A Cipollini

Wavelet analysis of financial contagion

The aim is to estimate a factor model fitted to financial returns to disentagle the role played by common shock and idiosincratic shocks in shaping the comovement between asset returns during periods of calm and financial turbulence. For this purpose, we use wavelet analysis and, in particular, the Maximum Overlapping Discrete Wavelet Transform, to decompose the covariance matrix of the asset returns on a scale by scale basis, where each scale is associated to a given frequency range. This decomposition will give enough moment conditions to identify the role played by common and idiosincratic shocks. A Montecarlo simulation experiment shows that our testing methodology has good size and power …

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Testing for public debt sustainability using a time-scale decomposition analysis

In this paper we estimate the response of primary surplus to lagged debt to test for debt sustainability within the 17 EMU countries by using a factor model. The analysis is split into two stages. In the first stage we retrieve the cyclical and long-run components of primary surplus and debt ratios of each EMU country using a wavelet decomposition for each fiscal covariate, based on the Maximal Overlapping Discrete Wavelet Transform. In the second stage, we use Full Information Maximum Likelihood for a factor decomposition of thecross covariance matrix of the wavelet coefficients of primary deficit and debt to GDP ratios in order to measure the short run and the long run reaction of the pri…

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Wavelet Analysis Of Variance Risk Premium Spillovers

In this paper we construct a variance risk premium spillover index among France, Germany, UK, Switzerland and the US. The variance risk premium is measured by the difference between the difference between the (square) of implied volatility and expected realized variance of the stock market for next month. We also construct a spillover index for the constituents of the variance risk premium. The series under investigation exhibit long memory properties. The construction of a total spillover indicator suggested by Diebold-Yilmaz (2009) would then rely on modeling a fractionally integrated Vector Autoregressive Model, which might be subject to errors in specifying the correct lag length and th…

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Volatility co-movements: a time scale decomposition analysis

In this paper we are interested in detecting contagion from US to European stock market volatilities in the period immediately after the Lehman Brothers’ collapse. The analysis, based on a factor decomposition of the covariance matrix of implied and realized volatilities, is carried for different sub-samples (identified as normal and crisis periods) and across different (high) frequency bands. In particular, the analysis is split in two stages. In the first stage, we retrieve the time series of wavelet coefficients for each volatility series for high frequency scales, using the Maximal Overlapping Discrete Wavelet transform and, in a second stage, we apply Maximum Likelihood for a factor de…

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Testing for contagion: a time-scale decomposition

The aim of the paper is to test for financial contagion by estimating a simultaneous equation model subject to structural breaks. For this purpose, we use the Maximum Overlapping Discrete Wavelet Transform, MODWT, to decompose four asset returns into different scale components (each associated with a given frequency range). The decomposition will enable us to obtain the moment conditions necessary to (over)identify a structural form model with a single dummy and the one with multiple dummies capturing shifts in the co-movement of asset returns occurring during periods of financial turmoil. A Montecarlo simulation exercise shows that test based on a single dummy structural form model has goo…

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Wavelet analysis of variance risk premium spillovers

In this paper we construct a variance risk premium spillover index among France, Germany, UK, Switzerland and the US. The variance risk premium is measured by the difference between the difference between the (square) of implied volatility and expected realized variance of the stock market for next month. We also construct a spillover index for the constituents of the variance risk premium. The series under investigation exhibit long memory properties. The construction of a total spillover indicator suggested by Diebold-Yilmaz (2009) would then rely on modeling a fractionally integrated Vector Autoregressive Model, which might be subject to errors in specifying the correct lag length and th…

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Data for: Mixed Frequency GVAR analysis of macro-uncertainty and financial stress spillovers in the Eurozone

This is the code to replicate the analysis in the paper "Mixed Frequency GVAR analysis of macro-uncertainty and financial stress spillovers in the Eurozone" by Andrea Cipollini and Ieva Mikaliunaite.# CLIFS.txt contains the Country-level index of financial stress from ECB database# GDP_uncertainty.txt contains GDP growth uncertainty index, by Rossi and Sekhposyan (2017)# weights_trade.txt contains the trade weights from BIS. # The file Rstudio_code replicate the results for full sample MF-GVAR model, in Tables 3-6 (Panels A, Full sample, h=4).# Please choose a working directory using setwd("set working directory") THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE…

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Testing for Contagion: a Time-Scale Decomposition

The aim of the paper is to test for financial contagion by estimating a simultaneous equation model subject to structural breaks. For this purpose, we use the Maximum Overlapping Discrete Wavelet Transform, MODWT, to decompose four asset returns into different scale components (each associated with a given frequency range). The decomposition will enable us to obtain the moment conditions necessary to (over)identify a structural form model with a single dummy and the one with multiple dummies capturing shifts in the co-movement of asset returns occurring during periods of financial turmoil. A Montecarlo simulation exercise shows that test based on a single dummy structural form model has goo…

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