Luigi Naselli-flores

Iron operates as an important factor promoting year-round diazotrophic cyanobacteria blooms in eutrophic reservoirs in the tropics

Abstract We hypothesize that iron availability plays an important role in driving phytoplankton structure and dynamics in tropical reservoir. This role has often been neglected in routine monitoring of water quality since the main focus has been addressed on macronutrients such phosphorus and nitrogen. To elucidate the potential regulation exerted by iron availability on phytoplankton, a limnological investigation was carried out in two neighboring eutrophic reservoirs in tropical China. Traditional physical and chemical variables were measured along with total and dissolved iron concentrations to explore how they could influence phytoplankton structure. Statistical analyses showed that dis…

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Preface: New challenges in anostracan research, a tribute to Graziella Mura

This special volume of Hydrobiologia is dedicated to the memory of Graziella Mura, who unexpectedly passed away on 23 March 2016 when she was still carrying out her highly influential and worldrenowned research on Anostraca. She provided outstanding contributions to the current knowledge of the taxonomy and ecology of this distinctive crustacean group over the last 45 years. This volume is a tribute to her and her role in anostracan research by the community of anostracan specialists.

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Invited Review - Fight on Plankton! or, Phytoplankton Shape and Size as Adaptive Tools to Get Ahead in the Struggle for Life

Abstract A renewed interest in investigating the relationships existing between body size and environmental variables is pervading ecological studies. Phytoplankton has a long tradition as model system in studies of community ecology and several research concepts were developed using these organisms. In this paper we try to review the relevance of analyzing the morphological features of phytoplankton in ecology. Starting with a brief account of allometric relationships existing in phytoplankton, we i) examine the physical context in which phytoplankton grow, and ii) highlight the role of their size in nutrient uptake, and that of their shape in light harvesting. Moreover, the way in which t…

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A review on the animal xenodiversity in Sicilian inland waters (Italy)

This paper reviews the available knowledge about faunal xenodiversity in Sicilian inland waters (Italy). The aim is to provide an updated checklist and bibliography of those non-indigenous species (NIS) which occur in the island, and to identify possible threats to its native biological diversity. Data were collected through an extensive literature search which encompassed also local journals, books, congress abstracts, and other grey literature. All the collected data were critically revised and, when possible, verified by consulting available collections or through dedicated sampling surveys. Only those data contained in reports indicating precise occurrence localities, which were confirm…

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Happy birthday Hydrobiologia! 70 years young and still growing…

Hydrobiologia started its existence in March 1948 by publishing a first volume of 476 pages, and already then focused on the biology and ecology of aquatic organisms. After 70 years, the focus of the journal is still similar, but the diversity of approaches increased during the seven decades of its existence. To celebrate the 70 years of Hydrobiologia, we here address some emerging trends in the history of publications in Hydrobiologia.

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Phytoplankton assemblages in twenty-one Sicilian reservoirs: relationships between species composition and environmental factors

Data collected in a limnological survey, carried out between 1987 and 1988 on 21 Sicilian reservoirs of varying trophic state, were ordinated using CANOCO 3.1 to generalise the way in which the structure of phytoplankton assemblage is conditioned by both physical and chemical variables. The results showed that in these man-made lakes, characterised by conspicuouswater-level fluctuations, the annual and interannual variability in the abundance and composition of phytoplankton may be strongly influenced by their peculiar hydraulic regimes rather than by nutrient availability. In particular, it was highlighted that, from the early summer, water abstraction often leads to increased circulation …

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Seasonality of intra-specific cell size in the phytoplankton of Lake Kinneret

A distinct pattern of seasonal fluctuations in intra-specific cell size and/or colony size was observed in a large number of phytoplankton species from Lake Kinneret, Israel. The same species showed larger cell size or colony size in late winter and smaller size in late summer, with intermediate sizes in the interim periods. This phenomenon was exhibited by species of chlorophytes, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria that were abundant enough to be sampled (fortnightly) and measured throughout the year. The annual pattern of fluctuations in size repeated itself over 8 consecutive years (2004-2012). The size fluctuations were independent of the temporal changes observed in cell abundance of ea…

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Two celebrations and the Sustainable Development Goals

No Abstract

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The Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) of Tunisia and the role of spatial and environmental factors as drivers of their distribution patterns

