Enric Guinot Rodríguez

Oligarchies and Client Systems in Rural communities in the South of the Crown of Aragón (13th to 15th Centuries)

Studies of late medieval Hispanic client systems generally focus on networks of noble power, to the exclusion of the peasantry. This is doubtless in part because the peasantry has traditionally been considered to represent a largely homogenous social group defined in opposition to the feudal nobility, whose members defended common interests. However, the last few years have witnessed a profusion of studies into the rural, or peasant, elites of Western Europe during the late medieval and modern periods, and these highlight not only significant disparities between the economic status of those and that of the remainder of the peasantry, but also their employment of specific power-mechanisms in…

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Un precedent en la recuperació del patrimoni reial al País Valencià: la jurisdicció d'Onda, 1393

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De los fueros locales al fuero de Valencia en el marco del proceso de instauración de la sociedad feudal del siglo XIII en el reino de Valencia

This paper analyzes the process of changing local laws (fueros) to a territorial law (fuero) in the context of the new kingdom of Valencia created in 1240 by King James I. Following the tradition of Catalonia and Aragon, also in Valencia the crown and nobility initially organized the repopulation based on different local fueros: Sepúlveda, Zaragoza, Daroca, Teruel, Fontana, costum de Lleida or costum/fuero of Valencia. But from 1245, the monarchy drove the territorial law (fuero) of Valencia, which has traditionally been interpreted as a political reason for confrontation between Catalan and Aragonese populators. Our study explains how the Fuero of Zaragoza/Aragon was limited during the 13t…

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La resistència camperola en el marc de la senyoria valenciana: el cas d'Onda al segle XV

Dentro del marco general de las oposiciones de clase señores/campesinos en el mundo rural feudal, su individualización toma las formas más diversas según el contexto estructural en que tienen lugar. Este estudio está dedicado a analizar el tipo de comporta­ miento de los vecinos de una villa rural de tamaño mediano de la Plana de Castelló, como era el caso de Onda a inicios del siglo XV, ante las presiones que recibía de su señor, la Orden de Montesa, todo ello en el marco de un período de reacción señorial ante la caida de sus rentas. Las latentes contradicciones en las relaciones sociales del sistema feudal estallaron bastante claramente desde finales del siglo XIV, dando paso a un primer…

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La historiografia medieval valenciana en temps imperials (1939-1957)

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Beliaguarda, un pequeño señorío territorial periurbano en la Valencia bajomedieval

guinot@uv.es ; joaquin.aparici@uv.es

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La creación de las comunidades campesinas y las parroquias rurales en una sociedad feudal de conquista: el sur de la Corona de Aragón (mitad del siglo XII-mitad del siglo XIII)

En el contexto europeo y también de la mitad norte de la Península Ibérica, desde Galicia a Cataluña, la génesis de las parroquias rurales se produjo en su mayor parte entre los siglos IX y XI, en el marco de la transición de larga duración hacia la sociedad feudal y en relación tanto con el despliegue del poder nobiliario como con la progresiva vertebración de las comunidades campesinas en el mundo rural. En cambio en los espacios conquistados sobre al-Ándalus a partir del siglo XII, tal como se comprueba en el sur de la Corona de Aragón (región de Tortosa, de Teruel, País Valenciano e Islas Baleares), la sociedad feudal fue instaurada rápidamente y de formajerarquizada desde la corona y l…

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Sobre la reforma del pla d'estudis en història

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Irrigation and Political Power in the Medieval Kingdom of Valencia

The medieval Kingdom of Valencia (Spain) was a European feudal society born in the thirteenth century out of the military conquest of the east of al-Andalus by the Crown of Aragon. This work focuses on the social organization of irrigation institutions in the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, which replaced the water management systems in use during the Andalusi period. The study analyzes the three types of water-governance systems in operation: irrigation systems managed by royal officials, irrigation systems managed by municipalities, and irrigation systems managed by corporations of autonomous farmers. The chapter also examines the different royal and municipal officials t…

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La fundación de la orden militar de Santa María de Montesa

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La història oficial. El discurs històric des de la Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la Universitat de València en el primer franquisme (1939-1960)

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El señorío de la Vall de Perputxent (siglos XIII-XIV)

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El mercado local en las pequeñas villas de la Corona de Aragón antes de la crisis bajo-medieval (siglos XI-XIV)

This paper conducts a revision of the origins and main features of rural markets in the Crown of Aragon before the crisis of the late Middle Ages (XIth through mid-XIVth centuries). In its first part, it draws a balance of the two main approaches followed by researchers in dealing with the genesis of peasant markets: urban history on the one hand -which emphasizes the idea of rural markets being the result of urban ones spreading into the countryside- and, on the other, rural history -which rather focuses on the distinct genesis of rural markets in a context of expansion (XIth to XIIIth centuries). It is moreover claimed that the market should not be studied only as the physical location fo…

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Organització i estructuració del poder al si d'un Orde Militar: el cas de l'Orde de Montesa (segles XIV-XV)

The majority of works on the history of the Military Order of Montesa are based on classic works referring to the Modern Ages and therefore they assign to the Middle Ages meaningless scherna and organizational outlines. The purpose of this paper is to find out the territorial distribution of the Montesa manors in the Kingdom of Valencia at the time of its foundation, and its changes through the Middle Ages, emphasizing the distribution of powes and competences between the Friars memberships of the Order and the Master, owner of the rights of the “Mesa Maestral". We know that during the XIV and XV Centuries there was a concentration of power in the hands of the Master. With this authority, h…

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De la Madîna a la ciutat: les pobles del sud i la urbanització dels extramurs de València (1270-1370)

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Sobre la depredació dels drets dels sarraïns valencians per part de les comunitats cristianes. Un exemple de la baronia d'Arenós a inicis del segle XV

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El problema de la renta feudal y los fueros. Un análisis de las cartas puebla del siglo XIII en el norte de Castellón

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La creació de les senyories en una societat feudal de frontera: el Regne de València (segles XIII-XIV)

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Els estudis sobre l'orde de Montesa en temps medievales i les seues bases documentals

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L'alta noblesa catalana en la conquesta de València

The studies about the conquest of Valence by the king Jaume I during the Xlllth century had emphasized the more great participation of the Aragonese nobility rather than the Catalan, so in the war as in the repartition of the land and the seigniories. Also it's affirmed that the Aragonese people remained in the Vanencian country, though the Catalans only came by religious reasons and went back to their land. This paper revises all the royal documents of the chancellery, the donations of the Repartiment and also the chronique of the king Jaume I, and demonstrates the opposed situation. The participation of the catalans nobility in the conquest of Valencia was very important —more than 150 kn…

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La construcción de una ciudad feudal: Valencia (1238-1300)

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Patrimoni hidràulic de la vega de València

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