Benni Winding Hansen
Seasonal genetic variation associated with population dynamics of a poecilogonous polychaete worm
Poecilogonous species show variation in developmental mode, with larvae that differ both morphologically and ecologically. The spionid polychaete Pygospio elegans shows variation in developmental mode not only between populations, but also seasonally within populations. We investigated the consequences of this developmental polymorphism on the spatial and seasonal genetic structure of P. elegans at four sites in the Danish Isefjord‐Roskilde‐Fjord estuary at six time points, from March 2014 until February 2015. We found genetic differentiation between our sampling sites as well as seasonal differentiation at two of the sites. The seasonal genetic shift correlated with the appearance of new s…
Temporal genetic structure in a poecilogonous polychaete: the interplay of developmental mode and environmental stochasticity
Background: Temporal variation in the genetic structure of populations can be caused by multiple factors, including natural selection, stochastic environmental variation, migration, or genetic drift. In benthic marine species, the developmental mode of larvae may indicate a possibility for temporal genetic variation: species with dispersive planktonic larvae are expected to be more likely to show temporal genetic variation than species with benthic or brooded non-dispersive larvae, due to differences in larval mortality and dispersal ability. We examined temporal genetic structure in populations of Pygospio elegans, a poecilogonous polychaete with within-species variation in developmental m…
Population and reproductive dynamics of the polychaete Pygospio elegans in a boreal estuary complex
Pygospio elegans is an opportunistic, wide-spread spionid polychaete that reproduces asexually via fragmentation and can produce benthic and pelagic larvae, hence combining different developmental modes in one species. We documented the density, size distribution, and reproductive activity of P. elegans at four sites in the Danish Isefjord-Roskilde Fjord estuary complex, where all modes of reproduction were reported. We compared population dynamics of this species to environmental parameters such as salinity, temperature, and sediment characteristics (grain size, sorting, porosity, water content, organic content, C/N). We observed that new cohorts—resulting either from sexual or asexual rep…
Acute and chronic response to a change in salinity of the euryhaline polychaete Pygospio elegans (Claparède)
Abstract Estuaries are thought to be very harsh environments because their physico-chemical parameters, such as salinity, temperature and oxygen, can fluctuate substantially. The distribution of species living in an estuary is largely determined by how well they can cope with such fluctuations. The spionid polychaete Pygospio elegans is common in boreal estuarine habitats that show strong salinity fluctuations, living in habitats ranging from fully marine salinities to brackish environments with salinities as low as 5. In this study we investigated the abilities of P. elegans to cope with an acute as well as a long-term change in salinity. Specimens originating from a salinity of about 15 w…
Data from: Seasonal genetic variation associated with population dynamics of a poecilogonous polychaete worm
Poecilogonous species show variation in developmental mode, with larvae that differ both morphologically and ecologically. The spionid polychaete Pygospio elegans shows variation in developmental mode not only between populations, but also seasonally within populations. We investigated the consequences of this developmental polymorphism on the spatial and seasonal genetic structure of P. elegans at four sites in the Danish Isefjord-Roskilde-Fjord estuary at six time points, from March 2014 until February 2015. We found genetic differentiation between our sampling sites as well as seasonal differentiation at two of the sites. The seasonal genetic shift correlated with the appearance of new s…