AbstractEven in a biodiversity hotspot such as the Mediterranean basin, aspects relating to the distribution of some groups of microcrustaceans still need clarification. In this paper, we critically analyse the available information on diaptomid copepods in Tunisian inland waters and, based on the largest sampling campaign to date carried out in the country, report new data on their distribution. In the frame of this study, 248 crustacean samples were collected from 190 sites, and 10 diaptomid species belonging to 7 genera and 2 subfamilies were found in the samples. Their distribution follows a climate gradient determined by precipitation, and ecological variables mainly affect diaptomid d…

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Effects of the filter-feeding benthic bivalve corbicula fluminea on plankton community and water quality in aquatic ecosystems: A mesocosm study

The influence of filter-feeding bivalves on plankton communities, nutrients, and water quality in a given aquatic ecosystem is so profound that they can be considered ecosystem engineers. In a 70-day mesocosm experiment, we tested the hypothesis that Corbicula fluminea would change plankton community structure by reducing small zooplankton and large phytoplankton and improve water quality by reducing nutrients. We monitored levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, organic suspended solids (OSS), and light at the sediment surface. Within the plankton, phytoplankton biomass (as Chl a, &gt

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Ecological impacts of global warming and water abstraction on lakes and reservoirs due to changes in water level and related changes in salinity

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released in September 2014, unprecedented changes in temperature and precipitation patterns have been recorded globally in recent decades and further change is predicted to occur in the near future, mainly as the result of human activity. In particular, projections show that the Mediterranean climate zone will be markedly affected with significant implications for lake water levels and salinity. This may be exacerbated by increased demands for irrigation water. Based on long-term data from seven lakes and reservoirs covering a geographical gradient of 52 of latitudes and a literature review, we discuss how changes in water le…

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Convergence and divergence in organization of phytoplankton communities under various regimes of physical and biological control

The hypothesis that physical constraints may be as important, if not more important, than biological ones in shaping the structure of phytoplankton assemblage was tested by analyzing longterm (11–29 years) phytoplankton series in eight lakes and nine sites located along a latitudinal gradient in the Northern hemisphere. Phytoplankton biomass was used and similarity of assemblages in same months of the annual data sets was then calculated by subtracting the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index from 1. The extent of biological and physical forcing was partly based on ‘‘expert evaluation’’: the importance of four physical (light availability, temperature, conductivity, and sediment stirring up) and…

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Does lake age affect zooplankton diversity in Mediterranean lakes and reservoirs? A case study from southern Italy

Zooplankton assemblages of 51 lacustrine environments located in the middle of the Mediterranean Region were analysed to evaluate the existence of an ‘age effect’ in determining their structure. The analysed datasets refer to two different geographic areas, one comprising 30 natural and artificial lakes in Sicily and the other an arrangement of 21 analogous aquatic ecosystems located at the bottom of the Italian Peninsula, a more pristine area called Southern Apennine region. Most of the natural lakes are of post-glacial origin. The artificial lakes in both datasets were built in the last century and offer the opportunity to evaluate the possible short-term effects of ageing on the structur…

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Phytoplankton equilibrium phases during thermal stratification in a deep subtropical reservoir

SUMMARY 1. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium hypotheses have often been used to explain observations in community ecology. Published case studies have demonstrated that steady state phytoplankton assemblages are more likely to occur in deep lakes than in shallow mixed ones. 2. Phytoplankton seasonal succession was studied by weekly sampling in Faxinal Reservoir (S Brazil), a subtropical deep, clear, warm monomictic and slightly eutrophic reservoir. This study demonstrated an alternation of steady and non-steady state phases of phytoplankton assemblages with different dominant species during the steady states. 3. During the studied period, three steady states were identified with different dom…

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Man-made lakes in Mediterranean semi-arid climate: the strange case of Dr Deep Lake and Mr Shallow Lake

The lack of any protection against eutrophication is progressively compromising the water quality of Sicilian reservoirs. These water bodies provide the population with an adequate supply of drinking water and support most of the irrigation requirements of local agriculture. Moreover, they respond to the Mediterranean climate, with sequential, seasonally predictable events of flooding and drying and whose intensity varies markedly between years. As a consequence of summer drought and the policy to meet water demand throughout the season, the reservoirs experience massive dewatering, resulting in a reduction in the spring storage volume of 90%. Thus, they start the hydrological season as wat…

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Iron enrichment from hypoxic hypolimnion supports the blooming of Raphidiopsis raciborskii in a tropical reservoir.

