Xavier Armengol
Diel vertical movements of zooplankton in lake La Cruz (Cuenca, Spain)
The study of diel vertical movements of zooplankton in a small meromictic karstic lake (lake La Cruz), presenting highly stratified waters, was performed using two different methodologies: (i) samples were taken along the vertical profile and were compared at different hours in a diel cycle; (ii) some plankton traps were located at different depths, covering different periods of time, to catch organisms going upwards and downwards. The main subject of this study has been the vertical movements affecting rotifers since they were dominant in the zooplankton of this lake, but we have also included the results obtained for other zooplankton groups. The results indicate an almost general movemen…
Effect of restoration on zooplankton community in a permanent interdunal pond
Restoration projects in wetlands are becoming increasingly frequent to recover or to create new aquatic ecosystems, after the significant impact and high degradation they have undergone. In the present study, we focused on the changes in the zooplankton community in a permanent peridunal pond where a restoration was carried out in order to increase its surface as a main objective. For this purpose, the community was compared before and after the restoration (15 years before, the year after and between 3 and 6 years later). Significant changes in environmental variables were observed after pond restoration: chlorophyll a concentration decreased and dissolved oxygen increased. Substantial mod…
Microcrustacean and Rotiferan Communities of Two Close Mediterranean Mountain Ponds, Lagunas de Bezas and Rubiales (Spain)
ABSTRACT We compared two freshwater mountain ponds during an annual cycle by focusing on Rotifera and Crustacea. These ponds, Laguna de Bezas and Laguna de Rubiales, are located only 4.5 kilometers apart and share a similar altitude (ca. 1200 m.a.s.1) on the Iberian Mountain range, in Teruel (Spain). Bezas is near-permanent and dries out only in severe droughts; Rubiales is temporary, drying out periodically. They also show important differences in other limnological traits. Bezas has transparent water, harbors a fish population, and has a dense macrophyte cover, whereas Rubiales has elevated turbidity and neither fish nor macrophytes during most of the hydroperiod. These differences are pr…
Zooplankton species as indicators of trophic state in reservoirs from Mediterranean river basins
Zooplankton abundance and composition is sensitive to eutrophication, and its top-down effect in the planktonic food web can alter the classification of the trophic state of waterbodies based on th...
Zooplankton abundance: A neglected key element in the evaluation of reservoir water quality
Abstract Based on our results, we propose the use of zooplankton abundance (density or biomass) as an indicator to complement the information currently being used concerning the quality of water in reservoirs. Until now, the Water Framework Directive (EU) for lakes and reservoirs has not included zooplankton because the classification of the water trophic state is based on a bottom-up model: an increase in nutrients implies an increase in primary producers and, therefore, poorer water quality. The use of zooplankton has recently been claimed due to their sensitivity to environmental changes and their control over primary producers. From our work, carried out from 2006 to 2009 (summer and wi…
Zooplankton biodiversity and community structure vary along spatiotemporal environmental gradients in restored peridunal ponds
<p>Zooplankton assemblages in neighboring ponds can show important spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Disentangling the influence of regional versus local factors, and of deterministic versus stochastic processes has been recently highlighted in the context of the metacommunity theory. In this study, we determined patterns of temporal and spatial variation in zooplankton diversity along one hydrological year in restored ponds of different hydroperiod and age. The following hypotheses regarding the assembling of species over time were tested: i) dispersal is not limited in our study system due to its small area and high exposure to dispersal vectors; ii) community dissimilarity among …
Seasonal wetlands in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua: environmental characterisation and conservation state.
