Chiara Cappadonia
Slope units-based flow susceptibility model: using validation tests to select controlling factors
A susceptibility map for an area, which is representative in terms of both geologic setting and slope instability phenomena of large sectors of the Sicilian Apennines, was produced using slope units and a multiparametric univariate model. The study area, extending for approximately 90 km2, was partitioned into 774 slope units, whose expected landslide occurrence was estimated by averaging seven susceptibility values, determined for the selected controlling factors: lithology, mean slope gradient, stream power index at the foot, mean topographic wetness index and profile curvature, slope unit length, and altitude range. Each of the recognized 490 landslides was represented by its centroid po…
La Franosità diffusa dell'1 Ottobre 2009 nel territorio ionico-peloritano della Provincia di Messina: stato delle indagini e prime considerazioni sulle dinamiche geomorfiche attivate.
A seguito di un evento estremo di pioggia verificatosi il 1 ottobre 2009 in un settore circoscritto del versante ionico della Provincia di Messina, si sono sviluppati numerosi eventi franosi classificabili per la maggior parte come colate di fango e detrito a rapida evoluzione (debris-mud flows). Dai primi sopralluoghi effettuati, in assenza ancora di un censimento sistematico, si sono riconosciuti eventi in numero di oltre 500, che hanno interessato sia nei versanti interni dei bacini idrografici che sversano nello Ionio, sia sui rilievi direttamente prospicienti la costa. L’elevato numero di eventi occorsi ha consentito di dettagliare dal punto di vista morfologico i fenomeni avvenuti e d…
Monitoring of erosion on two calanchi fronts – Northern Sicily (Italy)
In the present research, two neighbouring calanchi fronts have been monitored by means of repeated readings on erosion pins, that were carried out between November 2006 and October 2008. During the monitoring period, a gauge station has been recording rainfalls, allowing us to compute the Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity Factor of the USLE model. The research highlighted: i) a general correspondence between rainfalls temporal trends and surface variation rhythms; ii) alternating erosion and deposition phases result in a retreat of the “calanchi” fronts.
GIS-analysis of gully erosion susceptibility: a key study in north-central Sicily,Italy
Fattori di controllo sullo sviluppo delle forme calanchive in NW Sicilia, Italia Meridionale
Geomorphological study of “calanchi” slopes of the Scillato basin (northern Sicily)
Validation of multivariated landslide hazard model in the Guddemi river basin (Northern Sicily,Iitaly)
Landform classification: a high-performing mapping unit partitioning tool for landslide susceptibility assessment—a test in the Imera River basin (northern Sicily, Italy)
In landslide susceptibility studies, the type of mapping unit adopted affects the obtained models and maps in terms of accuracy, robustness, spatial resolution and geomorphological adequacy. To evaluate the optimal selection of these units, a test has been carried out in an important catchment of northern Sicily (the Imera River basin), where the spatial relationships between a set of predictors and an inventory of 1608 rotational/translational landslides were analysed using the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) method. In particular, landslide susceptibility models were prepared and compared by adopting four different types of mapping units: the largely adopted grid cells (PX…
Relationships between a new slope morphometric index and calanchi erosion in northern Sicily, Italy
The Italian badlands, or “calanchi”, are common landforms in Mediterranean areas including central and southern Italy. Calanchi landforms may be compared to small hydrographic basins. These landforms are characterised by dense, hierarchical and rapidly evolving drainage systems carved into steep clayey slopes and by a sharply alternating pattern of furrows and narrow, generally sharp crests. This work presents a study of morphometric characteristics and a statistical analysis for two sites in northern Sicily (Italy), on outcrops of silty-clay deposits affected by active erosion processes, which give this area a typical calanchi landscape. In particular, factors closely linked to the charact…
Characterization of the soil properties in agricultural areas affected by shallow landslides: application in Messina area (Sicily).
The determination of soil properties is considerable challenge when it is aimed to evaluate the spatial distribution of one or more parameters across significant surfaces. In fact, terrain sampling and field data are punctual measurement; therefore, quantitative models are needed to predict the spatial distribution of soil attributes. The spatialization of field and laboratory data is a very important information in landslide studies. Raster layers displaying soil properties can be used both for statistical models and for the parameterization of physically based models. The purpose of this work is to produce a detailed hydrological and mechanical characterization of the soil affected by sha…
Geomorphological tools for mapping natural hazards
This special issue presents contributions about the methodologies and tools for representing and mapping geomorphological hazards, with a focus upon hazard and risk classification and tools for lan...