Occurring worldwide, blooms of Raphidiopsis raciborskii threaten the use of water resources especially in tropical and subtropical waterbodies. Its high flexibility in the uses of light and macronutrients (C, N, P) frustrates any bloom prediction and control based on macronutrients regulation. To identify the critical factors promoting periodic blooms of R. raciborskii, the trends of meteorological, hydrodynamic, physical, and chemical variables (including macro- and micronutrients: N, P, Fe) were analyzed in a Chinese tropical large reservoir (Dashahe reservoir) over five years. It was hypothesized that Fe availability, mediated by the mixing pattern of the reservoir, played a crucial role…

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Steady-state assemblages in a Mediterranean hypertrophic reservoir. The role of Microcystis ecomorphological variability in maintaining an apparent equilibrium

Lake Arancio is a hypertrophicMediterranean man-made lake, located on the southern coast of Sicily. Its artificial origin and the climate make it a very dynamic environment, strongly characterised by very wide water-level fluctuations. These vertical water movements interfere with the thermal stability of the water body often causing the breaking of the thermocline in mid-summer. In addition, the summer level-decrease influences the nutrient dynamics and modifies the zmix/zeu ratio. All these modifications were observed to support a high environmental variability, which was reflected by the richness of its phytoplankton composition and by its dynamics. Nevertheless, an investigation carried…

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An account on the non-malacostracan crustacean fauna from the inland waters of Crete, Greece, with the synonymization of Arctodiaptomus piliger Brehm, 1955 with Arctodiaptomus alpinus (Imhof, 1885) (Copepoda: Calanoida)

The Mediterranean bioregion is widely recognised as a biodiversity hotspot and its inland waters are among the species richest ecosystems of the northern hemisphere. However, the extent of such biodiversity has not been totally unravelled, especially in the Mediterranean islands. Here we present a first account of the crustaceans inhabiting 21 permanent and temporary ponds in Crete, the largest of the Greek islands and the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. The ponds, sampled between 2009 and 2018, cover all the island surface even though their number cannot be considered exhaustive to represent the entire non-malacostracan fauna of the island. Nevertheless, 46 taxa were identif…

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Spatial heterogeneity and seasonal succession of phytoplankton functional groups along the vertical gradient in a mesotrophic reservoir

Çelik, Kemal (Balikesir Author)

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Blowing in the wind: how many roads can a phytoplanktont walk down? A synthesis on phytoplankton biogeography and spatial processes

The selected theme of the 17th Workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), ‘‘Biogeography and Spatial Patterns of Biodiversity of Freshwater Phytoplankton,’’ offered the opportunity to explore one neglected aspect of phytoplankton ecology: the distribution of species in the geographic space. This paper summarizes the outcomes of 20 selected contributions among those presented at the workshop. The articles report the results from studies carried out in five continents (only Oceania is not represented) and on a wide array of aquatic ecosystems (deep and shallow natural lakes, man-made lakes, temporary and permanent ponds, rivers). The topics analyze…

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Relationship between trophic state and plankton community structure in 21 Sicilian dam reservoirs

The relationship between the trophic state of 21 Sicilian dam reservoirs and their taxonomic community structure of phytoplankton (87 taxa) as well as zooplankton (45 taxa) have been examined by means of cluster analysis performed using annual average biomass values. The phytoplankton community structure was closely connected with the trophic state of the reservoirs, whereas the zooplankton community structure was related to hydrological regimes peculiar to the individual water bodies and not to the trophic state. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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New challenges in anostracan research: old issues, new perspectives and hot topics

We present a summary of responses to our call among scientists working on Anostraca to commemorate the late Professor Graziella Mura, a pioneer of modern studies on this group of animals. Colleagues from all over the world promptly answered and contributed their works among which we selected the fourteen papers published in the Hydrobiologia Special Volume “New Challenges in anostracan research: a tribute to Graziella Mura”. Although Anostraca are widespread globally, they are among the least known taxonomic groups. Although some biogeographical data are available for some species and higher taxa, we are still far from a clear understanding of the phylogeny, ecology and biogeography of …

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Towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton

This paper considers the structure of freshwater phytoplankton assemblages and promotes a scheme of ‘vegetation recognition’, based upon the functional associations of species represented in the plankton. These groups are often polyphyletic, recognizing commonly shared adaptive features, rather than common phylogeny, to be the key ecological driver. Thirty-one such associations are outlined and the basic pattern of their distinctive ecologies is outlined. An invitation to other plankton scientists to assist in the development of this scheme is issued.