Seasonal wetlands in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua: environmental characterisation and conservation status On the Pacific coast of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, rainfall patterns and clay-rich soils allow the development of extensive wetlands. These environments constitute unique habitats for the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity and provide significant ecological services to the surrounding seasonal dry forest. Despite these benefits, wetlands have been severely reduced in the last four decades, and little information is available on their biology and current conservation status. Here, we describe the main limnological traits of 30 sites representing different types of wetlan…
Crayfish invasion facilitates dispersal of plants and invertebrates by gulls
The red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), originally from North America, is one of the world's worst aquatic invaders. It is a favoured prey item for waterbirds, but the influence of this novel predator–prey relationship on dispersal of other organisms has not previously been considered. We investigated the potential for dispersal of plants and invertebrates by migratory waterbirds feeding on alien P. clarkii in European ricefields at harvest time. In November–December of 2014–2015, we collected propagules from the outside of 13 crayfish captured as they moved out of ricefields during harvest in Doñana, south‐west Spain. We also collected excreta (N = 76 faeces, 14 pellets) of lesser‐bl…
Aquatic invertebrate assemblages in ponds from coastal Mediterranean wetlands
Invertebrate aquatic assemblages in ponds from Mediterranean wetlands are composed of organisms belonging to different taxonomic groups, which present a wide range of sizes (from small rotifers to large crustaceans or insects). Although they are often sampled and analyzed separately, the ecological links among these organisms should be considered, especially in very shallow waters. In our study, invertebrate assemblages (including micro-, macrozooplankton and macroinvertebrates) were characterized in eight shal- low lakes from Mediterranean wetlands in Southeastern Spain. A great spatial and temporal variability in the assemblages and in some environmental features was observed. The communi…
Influence of biotic variables on invertebrate size structure and diversity in coastal wetlands of Southeastern Spain
Abstract Biomass and size-based estimations provide relevant information regarding ecosystem functioning and biotic interactions. Our aims were to study the effect of fish and macrophytes on the size structure of invertebrate assemblages (from rotifers to insects) in a set of coastal water bodies, estimating the biomass (total and main invertebrate groups), the biomass-size spectra (model of Pareto) and size diversity. In fishless ponds, cladoceran and ostracod biomass were higher, and they presented greater size diversity. In fish ponds, rotifer biomass presented greater proportion; while in fishless ponds, cladocerans were usually the most abundant taxa and the largest organisms. The biom…
Influence of restoration age on egg bank richness and composition: an ex situ experiment
AbstractZooplankton community assembly after flooding in temporary ponds depends mostly on abundance and diversity of the dormant propagule bank. However, our understanding of the hatching patterns of zooplankton is imperfect. We performed an ex situ experiment to study the species composition and temporal sequence of zooplankton emergence from sediments in three ponds that were restored at different times: 1998, 2003 and 2007. The patterns of species hatching observed in our microcosms were compared with the emergent zooplankton community of their equivalent, synchronically inundated ponds. An escalation in species richness and a delay in hatching time were detected with increasing restora…
Microplastics ingestion by the exotic fish Gambusia holbrooki in two Mediterranean coastal lagoons
Gambusia holbrooki es un pequeño pez Poecílido, de origen norteamericano que fue introducido a principios del siglo XX en humedales de la Península Ibérica para el control biológico de los mosquitos. Actualmente presenta poblaciones en muchos humedales y está considerada como una de las principales especies invasoras en la península. Estos peces se alimentan principalmente de invertebrados, pero son también susceptibles de ingerir y acumular residuos de microplásticos que presentan tamaños similares al tamaño de algunas de sus presas habituales. En el presente estudio analizamos los contenidos del tracto gastrointestinal de ejemplares adultos de esta especie, procedentes de dos lagunas cost…
Metacommunities from bacteria to birds: stronger environmental selection in mediterranean than in tropical ponds
AbstractThe metacommunity concept provides a theoretical framework that aims at explaining organism distributions by a combination of environmental filtering, dispersal and drift. With the development of statistical tools to quantify and partially isolate the role of each of these processes, empirical metacommunity studies have multiplied worldwide. However, few works attempt a multi-taxon approach and even fewer compare two distant biogeographical regions using the same methodology. Under this framework, we tested the expectation that temperate (mediterranean-climate) pond metacommunities would be more influenced by environmental and spatial processes than tropical ones, because of stronge…
Artificial dam lakes as suitable habitats for exotic invertebrates: Ostracoda ecology and distribution in reservoirs of the Eastern Iberian Peninsula
Reservoirs are the most common deep lakes in Spain, as a consequence of water needs and dry climate. Although these aquatic systems can play an important ecological role in such an area with few large natural lakes, they can also provide new habitats for exotic species, which can colonize ecosystems that native species have not explored yet. Here we present our results for a biannual survey of the ostracod fauna from 24 reservoirs in Xuquer River basin. We check which variables affect ostracod presence, test for differences between winter and summer assemblages, and compare our data with previous available ostracod records from the same river drainage network. Our results reveal that ostrac…
Tracking environmental changes in restored Mediterranean dune slacks.
