Anna Mateo-sanchis
Nonlinear Distribution Regression for Remote Sensing Applications
In many remote sensing applications, one wants to estimate variables or parameters of interest from observations. When the target variable is available at a resolution that matches the remote sensing observations, standard algorithms, such as neural networks, random forests, or the Gaussian processes, are readily available to relate the two. However, we often encounter situations where the target variable is only available at the group level, i.e., collectively associated with a number of remotely sensed observations. This problem setting is known in statistics and machine learning as multiple instance learning (MIL) or distribution regression (DR). This article introduces a nonlinear (kern…
Global Estimation of Soil Moisture Persistence with L and C-Band Microwave Sensors
© 2018 IEEE Measurements of soil moisture are needed for a better global understanding of the land surface-climate feedbacks at both the local and the global scale. Satellite sensors operating in the low frequency microwave spectrum (from 1 to 10 GHz) have proven to be suitable for soil moisture retrievals. These sensors now cover nearly 4 decades thus allowing for global multi-mission climate data records. In this paper, we assess the possibility of using L-band (SMOS) and C-band (AMSR2, ASCAT) remotely sensed soil moisture time series for the global estimation of soil moisture persistence. A multi-output Gaussian process regression model is applied to ensure spatio-temporal coverage of th…
Learning main drivers of crop progress and failure in Europe with interpretable machine learning
Abstract A wide variety of methods exist nowadays to address the important problem of estimating crop yields from available remote sensing and climate data. Among the different approaches, machine learning (ML) techniques are being increasingly adopted, since they allow exploiting all the information on crop progress and environmental conditions and their relations with crop yield, achieving reliable and accurate estimations. However, interpreting the relationships learned by the ML models, and hence getting insights about the problem, remains a complex and usually unexplored task. Without accountability, confidence and trust in the ML models can be compromised. Here, we develop interpretab…
Synergistic integration of optical and microwave satellite data for crop yield estimation
Developing accurate models of crop stress, phenology and productivity is of paramount importance, given the increasing need of food. Earth observation (EO) remote sensing data provides a unique source of information to monitor crops in a temporally resolved and spatially explicit way. In this study, we propose the combination of multisensor (optical and microwave) remote sensing data for crop yield estimation and forecasting using two novel approaches. We first propose the lag between Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from MODIS and Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) derived from SMAP as a new joint metric combining the information from the two satellite sensors in a unique feature or des…
Gap Filling of Biophysical Parameter Time Series with Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
In this work we evaluate multi-output (MO) Gaussian Process (GP) models based on the linear model of coregionalization (LMC) for estimation of biophysical parameter variables under a gap filling setup. In particular, we focus on LAI and fAPAR over rice areas. We show how this problem cannot be solved with standard single-output (SO) GP models, and how the proposed MO-GP models are able to successfully predict these variables even in high missing data regimes, by implicitly performing an across-domain information transfer.
Warped Gaussian Processes in Remote Sensing Parameter Estimation and Causal Inference
This letter introduces warped Gaussian process (WGP) regression in remote sensing applications. WGP models output observations as a parametric nonlinear transformation of a GP. The parameters of such a prior model are then learned via standard maximum likelihood. We show the good performance of the proposed model for the estimation of oceanic chlorophyll content from multispectral data, vegetation parameters (chlorophyll, leaf area index, and fractional vegetation cover) from hyperspectral data, and in the detection of the causal direction in a collection of 28 bivariate geoscience and remote sensing causal problems. The model consistently performs better than the standard GP and the more a…
Global Cropland Yield Monitoring with Gaussian Processes
Agriculture monitoring, and in particular food security, requires near real-time information on crop growing conditions for early detection of possible production deficits. In this work, we propose the use of Gaussian processes (GPs). together with in-situ, EO and ERA-Interim climate reanalysis data for crop yield forecasting. Country-level agricultural survey data from FAOSTAT are used for quantitative assessment. The study is conducted in the framework of the ASAP (Anomaly hot Spots of Agricultural Production) early warning decision support system of the European Commission, which aims at providing timely information about possible crop production anomalies worldwide. After grouping count…
Remote sensing data for crop yield in CONUS
I) SUMMARY This database contains harmonized time series for the study of crop yields using remote sensing data and meteorological data. We collected information on soybean, corn, and wheat yields (t/ha) over the CONUS (continuous US) from USDA-NASS for years 2015–2018 at a county level, and collocated time series for the following variables: Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from MODIS satellite (MOD13C1 v6 product) Soil Moisture (SM) from SMAP satellite through MT-DCA algorithm Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) from SMAP satellite through MT-DCA algorithm Maximum temperature (TMAX) from Daymet v3 Precipitation (PRCP) from Daymet v3 II) CONTACT For questions, please email Laura Mart&iacut…
Gap Filling of Biophysical Parameter Time Series with Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
In this work we evaluate multi-output (MO) Gaussian Process (GP) models based on the linear model of coregionalization (LMC) for estimation of biophysical parameter variables under a gap filling setup. In particular, we focus on LAI and fAPAR over rice areas. We show how this problem cannot be solved with standard single-output (SO) GP models, and how the proposed MO-GP models are able to successfully predict these variables even in high missing data regimes, by implicitly performing an across-domain information transfer. CICYT TIN2015-64210-R In this work we evaluate multi-output (MO) Gaussian Process (GP) models based on the linear model of coregionalization (LMC) for estimation of biophy…