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Impairing the largest and most productive forest on our planet: how do human activities impact phytoplankton?

This article summarizes the outcomes of the 16th Workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology. Four major issues dealing with the impact exerted by human activities on phytoplankton were addressed in the articles of this special volume: climate change and its impacts on phytoplankton, the role of land use in shaping composition and diversity of phytoplankton, the importance of autecological studies to fully understand how phytoplankton is impacted by stressors and the role of ecological classification to evaluate community changes due to the different impacts. Case studies from different types of aquatic environments (rivers, deep and shallow lakes, reser…

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Phytoplankton distribution along trophic gradients within and among reservoirs in Catalonia (Spain)

SUMMARY 1. Longitudinal gradients in the epilimnetic waters of stratified reservoirs provide a useful database to study changing environmental conditions. The spatial distribution, assemblage structure and specific adaptations of phytoplankton assemblages can be analysed along these gradients over short time scales. 2. Four reservoirs with a similar typology, located along an altitudinal gradient in the same eco-region, were sampled along their longitudinal axes. In total, 19 sampling stations provided a trophic spectrum, ranging from oligo-mesotrophy to hypertrophy, which was quantified by calculating the trophic state index of each sampling station in the four reservoirs. 3. Several patte…

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Mediterranean Climate and Eutrophication of Reservoirs: Limnological Skills to Improve Management

Sicily is the largest Mediterranean island and one of the most densely populated areas in the region. To counteract the periodic oscillation in water availability and fulfill drinking and agriculture needs, about 30 dam-reservoirs, impounding in total 750 106 m3, were built in the last 60 years. However, the inherent features of the Mediterranean climate and the total lack of awareness from local authorities have contributed to a progressive increase in the trophic state of these human-made lakes. In particular, the water is stored during the winter rainy season and then it is intensively used in the dry summer. These operational procedures, in particular the time separation between filling…

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First record and morphological features of Hemidiaptomus (Occidodiaptomus) ingens (Gurney, 1909) (Copepoda Calanoida) in Italy

During a survey, carried out to assess the consistency of microcrustacean fauna inhabiting temporary ponds in Sicily, Hemidiaptomus (Occidodiaptomus) ingens (Gurney, 1909), a large calanoid copepod up to now known only for North-African ponds, Camargue and Corse, was found in the north-western part of the island. Due to its central location in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily represents a transition zone where several chorological zones of the West Palearctic merge and converge. A brief summary of the existing literature regarding this taxon is given with some morphological considerations on the recently found population which represents the first record for Italy. In particular, the morpholog…

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An analysis of botanical studies of vascular plants from Italian wetlands

Wetlands are essential for life on Earth, but at the same time the most threatened environments due to the gradual alterations associated with climate change and human action. The botanical studies on wetland higher plants carried out in Italy from 1950 until today are analysed in this survey. The 1,265 contributions resulting from this study are analysed from a historical, geographical, and content point of view. Most of the scientific contributions were published in the 1980s and 1990s, often by the same research groups and on a local scale. The predominant research theme is the inventory. Most papers are mainly focused on lakes and rivers. The results of this literature survey point to t…

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Santa Rosalia, the icon of biodiversity

This article summarizes the results presented in a series of invited contributions which were submitted to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of publication of the seminal article ‘‘Homage to Santa Rosalia or why are there so many kinds of animals’’ by G.E. Hutchinson. The authors were asked to explore old and new paradigms of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. The contributions by Hutchinson in this field are truly landmarks in the history of modern ecological sciences. The authors of the contributed articles, stimulated by one of the most fruitful concept articles in ecology that has appeared over the last half century, have shown that scientific investigation, although still seeking the…

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Phytoplankton and its biotic interactions: Colin Reynolds’ legacy to phytoplankton ecologists

The 18th workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), the first ‘‘tropical’’ IAP ever, the third one outside Europe, and the first one in South America, was held in Natal, Brazil, from August 27 to September 3, 2017, and its main ecological theme was the Phytoplankton and its biotic interactions. The taxonomic topic of the workshop was chosen based on function instead of phylogeny, and to link to the ecological theme of the workshop, the taxonomic theme was therefore centered on mixotrophic microalgae.

