Laura Mononen

Uusi tieto ja osaaminen yliopistosta yhteiskuntaan : JYU Accelerator chain : KINO - Kansainvälisen innovaatio-osaamisen kehittäminen korkeakouluissa ja tutkimusorganisaatioissa : syksy 2016

research product

Innovaatiot ja yrittäjyys osana yliopisto-opintoja : opiskelijakyselyn tulokset

research product

Suomen pelialan koulutuksen kartoitus 2014

research product

Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU:Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration

The European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action ESMERALDA aimed at developing guidance and a flexible methodology for Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) to support the EU member states in the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy's Target 2 Action 5. ESMERALDA's key tasks included network creation, stakeholder engagement, enhancing ecosystem services mapping and assessment methods across various spatial scales and value domains, work in case studies and support of EU member states in MAES implementation. Thus ESMERALDA aimed at integrating various project outcomes around four major strands: i) Networking, ii) Policy, iii) Research an…

research product

Systems thinking and adult cognitive development

This chapter explores the links between scientific systems approaches and adult cognitive development. First, it describes the premises and basic concepts of systems thinking. It then continues to give an overview of the history of systems approach and the development of the main models and theories from its roots, which lie in the natural sciences. This is followed by an examination of the three systems paradigms, namely, Closed Systems, Open Systems, and Dynamic Systems and their implications to research and operational interests, in addition to their explanatory power in today’s world. Second part of the chapter focuses on describing the intersections between the Dynamic Systems paradigm…

research product

Jyväskylän pelialan tilannekatsaus

research product

Luovan yrittäjyyden taide : tarkastelussa luovuuden mahdollisuudet akateemisen yrittäjyyskasvatuksen näkökulmasta

Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan teoreettisista lähtökohdista käsin kuinka yksilön luovuutta voitaisiin paremmin tukea akateemisessa yrittäjyyskasvatuksessa. Tutkimusaiheen valintaan vaikutti se, että luovuus nähdään yrittäjyyskasvatuksen haasteena. Tutkimuksessa haetaan kattavaa ymmärrystä luovuuden ilmiöön lähestymällä sitä yksilön, kasvatuksen ja luovan työn prosessien näkökulmista. Luovuuden ja yrittäjämäisen ajattelun ja toiminnan dialogia tarkastellaan menestyvien yrittäjien ominaisuuksiin verraten. Tämän jälkeen esille tulleita näkökulmia sovelletaan yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tarpeisiin. Lopuksi pohditaan luovuuden mahdollisuuksia osana yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tulevaisuutta. Tutkimus on la…

research product

Systems thinking and its contribution to understanding future designer thinking

Design is changing in a radical way. The object of design is transforming from tangible objects into services and furthermore, into systems. Increasingly, new insights arise from the interfaces between diverse disciplines – such as art, science and technology – which through various discourses and paradigms have been specialized and driven apart. This discussion paper pinpoints the so-called systems thinkers, hybrid-people, whose methods and habits of work are constituted by the reconciliation of different disciplines. The article aims to bring more understanding to the kind of thinking that is needed in the complex and dynamic environment in which we create and use design today. This discu…

research product

User Psychology Lab, University of Jyväskylä

research product

Creative interpretation in web design experience

Insight into how people mentally represent, and thus, make sense of visual designs is the key to understanding how people interact with technological devices. This paper presents a study in which participants were asked to write their interpretations of two webpage design examples, based on what they thought they would say and what would remain as a thought. The data comprised 80 3E templates (N = 40), a template allowing participants to express experiences through writing and drawing. Inductive data analysis through a phenomenological lens revealed that supposed mental and verbal representations concentrated on the following design properties: colors, themes, interface layout and quality, …

research product

Supplementary material 2 from: Burkhard B, Maes J, Potschin-Young MB, Santos-Martín F, Geneletti D, Stoev P, Kopperoinen L, Adamescu CM, Adem Esmail B, Arany I, Arnell A, Balzan M, Barton DN, van Beukering P, Bicking S, Borges PAV, Borisova B, Braat L, M Brander LM, Bratanova-Doncheva S, Broekx S, Brown C, Cazacu C, Crossman N, Czúcz B, Daněk J, Groot R, Depellegrin D, Dimopoulos P, Elvinger N, Erhard M, Fagerholm N, Frélichová J, Grêt-Regamey A, Grudova M, Haines-Young R, Inghe O, Kallay TK, Kirin T, Klug H, Kokkoris IP, Konovska I, Kruse M, Kuzmova I, Lange M, Liekens I, Lotan A, Lowicki D, Luque S, Marta-Pedroso C, Mizgajski A, Mononen L, Mulder S, Müller F, Nedkov S, Nikolova M, Östergård H, Penev L, Pereira P, Pitkänen K, Plieninger T, Rabe S, Reichel S, Roche PK, Rusch G, Ruskule A, Sapundzhieva A, Sepp K, Sieber IM, Šmid Hribar M, Stašová S, Steinhoff-Knopp B, Stępniewska M, Teller A, Vackar D, van Weelden M, Veidemane K, Vejre H, Vihervaara P, Viinikka A, Villoslada M, Weibel B, Zulian G (2018) Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration. One Ecosystem 3: e29153. https://doi.org/10.3897/oneeco.3.e29153

ESMERALDA Workshops overview

research product

Supplementary material 1 from: Burkhard B, Maes J, Potschin-Young MB, Santos-Martín F, Geneletti D, Stoev P, Kopperoinen L, Adamescu CM, Adem Esmail B, Arany I, Arnell A, Balzan M, Barton DN, van Beukering P, Bicking S, Borges PAV, Borisova B, Braat L, M Brander LM, Bratanova-Doncheva S, Broekx S, Brown C, Cazacu C, Crossman N, Czúcz B, Daněk J, Groot R, Depellegrin D, Dimopoulos P, Elvinger N, Erhard M, Fagerholm N, Frélichová J, Grêt-Regamey A, Grudova M, Haines-Young R, Inghe O, Kallay TK, Kirin T, Klug H, Kokkoris IP, Konovska I, Kruse M, Kuzmova I, Lange M, Liekens I, Lotan A, Lowicki D, Luque S, Marta-Pedroso C, Mizgajski A, Mononen L, Mulder S, Müller F, Nedkov S, Nikolova M, Östergård H, Penev L, Pereira P, Pitkänen K, Plieninger T, Rabe S, Reichel S, Roche PK, Rusch G, Ruskule A, Sapundzhieva A, Sepp K, Sieber IM, Šmid Hribar M, Stašová S, Steinhoff-Knopp B, Stępniewska M, Teller A, Vackar D, van Weelden M, Veidemane K, Vejre H, Vihervaara P, Viinikka A, Villoslada M, Weibel B, Zulian G (2018) Mapping and assessing ecosystem services in the EU - Lessons learned from the ESMERALDA approach of integration. One Ecosystem 3: e29153. https://doi.org/10.3897/oneeco.3.e29153

List of ESMERALDA poject partners

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