Identification and assessment of geosites for territorial enhancement – the study and geoheritage exploitation of the Torre Salsa natural reserve (Sicily)
The “Ecological Cross-‐border Networks Malta-‐Sicily” (RE.MA.SI.) is an international research project founded by the Italia-‐Malta 2007-‐2013 Programme. A part of the project aims to carry out a multidisciplinary study for the identification and enhancement of geosites in the Maltese Islands and Sicily. Some areas have been picked out; these areas are spectacular and interesting for the tourists and can make a significant contribution to the understanding the geological and geomorphological history. Field surveys took place for the identification and classification of the most significant geomorphosites and the verification of the collected bibliographical data; in particular, the iden…
Geomorphology of the urban area of Palermo (Italy)
The results of a geomorphological study carried out in the urban area of Palermo are summarized in a thematic map. Field survey, analysis of aerial photographs and topographic maps, consultation of historical documents and maps, stratigraphic and topographic reconstruction from numerous wells and subsoil data, and bibliographic search were performed, in order to display the geomorphological changes produced by man over time in a densely populated area and to define the Anthropocene of the study area. Palermo town rises along large marine terrace surfaces cut by small river valleys and bordered by wide degraded and abandoned coastal cliffs. Over the last 2700 years, this area was affected by…
Valutazione dell’erosione del suolo nel bacino del Fiume San Leonardo (Sicilia centro-occidentale, Italia).
A multi-scale regional landslide susceptibility assessment approach: the SUFRA_SICILIA (SUscettibilità da FRAna in Sicilia) project
The SUFRA project is based on a three level susceptibility mapping. According to the availability of more detailed data, the three scale for susceptibility mapping are increased respect to the ones suggested by the TIER group to 1:100,000, 1:50,000 and 1:25,000/1:10,000. The mapping levels exploit climatic, soil use (CORINE2009) and seismic informative layers, differentiating in the details of the core data (geology and topography), in the quality and resolution of the landslide inventory and in the modelling approach (Tab. 1). SUFRA_100 is based on a heuristic approach which is applied by processing a geologic layer (produced by ARTA integrating pre-CARG 1:100,000 geologic maps); the DEM e…
Geomorphological, chemical and physical study of “calanchi” landforms in NW Sicily (southern Italy)
Abstract This work deals with an integrated geomorphological and chemical–physical study of “calanchi” landforms in two sites (Ottosalme and Catalfimo) of NW Sicily (southern Italy), developed on dominant silty-clay deposits. The calanchi fronts are characterized by different morphological features and dominant geomorphic processes. Sharp knife-edged ridges and concentrated water runoff dominate at Ottosalme, and smoother landforms affected by mass movements (mud flows and translational slides) prevail at Catalfimo. We focused on some geochemical and physical parameters such as pH , total dissolved salts, sodium adsorption ratio ( SAR ), porosity, plastic and liquid limits as possible cause…
Rockfall hazards of Mount Pellegrino area (Sicily, Southern Italy)
A map derived by rockfall analysis at Mount Pellegrino is presented herein. The study area is affected by several phenomena of rockfall which caused numerous damage and a strong social and economic impact. Official reports and maps that give a general assessment of rockfall hazard are available in this respect, however, it would be advisable to provide a more specific cartographic support useful for land management and planning. The drafting of new maps showing the rockfall runout areas is an additional tool that may be used in conjunction with the existing maps as a means of risk mitigation and reduction. On the basis of geological, geomorphological, and geomechanical analysis and exploiti…
Analysis of the Rockfall Phenomena Contributing to the Evolution of a Pocket Beach Area Using Traditional and Remotely Acquired Data (Lo Zingaro Nature Reserve, Southern Italy)
The coastal domain of central western Sicily is characterized by the presence of rocky coasts, which mainly consist of pocket beaches situated between bedrock headlands that constitute ecological niches of great touristic and economic value. In this peculiar morphodynamic system, the sedimentary contributions are mainly derived from the rockfall that affects the back of nearby cliffs or the sediment supply of small streams that flow into it. In this study, we investigated the geomorphological processes and related landforms that contribute to the evolution of a pocket beach area located in a coastal sector of NW Sicily Island. The cliffs in this are affected by several rockfalls, and deposi…