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Combination of linear and nonlinear multivariate approaches effectively uncover responses of phytoplankton communities to environmental changes at regional scale

The response of a community to environmental changes is either linear or non-linear, so that they can be investigated approximately by linear or nonlinear models. At community level, redundancy analysis (RDA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and Mantel test and Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) are two pairs of fundamental multivariate approaches. Thus, it is necessary to determine how they are used for a given group of communities or a metacommunity. In the present study, we explored the applications of the two pairs of commonly used multivariate methods for the analysis of tropical phytoplankton communities. Phytoplankton were collected from 60 tropical reservoirs in s…

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Characteristics, Main Impacts, and Stewardship of Natural and Artificial Freshwater Environments: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation

International audience; In this overview (introductory article to a special issue including 14 papers), we consider all main types of natural and artificial inland freshwater habitas (fwh). For each type, we identify the main biodiversity patterns and ecological features, human impacts on the system and environmental issues, and discuss ways to use this information to improve stewardship. Examples of selected key biodiversity/ecological features (habitat type): narrow endemics, sensitive (groundwater and GDEs); crenobionts, LIHRes (springs); unidirectional flow, nutrient spiraling (streams); naturally turbid, floodplains, large-bodied species (large rivers); depth-variation in benthic commu…

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Distribution and seasonal dynamics of Cryptomonads in Sicilian water bodies

Several species with a relevant ecological importance belong to Cryptophyta. Nevertheless, species-level identification from microscopic observations is problematic, lacking recent taxonomic keys. In this study we report our observations on distribution and seasonal dynamics of Cryptomonads in 33 Sicilian water bodies, as well as the main taxonomical problems we encountered. Species of the genera Cryptomonas and Plagioselmis are the most common in the examined water bodies. Their biomass seasonal trends usually show a peak in late winter and early spring. In advanced spring, and also in summer, due to the higher grazing pressure, the Cryptomonads biomass reaches its lowest values. Moreover,…

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Life in suspension and its impact on phytoplankton morphology: an homage to Colin S. Reynolds

The amazing morphological diversity of phytoplankton has to be considered an evolutionarily driven compendium of strategies to cope with the strong variability and unpredictability of the pelagic environment. Phytoplankton collects unicellular and colonial photosynthetic organisms adapted to live in apparent suspension in turbulent water masses. Turbulence represents a key driver of phytoplankton dynamics in all aquatic ecosystems and phytoplankton morphological variability is the evolutionary response of this group of photosynthetic organisms to the temporal and spatial scales of variability of turbulence. This paper reviews the existing literature on the effects exerted by turbulence on p…

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Toxic cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs under a semiarid Mediterranean climate: the magnification of a problem

Sicilian reservoirs constitute the most important water resources available on the island. During summer 2001, the intense water utilization of Lake Arancio reservoir reduced the water level significantly. This coincided with the formation of intense blooms formed by the microcystin-producing cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. During summer 2003, Lake Arancio was continuously filled and the vertical stratification of the water column was maintained, resulting in 5-6 fold lower cell numbers of Microcystis aeruginosa. For both years a significant linear relationship between microcystin net production and Microcysytis cell division was observed, implying that Microcystis cell numbers can b…

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Phytoplankton dynamics in permanent and temporary Mediterranean waters: is the game hard to play because of hydrological disturbance?

Only few scientific investigations have been carried out, to our knowledge, on phytoplankton in Mediterranean temporary ponds. To test the hypothesis that climate forcing is the main factor affecting dynamics and structure of planktic algae in these peculiar ecosystems, and to assess the importance of human impacts on this basic component of the aquatic biota, phytoplankton structure and dynamics were analysed in two temporary, long lasting (9 months), ponds, and in a permanent one. The three studied water bodies can be classified as mesoeutrophic, which show extended macrophyte beds and are subjected to one or more human impacts, such as eutrophication, fish and plant introduction, and gar…

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Morphological analysis of phytoplankton as a tool to assess ecological state of aquatic ecosystems: the case of Lake Arancio, Sicily, Italy

