V. Kashcheyevs
Reply to Comment on "Exact analytic solution for the generalized Lyapunov exponent of the 2-dimensional Anderson localization"
We reply to comments by P.Marko$\breve{s}$, L.Schweitzer and M.Weyrauch [preceding paper] on our recent paper [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 63, 13777 (2002)]. We demonstrate that our quite different viewpoints stem for the different physical assumptions made prior to the choice of the mathematical formalism. The authors of the Comment expect \emph{a priori} to see a single thermodynamic phase while our approach is capable of detecting co-existence of distinct pure phases. The limitations of the transfer matrix techniques for the multi-dimensional Anderson localization problem are discussed.
Exact analytic solution for the generalized Lyapunov exponent of the 2-dimensional Anderson localization
The Anderson localization problem in one and two dimensions is solved analytically via the calculation of the generalized Lyapunov exponents. This is achieved by making use of signal theory. The phase diagram can be analyzed in this way. In the one dimensional case all states are localized for arbitrarily small disorder in agreement with existing theories. In the two dimensional case for larger energies and large disorder all states are localized but for certain energies and small disorder extended and localized states coexist. The phase of delocalized states is marginally stable. We demonstrate that the metal-insulator transition should be interpreted as a first-order phase transition. Con…
Constructive role of non-adiabaticity for quantized charge pumping
We investigate a recently developed scheme for quantized charge pumping based on single-parameter modulation. The device was realized in an AlGaAl-GaAs gated nanowire. It has been shown theoretically that non-adiabaticity is fundamentally required to realize single-parameter pumping, while in previous multi-parameter pumping schemes it caused unwanted and less controllable currents. In this paper we demonstrate experimentally the constructive and destructive role of non-adiabaticity by analysing the pumping current over a broad frequency range.
Charge pumping in carbon nanotube quantum dots
We investigate charge pumping in carbon nanotube quantum dots driven by the electric field of a surface acoustic wave. We find that at small driving amplitudes, the pumped current reverses polarity as the conductance is tuned through a Coulomb blockade peak using a gate electrode. We study the behavior as a function of wave amplitude, frequency and direction and develop a model in which our results can be understood as resulting from adiabatic charge redistribution between the leads and quantum dots on the nanotube.
Data set for "Continuous-variable tomography of solitary electrons" Fletcher et al. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13222-1
Data set used to generate the figures for "Continuous-variable tomography of solitary electrons"