Landslide susceptibility assessment in Sicily: a key study in the central chain sector (Sicani Mounts)
Bridging Malta and Sicily through geoheritage exploitation: Identification and assessment of geosites for territorial enhancement
Malta and Sicily show common geological and geomorphological features, having been also physically linked not later than the Last Glacial Maximum. At present both islands have a high tourist vocation, but their environmental potential is not fully exploited for attracting tourists and visitors. In the framework of an international research project, “Ecological Cross-border Networks Malta-Sicily” (RE.MA.SI.), a multidisciplinary study for the identification, selection and enhancement of geosites in the Maltese and Sicilian islands was carried out. A number of sites both in Malta and Sicily have been identified and qualitatively and quantitatively assessed applying a methodology already teste…
Quantitative analysis of “calanchi” slopes in northern Sicily: erosion rates and their relationships with rainfalls and physico-chemical properties of terrains
Multi-scale regional landslide susceptibility assessment in Sicily (Italy): The Sufra Sicilia Project
Un approccio multi-scala per la valutazione della suscettibilità da frana a livello regionale: il progetto SUFRA (SUscettibilità da FRAna) in Sicilia
L’attuale versione del PAI (Piano Stralcio per l'Assetto Idrogeologico) disponibile per il territorio siciliano è fortemente dipendente dallo scenario di dissesti passati censiti e catalogati, sulla base dei quali, utilizzando un sistema di matrici di valutazione, è possibile ricavare le condizioni di rischio geomorfologico associato. Questo stadio costituisce un primo grande avanzamento delle conoscenze a partire dal quale è ora necessario procedere alla valutazione della suscettibilità da frana e all’adozione dunque di uno strumento di analisi territoriale con carattere previsionale. La realizzazione di una cartografia della suscettibilità da frana a scala regionale pone d’altra parte una…
The 1st October 2009 Messina debris flows: first analysis for a susceptibility model
Hillslope degradation in representative Italian areas. Just soil erosion risk or opportunity for development?
In recent years, much research have dealt with the impact of human and climate change on the morpho-evolution of Mediterranean catchments characterized by high ecological and cultural value. In this paper, we speculated how humans can influence hillslope degradation by reviewing the relationships between denudation processes and land use changes in some representative areas located in different Italian regions (i.e., Liguria, Tuscany, Basilicata, and Sicily). The selected study cases are characterized by different climatic and geological features, land use, and land management and can be considered indicative of the hillslope degradation issues that affected the Apennines during the last ce…
Calanchi landforms in south Italy: a comparison between Calabria and Sicilia case studies
Gully erosion susceptibility assessment by means of GIS-based logistic regression: A case of Sicily (Italy)
article i nfo Article history: This research aims at characterizing susceptibility conditions to gully erosion by means of GIS and multivariate statistical analysis. The study area is a 9.5 km 2 river catchment in central-northern Sicily, where agriculture ac- tivities are limited by intense erosion. By means of field surveys and interpretation of aerial images, we prepared a digitalmap of thespatial distribution of 260 gulliesinthestudy area.Inaddition,fromavailable thematicmaps, a 5 m cell size digital elevation model and field checks, we derived 27 environmental attributes that describe the variability of lithology, land use, topography and road position. These attributes were selected f…
Combining multi-typologies landslide susceptibility maps: a case study for the Visso area (central Italy)
The research proposes a simple but geomorphologically adequate method to produce a combined landslide susceptibility map. In fact, in a logic of real use, offering type-specific landslide susceptibility maps to land use planners and administration could be not a successful solution. On the other hand, the simple grouping of more types of landslides could be misleading for model calibration considering that the relationships between slope failures and geo-environmental predictors should be conveyed by the abundance of each type of landslide resulting not specific and diagnostic for each typology. In this test, after having produced independent models for flow, slide and complex landslide by …
Landslide inventory and rockfall risk assessment of a strategic urban area (Palermo, Sicily)
