M. Veith
Presence of Pomphorhynchus laevis in Salamandra salamandra
AbstractInfection of Salamandra salamandra larvae (Amphibia: Urodela) with the fish acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis was detected in a fish-free mountain brook. Gammarus fossarum was found to be the intermediate host. The parasites were probably inadvertently introduced through fish breeding practices. Evidence was obtained that Pomphorhynchus laevis persists, at least for several months, in postmetamorphic fire salamanders.
Bio-sketches and partitioning of sympatric reed frogs, genusHyperolius(Amphibia; Hyperoliidae), in two humid tropical African forest regions
Sympatric reed frog species were studied in Gabon (Monts Cristal: Hyperolius mosaicus, H. pardalis, H. tuberculatus) and Kenya (Kakamega Forest: Hyperolius acuticeps, H. cf. cinnamomeoventris, H. kivuensis, H. lateralis, H. viridiflavus). For each taxon, a standardized diagnosis covering 11 aspects of adult and in part tadpole morphology as well as the sequence of a 560 bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA of the 16S ribosomal gene are provided. In addition, behavioural data are given for each species including measurable parameters of advertisement calls. The Monts Cristal Hyperolius species clearly differ in their spatial arrangement through the choice of breeding site. Hyperolius species at …
A molecular phylogeny of ‘true’ salamanders (family Salamandridae) and the evolution of terrestriality of reproductive modes
Key innovations enable species to conquer new habitats. Within the family Salamandridae, particular adaptations to terrestrial life, such as the anatomy and physiology of the feeding apparatus, courtship behaviour and in some cases viviparity, allowed the ‘true’salamanders (genera Chioglossa, Mertensiella, Salamandra) to shift from a semi-aquatic to a more terrestrial life cycle. We sequenced 423 base pairs of the 16S RNA gene of the mitochondrial DNA for all species of the ‘true’salamanders. Based on the resulting phylogeny we discuss the evolution of terrestrial reproductive modes within this species group. We especially tested two hypotheses of monophyletic origin of specific adaptations…
CCDC 241128: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: M.Veith, F.Gratz, V.Huch, P.Gutlich, J.Ensling|2004|Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.|630|2329|doi:10.1002/zaac.200400304
CCDC 241127: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: M.Veith, F.Gratz, V.Huch, P.Gutlich, J.Ensling|2004|Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.|630|2329|doi:10.1002/zaac.200400304
CCDC 241126: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: M.Veith, F.Gratz, V.Huch, P.Gutlich, J.Ensling|2004|Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.|630|2329|doi:10.1002/zaac.200400304