Jonathan Grey
Widespread contribution of methane-cycle bacteria to the diets of lake profundal chironomid larvae.
Reports of unexpectedly 13C-depleted chironomid larvae in lakes have led to an hypothesis that significant transfer of detrital organic matter to chironomid larvae may occur via methane-cycle bacteria. However, to date little is known of how such transfer might vary across species and lakes. We gathered data from 87 lakes to determine how widespread this phenomenon might be and to define boundaries for its likely magnitude. Carbon stable isotope values of chironomid larvae varied greatly between taxa. Very marked 13C-depletion was evident only in certain taxa, especially Chironomus plumosus, C. anthracinus, and C. tenuistylus, all characteristic of eutrophic or dystrophic lakes and known to…
Experimental δ13C evidence for a contribution of methane to pelagic food webs in lakes
We tested the hypothesis that low stable carbon isotope (δ13C) values commonly observed for zooplankton in humic lakes are due to their feeding on isotopically light methane-oxidizing microbes, and thus that methane-derived carbon is important in the food webs of these lakes. In replicate laboratory cultures, Daphnia longispina, a common crustacean zooplankter in humic lakes, were fed microbial suspensions with or without enrichment by biogenic methane. The δ13C values of Daphnia indicated consumption of 13C-depleted methanotrophic bacteria, while growth rates, survival, and reproduction of Daphnia in cultures enriched with methane were equal to or greater than those in nonenriched cultures…
A revised model for lipid-normalizing δ13C values from aquatic organisms, with implications for isotope mixing models
1. Stable isotope analyses coupled with mixing models are being used increasingly to evaluate ecological management issues and questions. Such applications of stable isotope analyses often require simultaneous carbon and nitrogen analyses from the same sample. Correction of the carbon isotope values to take account of the varying content of 13 C-depleted lipids is then frequently achieved by a lipid-normalization procedure using a model describing the relationship between change in δ 13 C following lipid removal and the original C:N ratio of a sample. 2. We evaluated the applicability of two widely used normalization models using empirical data for muscle tissue from a wide range of fish an…
Biogenic methane in freshwater food webs
SUMMARY 1. It has long been known that substantial amounts of methane are produced in anoxic lake sediments, and the components of the methane cycle in lakes have been well described. At oxic–anoxic interfaces, methane-oxidising bacteria (MOB) convert methane to microbial biomass and can be highly productive. However, only recently has methane been recognised as a potentially important carbon and energy source for lake food webs, and some instances have also been reported of methane contribution to river food webs. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has provided compelling evidence in this respect and has been supplemented by other lines of evidence. 2. In the benthic food webs of lakes, profund…
Appendix A. Details of the lakes included in this study and carbon isotope values for POM, sediment, and the different chironomid taxa from each lake.
Details of the lakes included in this study and carbon isotope values for POM, sediment, and the different chironomid taxa from each lake.