This study concerns the assessment of the rockfall risk for two strategic sectors of the Mount Pellegrino, one of the most relevant place in the city of Palermo. During the last two decades, several rockfalls affected the study area setting up a serious threat to the people, structures and infrastructures preventing the economic and social development. For these landslides a detailed GIS inventory was realized; the most dangerous rockfalls occurred within the two study sectors. In both areas we have carried out detailed field surveys and the geo-mechanical characterization of the rock slopes. These analyses allowed to define the rock mass parameters, the set of discontinuities and the kinem…
From Slope Morphometry to Morphogenetic Processes: An Integrated Approach of Field Survey, Geographic Information System Morphometric Analysis and Statistics in Italian Badlands
Calanchi (singular: calanco) represent a typical example of badlands in the Italian peninsula, which rapidly evolve on clayey terrains such as the widespread Pliocene–Pleistocene marine clays. The present study aimed at investigating the role of the slope morphometry on the typology and distribution of morphogenetic processes in a calanchi area located in southern Italy. The research included detailed geomorphological surveying as well as morphometric and statistical analyses. The study area was first subdivided into individual hydrographic units (HUs), for which field survey allowed to identify the dominant denudation processes, their intensity and the distribution of the associated landfo…
Analisi geostatistica della franosità nel bacino del Torrente Guddemi (Sicilia centro-occidentale)
Monitoring of erosion on two calanchi fronts - rill, gully erosion and piping in northern Sicily (Italy)
Exporting a Google Earth™ aided earthflow susceptibility model: a test in central Sicily
Abstract In the framework of a regional landslide susceptibility study in southern Sicily, a test has been carried out in the Tumarrano river basin (about 80 km2) aimed at characterizing its landslide susceptibility conditions by exporting a ‘‘source model’’, defined and trained inside a limited (about 20 km2) representative sector (the ‘‘source area’’). Also, the possibility of exploiting Google Earth TM software and photo-images databank to produce the landslide archives has been checked. The susceptibility model was defined, according to a multivariate geostatistic approach based on the conditional analysis, using unique condition units (UCUs), which were obtained by combining four selec…
Hydrogeological Behaviour and Geochemical Features of Waters in Evaporite-Bearing Low-Permeability Successions: A Case Study in Southern Sicily, Italy
Knowledge about the hydrogeological behaviour of heterogeneous low-permeability media is an important tool when designing anthropogenic works (e.g., landfills) that could potentially have negative impacts on the environment and on people&rsquo
Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides by Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach: A Case Study of the 2001 El Salvador Coseismic Landslides
In January and February 2001, El Salvador was hit by two strong earthquakes that triggered thousands of landslides, causing 1259 fatalities and extensive damage. The analysis of aerial and SPOT-4 satellite images allowed us to map 6491 coseismic landslides, mainly debris slides and flows that occurred in volcanic epiclastites and pyroclastites. Four different multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) models were produced using different predictors and landslide inventories which contain slope failures triggered by an extreme rainfall event in 2009 and those induced by the earthquakes of 2001. In a predictive analysis, three validation scenarios were employed: the first and the second …
Investigating Limits in Exploiting Assembled Landslide Inventories for Calibrating Regional Susceptibility Models: A Test in Volcanic Areas of El Salvador
This research is focused on the evaluation of the reliability of regional landslide susceptibility models obtained by exploiting inhomogeneous (for quality, resolution and/or triggering related type and intensity) collected inventories for calibration. At a large-scale glance, merging more inventories can result in well-performing models hiding potential strong predictive deficiencies. An example of the limits that such kinds of models can display is given by a landslide susceptibility study, which was carried out for a large sector of the coastal area of El Salvador, where an apparently well-performing regional model (AUC = 0.87) was obtained by regressing a dataset through multivariate ad…
Gully Erosion susceptibility assesment: a case study in the Magazzolo River Basin, Sicily, Italy.