Restoration is an ecological tool that aims to recover the prior conditions and functioning of a degraded habitat. Three restoration projects targeted a dune slack system in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula and created a mosaic of ponds restored over three different periods: 1998, 2003 and 2007, the latter coinciding with the start of our study. Restoration works consisted of digging out the pond basin to its original morphometry. We monitored 12 restored ponds (six recent, three intermediate and three older ones) monthly, over four consecutive hydrological years (from 2007 until 2011) characterizing the most important limnological factors in order to disentangle the effects of man-made restor…
Pseudo-diel vertical migration in zooplankton: a whole-lake 15N tracer experiment
Diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton is commonly considered an adaptation for feeding in food-rich and warm surface waters at night and avoiding visual predators during the day. However, the critical assessment of migration patterns frequently suggests that: (i) zooplankton may leave deeper waters with rich, deepchlorophyll layers and move into the epilimnion where food resources are lower and/or (ii) the night-time increase in epilimnetic plankton abundance is not matched by a density decrease in deeper strata. To study these discrepancies, we measured DVM of zooplankton in a 1.3-ha Spanish karst lake (Laguna del Tejo) where the phytoplankton in the deep chlorophyll layer had been …
Differential endozoochory of aquatic invertebrates by two duck species in shallow lakes
Abstract Animal vectors are essential for the movement of invertebrate resting eggs between water bodies. However, differences in habitat preferences and feeding behaviour between bird species may result in variations in the dispersal of invertebrates via these birds, even if the different bird species live in the same lake. To test such effects, faecal samples from Anas platyrhynchos (collected in autumn and spring) and Tadorna tadorna (collected in spring) were cultured in water at 20° C and 12 L: 12 D conditions in order to quantify the resting eggs which could be internally transported by these birds. One half of each faecal sample was initially cultured at a conductivity of 0.6 mS cm −…
Rotifer vertical distribution in a strongly stratified lake: a multivariate analysis
The main source of variation of rotifer species distributions in lake Arcas-2, a small karstic lake near Cuenca (Spain), was explored by means of principal components factor (PCA) and canonical correlation (CCA) analyses. PCA was performed using rotifer densities and CCA using rotifer densities plus physical and chemical parameters. Factor 1 of PCA separated summer species from winter-spring species and Factor 2 accounted for the variation in the vertical profile. Three summer species with different food habits (Polyarthra dolichoptera, Hexarthra mira and Asplanchna girodi) were grouped together at the positive end of Factor 1, while Factor 2 separated the two hypolimnetic species (Filinia …
Zooplankton communities in doline lakes and pools, in relation to some bathymetric parameters and physical and chemical variables
The zooplankton communities from several lakes and pools in three zones of a karstic area in central Spain were studied in spring and early autumn, in relation to morphometric, physical and chemical characteristics of the lakes. Zooplankton diversity was higher in autumn than in spring and it was positively correlated with lake size (area and depth) in spring, but not in early autumn. This effect is partially explained by the sharp zooplankton stratification in deep lakes, in early autumn. Some morphometric characteristics of lake basins were also correlated with the structure of zooplank- ton communities. Principal component analyses (PCA) and Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) …
Environment and Space Rule, but Time also Matters for the Organization of Tropical Pond Metacommunities
Metacommunities are dynamic systems, but the influence of time independently of environmental change in their configuration has been rarely considered. Temporary ponds are excellent ecosystem models, as they have well-defined boundaries in time and space; their communities are relatively isolated through a landscape matrix, and the progress of time leads to major changes through ecological succession and in habitat suitability related to hydroperiod dynamics. Therefore, strong temporal effects are expected to influence their metacommunity structure. We surveyed 30 temporary ponds along the dry tropical region of western Costa Rica and Nicaragua at three different moments of their hydroperio…
