Inmaculada Tomás Carmona
Pautas de profilaxis antibiótica de Endocarditis Bacteriana, recomendadas por los odontólogos en España
El propósito del presente estudio fue conocer las pautas de profilaxis antibiótica de Endocarditis Bacteriana (EB) recomendadas por los odontólogos en España. Se preguntó a través de una llamada telefónica, cuál era el régimen profiláctico que se debía administrar a un paciente de riesgo de EB antes de someterse a una exodoncia. La información se obtuvo de 400 odontólogos seleccionados aleatoriamente y distribuidos por todo el territorio español. A 200 se les preguntó sobre la pauta recomendada en pacientes no alérgicos a la penicilina y, a los 200 restantes, sobre la aplicada en los alérgicos a la penicilina.Del total de encuestados, 182 (45,5%) no sugirieron ningún régimen profiláctico, d…
Consensus Report of the XI Congress of the Spanish Society of Odontology for the Handicapped and Special Patients
This article summarizes the findings of consensus of the XI congress of the SEOEME. All of these conclusions are referring to the review articles responsible to the general rapporteurs in order to bringing up to date knowledge with regard to the use of implants in patients medically compromised and with special needs and, in the dental management of autism and cerebral palsy, in the dental treatment of patients with genetic and adquired haemato - logical disorders, the dental implications of cardiovascular disease and hospital dentistry.
Evaluation of an oral health scale of infectious potential using a telematic survey of visual diagnosis
Objective: To compare the results of a subjective estimation of oral health through review of a set of intraoral photographs with those of an objective oral health scale of infectious potential. Method : The pool of patients was made up of 100 adults. Using an infectious-potential scale based on dental and periodontal variables, we assigned 1 of the 4 grades of the scale (range, 0 to 3; 0 corresponds to an excellent oral health status and 3 to the poorest oral health status) to each subject. A total of 20 representative subjects were selected from the pool of patients, 5 subjects for each one of the grades of the scale, and a standardized photographic record was made. One thousand dentists …
Relationship between the oral cavity and cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome
The components of the human body are closely interdependent; as a result, disease conditions in some organs or components can influence the development of disease in other body locations. The effect of oral health upon health in general has been investigated for decades by many epidemiological studies. In this context, there appears to be a clear relationship between deficient oral hygiene and different systemic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The precise relationship between them is the subject of ongoing research, and a variety of theories have been proposed, though most of them postulate the mediation of an inflammatory response. This association between …
Recogida de saliva estimulada y no estimulada
Se describen los pasos para la cuantificación del flujo salival no estimulado y estimulado mediante procedimientos mecánicos o químicos
Identificación de lesiones de caries interproximales
Se muestra el proceso de diagnóstico de caries interproximales, su identificación clínica y mediante exploraciones complementarias.