La morfologia del versante in funzione dei processi morfogenetici in aree calanchive: l’esempio della Sicilia settentrionale
Optimal slope units partitioning in landslide susceptibility mapping
In landslide susceptibility modeling, the selection of the mapping units is a very relevant topic both in terms of geomorphological adequacy and suitability of the models and final maps. In this paper, a test to integrate pixels and slope units is presented. MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) modeling was applied to assess landslide susceptibility based on a 12 predictors and a 1608 cases database. A pixel-based model was prepared and the scores zoned into 10 different types of slope units, obtained by differently combining two half-basin (HB) and four landform classification (LCL) coverages. The predictive performance of the 10 models were then compared to select the best perf…
First results of water erosion rates monitoring on two calanchi fronts in the Sicilian chain
Malta and Sicily Joined by Geoheritage Enhancement and Geotourism within the Framework of Land Management and Development
Malta and Sicily, which lie at the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, share a long history and have unique geological and geomorphological features which make them attractive destinations for geotourism. In the framework of an international research project, a study for the identification, selection and assessment of the rich geological heritage of Malta and Sicily was carried out, aiming to create a geosite network between these islands. Based on the experience and outputs achieved in previous investigations on geoheritage assessment carried out in various morpho-climatic contexts, an integrated methodology was applied for the selection, numerical assessment and ranking of geosites. The sele…
Al fine di valutare le condizioni limite per la stabilità di un pendio in frana, sono state svolte delle analisi di stabilità all’equilibrio limite 2D e 3D in un’area ubicata nel bacino del fiume Imera Settentrionale (Sicilia). Tali analisi hanno permesso di ricostruire un modello geologico e geotecnico ottimale, di individuare il livello piezometrico che ha determinato le condizioni di instabilità e di definire i parametri operativi di resistenza a taglio dei terreni. Le recenti riattivazioni dei meccanismi di frana hanno fornito elementi che hanno permesso di validare in particolare i risultati delle analisi numeriche 3D. I risultati ottenuti hanno anche evidenziato che il metodo di anali…
Multi-parametric GIS analysis to assess gully erosion susceptibility: a test in southern Sicily, Italy
: A GIS-analysis was carried out in a test basin of southern Sicily, the Magazzolo River basin, in order to assess susceptibility conditions to gully erosion phenomena. The linear density of ephemeral and permanent gullies computed within each class of nine environmental variables was used to generate a gully erosion susceptibility map for the area. A validation procedure carried out in order to test the reliability of the adopted method highlighted a clear correlation between the occurrence of gullies and the computed susceptibility levels
Geositi nel paesaggio mediterraneo: confronto tra aree costiere maltesi e siciliane
Geomorphology of the Anthropocene in Mediterranean urban areas
Urban-geomorphology studies in historical cities provide a significant contribution towards the broad definition of the Anthropocene, perhaps even including its consideration as a new unit of geological time. Specific methodological approaches to recognize and map landforms in urban environments, where human-induced geomorphic processes have often overcome the natural ones, are proposed. This paper reports the results from, and comparison of, studies conducted in coastal historical cities facing the core of the Mediterranean Sea – that is, Genoa, Rome, Naples, Palermo (Italy) and Patras (Greece). Their settlements were facilitated by similar climatic and geographical contexts, with high gr…
Preliminary results of a geomorphological and DInSAR characterization of a recently identified Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation in Sicily (Southern Italy)
The study is part of a larger project that involves the analysis of recently identified Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD) in Sicily which have been sub-divided according to the geological framework in light of the new geological data about the regional setting. Here are presented the first results of a multidisciplinary study of a DSGSD recently identify in Mount San Calogero area (Northern Sicily). The study was performed by means of different approaches including conventional methods (field surveys) and the Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) technique. The geological and geomorphological analyses were carried out to investigate slopes dynamic, …
Calanchi (singular calanco) represent a typical example of badlands in the Italian peninsula, which rapidly evolve on clayey terrains such as the widespread Pliocene-Pleistocene marine clays. The present study aimed at investigating the role of the slope morphometry on the typology and distribution of morphogenetic processes in a calanchi area located in southern Italy. The research included detailed geomorphological surveying, morphometric and statistical analysis. The study area was first subdivided into individual hydrographic units (HUs), for which field survey allowed to identify the dominant denudation processes, their intensity and the distribution of the associated landforms (pipes,…
