Antonio García-alix
Review of paleo-humidity parameters in fossil rodents (Mammalia): Isotopic vs. tooth morphology approach
Paleoecology of fossil rodents is frequently inferred from the dental pattern of the teeth, attributing the habitat conditions of extant rodents to fossil species with similar dental pattern. This technique is common practice and has been in use for several decades. A relatively new technique is based on the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the incisor enamel of fossil rodents to reconstruct paleoenvironmental scenarios. We combine these two methods, studying material from two Early Miocene Spanish sections, one in the Mediterranean coastal area and one in Northcentral inland Spain. Comparison of the humidity values obtained by means of these two proxies reveals discrepancies. There…
Quantitative reconstruction of hydroclimate variability over the last 200 kyr in the West Mediterranean
The data show the quantitative annual, winter and summer precipitation reconstructions (mm/yr) from southern Iberian Peninsula for the last ~200,000 years (Camuera et al., 2022), based on the previously published fossil pollen data from the Padul-15-05 lake sediment record (Ramos-Román et al., 2018a, b; Camuera et al., 2019, 2021). The Padul-15-05 record, located in southern Spain (37º00'39''N, 3º36'14''W, 726 masl), was retrieved during summer 2015 from the current edge of the lake using a Rolatec RL-48-L hydraulic percussion coring machine. The quantitative precipitation reconstructions were performed using the performance statistics of the Weighted Averaging-Partial Least Squares (WA-PLS…