperio (Ignacio Ramonet, Guerras del siglo XXI. Nuevos miedos, nuevas amenazas)[Ressenya]

Reseña del libro de Ignacio Ramonet "Guerras del siglo XXI". Nuevos miedos, nuevas amenazas", Mondadori, Barcelona, 2002, 190 p.

research product

El derecho humano a la verdad y la desaparición forzada. Vídeo 2/2. Preguntas

Conferencia albergada dentro del Máster en Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Justicia Internacional del Institut Universitari de Drets Humans de la Universitat de València.Duración: 43M

research product

IV Jornades ''Els nous drets: drets dels animals?''

Inauguració de les IV Jornades ''Els nous drets: drets dels animals?'', a càrrec de Salvador Montesinos, Degà de la Facultat de Dret i Consuelo Ramón Chornet, Directora de l'Institut de Drets Humans de la Universitat de València. València, 20 de juliol de 2010. Facultat de Dret. Universitat de València.Duración: 7M

research product

El derecho humano a la verdad y la desaparición forzada. Vídeo 1/2

Conferencia albergada dentro del Máster en Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Justicia Internacional del Institut Universitari de Drets Humans de la Universitat de València.Duración: 1H 01M

research product