L'acqua ed il rischio geomorfologico
The role of the diagnostic areas in the assessment of landslide susceptibility models: a test in the sicilian chain
Abstract The aim of the research was to verify and compare the predictive power of different diagnostic areas in assessing landslide susceptibility with a multivariate approach. Scarps, landslide areas (the union between scarp and accumulation zones) and areas uphill from crowns, for rotational slides, source or scarp areas and landslide areas, for flows, have been tested. A multivariate approach was applied to assess the landslide susceptibility on the basis of three selected conditioning factors (lithology, slope angle, and topographic wetness index), which were combined in a Unique Condition Unit (UCU) layer. By intersecting the UCU layer with the vector layer of the diagnostic areas, la…
GPS Monitoring of the Scopello (Sicily, Italy) DGSD Phenomenon: Relationships Between Surficial and Deep-Seated Morphodynamics
The Scopello area, which is located along the north-western Tyrrhenian coastal sector of the Sicilian chain (Italy), is widely affected by Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DGSD) phenomena, which are mainly the result of a geomorphologic setting marked by the outcropping of an overthrust plan, limiting a brittle fractured carbonate slab, laid onto a ductile marly-clayey substratum. Due to the very advanced stage of the deformation phenomena, a coupled morphodynamic style has established between shallow landslides and DGSD phenomena, affecting the exhumed ductile substratum and the overlaying rigid dismantled slab, respectively. A GPS network was realized for monitoring the Scopel…
Monitoraggio dell’espansione delle aree a calanchi tramite la mappatura della vegetazione
Investigating the Effects of Cell Size in Statistical Landslide Susceptibility Modelling for Different Landslide Typologies: A Test in Central–Northern Sicily
Optimally sizing grid cells is a relevant research issue in landslide susceptibility evaluation. In fact, the size of the adopted mapping units influences several aspects spanning from statistical (the number of positive/negative cases and prevalence and resolution/precision trade-off) and purely geomorphological (the representativeness of the mapping units and the diagnostic areas) to cartographic (the suitability of the obtained prediction images for the final users) topics. In this paper, the results of landslide susceptibility modelling in a 343 km2 catchment for three different types of landslides (rotational/translational slides, slope flows and local flows) using different pixel-size…
A GIS-based approach for gully erosion susceptibility modelling: a test in Sicily, Italy
The aim of this study is to analyze the susceptibility conditions to gully erosion phenomena in the Magazzolo River basin and to test a method that allows for driving the factors selection. The study area is one of the largest (225 km2) watershed of southern Sicily and it is mostly characterized by gentle slopes carved into clayey and evaporitic sediments, except for the northern sector where carbonatic rocks give rise to steep slopes. In order to obtain a quantitative evaluation of gully erosion susceptibility, statistical relationships between the spatial distributions of gullies affecting the area and a set of twelve environmental variables were analyzed. Stereoscopic analysis of aerial …
Landslide inventory and rockfall risk assessment of the Monte Pellegrino Oriented Nature Reserve area (Sicily)
In the last 20 years the natural oriented reserve of Monte Pellegrino is affected by several rockfall events. This sector of the Northern Sicily is a strategic urban area and represent the most important element of both the religious and cultural tradition and landscape for the city of Palermo.The rockfalls are here the major natural threats and represent a relevant risk of people, structures and infrastructures and prevents the economic and social development that could be made by high tourist potential of the area. For the above mentioned reasons a detailed geological and geotechnical study in order to define a quantitative risk analysis is now being carried out, concurrently with the imp…
Landslide analysis in the Iato river basin (north-western Sicily, Italy)
A comparison between calanchi landforms in central and southern Italy
Combining multi-typologies landslide susceptibility maps: a case study for the Visso area (central Italy)
The research proposes a simple but geomorphologically adequate method to produce a combined landslide susceptibility map. In fact, in a logic of real use, offering type-specific landslide susceptibility maps to land use planners and administration could be not a successful solution. On the other hand, the simple grouping of more types of landslides could be misleading for model calibration considering that the relationships between slope failures and geo-environmental predictors should be conveyed by the abundance of each type of landslide resulting not specific and diagnostic for each typology. In this test, after having produced independent models for flow, slide and complex landslide by …