Nathália Dos Santos Lobo
Inmigración Haitiana en Rio Grande del Sur, Brasil: Aspectos Psicosociales, Aculturación, Prejuicio y Calidad de Vida
Resumo Este estudo traça um panorama da imigração haitiana no Rio Grande do Sul, quanto a aspectos psicossociais, perfil sociodemográfico e socioeconômico, orientações aculturativas, preconceito e qualidade de vida. A pesquisa, de delineamento quantitativo transversal, contou com a participação de 67 imigrantes haitianos, com idades entre 19 e 58 anos (M = 33,87; DP = 5,47). A amostra é predominantemente composta por homens (77,6%), com alta escolaridade (M = 10,5; DP = 4,53) e que falam o idioma português (56,7%). A orientação aculturativa mais frequente é a de integração, que é mais presente entre homens, quem acessou o sistema brasileiro de assistência social; os mais jovens, os com maio…
Migration experience and mental health: A qualitative study in France and Brazil
Background:The relationship between migration and mental health is complex and involves factors at different levels, as the individual history of the migrant, the collective history of their home country, the host society’s and their mutual past history. Even though the migratory scenario of France and Brazil has changed over the years, both countries currently host an important number of immigrants.Aim:The main objective of the present study was to describe and analyze the impacts of the migratory experience on mental health of migrants with different migration experiences and living in two countries: France and Brazil.Method:Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 participants, …
Haitian Immigration in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Psychosocial Aspects, Acculturation, Prejudice and Quality of Life
Abstract The present study traces a panorama of Haitian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, regarding psychosocial aspects, sociodemographic and socioeconomic profile, acculturative orientations, prejudice and quality of life. Participants included 67 Haitian immigrants, aged between 19 and 58 years old (M=33.87; DP=5.47). The sample was predominantly male (77.6%), presented high schooling (M = 10.5; SD = 4.53) and spoke the Portuguese language (56.7%). The predominant acculturative orientation is integration, which is more present among men; those who accessed the Brazilian social assistance system; the youngest; those with more fluency in other languages, and the ones that have been…