Gunnhild Riise

Widespread Increases in Iron Concentration in European and North American Freshwaters

Recent reports of increasing iron (Fe) concentrations in freshwaters are of concern, given the fundamental role of Fe in biogeochemical processes. Still, little is known about the frequency and geographical distribution of Fe trends or about the underlying drivers. We analyzed temporal trends of Fe concentrations across 340 water bodies distributed over 10 countries in northern Europe and North America in order to gain a clearer understanding of where, to what extent, and why Fe concentrations are on the rise. We found that Fe concentrations have significantly increased in 28% of sites, and decreased in 4%, with most positive trends located in northern Europe. Regions with rising Fe concent…

research product

Coupling of iron and dissolved organic matter in lakes–selective retention of different size fractions

AbstractIncreasing concentration of iron (Fe) is observed in many boreal lakes, such as for the present study in Oslo Østmark, SE-Norway (1983–2018). As Fe-regulating processes are complex and dynamic, the link between mobilizing and retention processes is still not well understood. A seasonal study (2017–2018) from two headwaters, with medium and high dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations, showed that the loading of Fe to the lakes was highly dependent on flow conditions. Significantly higher values of Fe were related to autumn and winter periods with high runoff of highly colored and aromatic DOM compared to a severe drought period with minimum Fe values in the lakes. Compared to …

research product

Unraveling long-term changes in lake color based on optical properties of lake sediment

A number of boreal surface waters have become browner over the last two decades. Recovery from acid rain is regarded as an important driver for this lake color increase, indicating a general browner lake color in preindustrial times. However, the lack of long-term monitoring data makes it challenging to unravel historical changes in lake color. In this study, we estimated long-term development in lake color (1800 to 2015) based on the optical properties of alkaline extractable dissolved organic matter (DOM) from sediment using UV–Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. We found that the present lake color (2015) was significantly browner (four times higher in absorption coefficient) than for the…

research product

Data from: Widespread increases in iron concentration in European and North American freshwaters

Recent reports of increasing iron (Fe) concentrations in freshwaters are of concern, given the fundamental role of Fe in biogeochemical processes. Still, little is known about the frequency and geographical distribution of Fe trends, or about the underlying drivers. We analyzed temporal trends of Fe concentrations across 340 water bodies distributed over 10 countries in northern Europe and North America in order to gain a clearer understanding of where, to what extent, and why Fe concentrations are on the rise. We found that Fe concentrations have significantly increased in 28% of sites, and decreased in 4%, with most positive trends located in northern Europe. Regions with rising Fe concen…

research product