Plankton biodiversity in a landscape of shallow water bodies (Mediterranean coast, Spain)
A large spatial heterogeneity was detected in La Safor, a coastal area with different kinds of small and shallow water bodies. The area exhibits a sharp gradient in eutrophication (0.004–20 mgP l−1; 0.6–457 μg Chl a l−1) and varied water body features (morphology: size, depth; hydrology; vegetation, etc.). These factors result in a high diversity of aquatic habitats within the area. One hundred and twenty eight species of microalgae were identified in the 32 sampling stations studied (in the wet and dry periods). The phytoplankton richness varied between 1 and 21 species, the Shannon-Wiener index range was 0–3 bits, the index of floral originality (IFO) range was 0.1 – 0.6. A total number o…
Seasonal and spatial heterogeneity in the water chemistry of two sewage-affected saline shallow lakes from central Spain
The seasonal features of the water chemistry in the saline shallow lakes Laguna de Manjavacas and Laguna del Pueblo (Castilla – La Mancha, Central Spain) were studied during 1990–1991 and in 1997. These lakes were both affected by sewage inputs driving them to a high trophic status. However, whereas sewage inputs entered Laguna del Pueblo directly, wastewater reached Laguna de Manjavacas after running for 8 km through a small riverbed, where natural processes caused partial mineralisation of organic matter. Moreover, water quality was further improved before entering the main water body of Laguna de Manjavacas, since water crossed through a wetland and high amounts of organic matter and ino…
The environmental and zooplankton community changes in restored ponds over 4 years
Re-establishment of zooplankton communities in temporary ponds after autumn flooding: Does restoration age matter?
Abstract In temporary ponds, reestablishment of zooplankton communities depends on recruitment from the egg bank, the arrival of dispersers from within the region, and on successful establishment of newly arrived species following interaction with local abiotic and biotic factors. When the ponds dry up, zooplankton species may survive as dormant eggs, and since not all eggs hatch in the next season, eggs will accumulate in the sediment over time, representing an archive of the pond's historical biodiversity. To study the effect of “restoration age” (the time since a water body was restored), we studied groups of ponds that were restored in different years (1998, 2003 and 2007). The restorat…
Effects of salinity and water temporality on zooplankton community in coastal Mediterranean ponds
Abstract Some of the predicted effects of climate warming in Mediterranean climate are the increase of temperature, change of precipitation patterns and the rise in sea levels. This will have major consequences, mainly in coastal aquatic ecosystems, by the increase of salinity and the reduction of the flooding period, affecting the whole aquatic community. To assess on the possible consequences of the global change in the zooplankton community of Mediterranean coastal lakes, we analized the zooplankton diversity in a set of lakes with different salinity and water permanence time. The ponds were classified in four groups: permanent and temporary freshwater ponds, and permanent and temporary …
Zooplankton species as indicators of trophic state in reservoirs from Mediterranean river basins
Zooplankton abundance and composition is sensitive to eutrophication, and its top-down effect in the planktonic food web can alter the classification of the trophic state of waterbodies based on the microscopic primary producers. However, this relevant group in aquatic ecosystems is overlooked when lakes and reservoirs are monitored to describe and improve water quality as required by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Fortunately, we have data on monitored zooplankton and the physical, chemical, and biological variables prescribed by the WFD in 20 Mediterranean reservoirs over a 4-year period (summer and winter sampled). We related zooplankton composition (90 species) with these…