Phytoplankton requires a sufficient supply of light and nutrients to grow. At the same time it is largely entrained in water motion and is subject to grazing from planktonic herbivores. The pelagic life of lake phytoplankton is based on 4 pillars: living in suspension, light harvesting, nutrient uptake, and escape from grazing. Environmental variability and the uneven distribution of resources among and within the different aquatic ecosystems exert a selective pressure on these organisms, which are formed by a single cell or by colonies with either relatively low or high numbers of cells. Phytoplankton displays an amazing morphological variability representing an adaptation to spatial and t…

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Red sky at night cyanobacteria delight: the role of climate in structuring phytoplankton assemblage in a shallow, Mediterranean lake (Biviere di Gela, southeastern Sicily)

The hypothesis that climate changes may strongly interfere with the peculiar hydrological patterns in the Mediterranean basin and alter the structure of the aquatic biota was tested in a shallow Sicilian lake. A phytoplankton survey, carried out monthly in the brackish and shallow Biviere di Gela, in 2005–2007, revealed a transformation in the structure of its phytoplankton assemblage as compared with similar data collected in 1987–1988. An analysis of the trends followed by precipitation and temperature over the last 40 years, showed reduced water inflows, due to increased air temperature and evapotranspiration rather than to a decrease in the amount of precipitation. A consequent reductio…

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Functional classifications and their application in phytoplankton ecology

SUMMARY 1. Ecologists often group organisms based on similar biological traits or on taxonomic criteria. However, the use of taxonomy in ecology has many drawbacks because taxa may include species with very different ecological adaptations. Further, similar characters may evolve independently in different lineages. 2. In this review, we examine the main criteria that have been used in the identification of nine modes of classifying phytoplankton non-taxonomically. These approaches are based purely on morphological and/or structural traits, or on more complex combinations including physiological and ecological features. 3. Different functional approaches have proved able to explain some frac…

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Diversity patterns and biogeography of Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the Western Palearctic

Diaptomid copepods are an important component of biodiversity in inland aquatic ecosystems worldwide but to date little is known about the historical and ecological factors that determined their current distribution. In the present paper, a critical review of the available literature on diaptomid species distribution in the Western Palearctic was performed, and a biogeographical analysis was carried out on the roles that spatial, current environmental, and historical (paleoclimatic) factors played on their actual distribution in this large area. The results show a clear pattern of colonization which is only partially overlapping what has been recently proposed for other terrestrial and aqua…

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Ecological characterization and cladocerans, calanoid copepods and large branchiopods of temporary ponds in a Mediterranean island (Sicily, Southern Italy)

Temporary waters have been sporadically investigated in Sicily. These environments reflect the climatic features of the Mediterranean area with a winter ponding phase and a more or less prolonged dry period in summer. Their biota, especially those organisms strictly linked to aquatic environments and without any terrestrial life stage, have to exhibit special adaptations to survive the dry phases that are recurrent in such ecosystems. This study included more than 250 water bodies distributed on the whole Sicilian territory and on the small circum-Sicilian islands. This paper represents a first attempt to characterize Sicilian temporary waters from an ecological point of view and is mainly …

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Eutrophication control by lime addition: A preliminary approach in Sicilian reservoirs

Sicilian reservoirs, a vital resource for this densely populated island, are undergoing increased eutrophication processes, due to the lack of urban waste treatment plants and to intense agriculture. Massive blooms of toxic cyanobacteria represent one of the most obvious consequences, and can be dangerous for population health. The possibility of a fast, even if only short term, recovery of water quality through application of lime, was tested through analysis of ion dynamics in two reservoirs, to develop an `emergency plan', to counteract cyanobacterial blooms and to decrease the risk for human health. The results indicate that these water bodies are suitable for lime treatments, even thou…

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The role of spatial environmental factors as determinants of large branchiopod distribution in Tunisian temporary ponds

The influence of spatial and environmental factors in explaining the structure of large branchiopod assemblages at different spatial scales is still poorly explored. We hypothesized that the extent of actual spatial connectivity, and thus the spatial distribution of a metacommunity, may depend on the environmental conditions as represented by climatic gradients and the structural characteristics of the landscape. To test this hypothesis, the distributional patterns of 14 large branchiopod species in a set of 177 temporary water bodies repeatedly sampled across Tunisia and on its main islands were analysed. Physical, chemical, morphological and climatic characteristics of the studied water b…

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Evaluating anthropogenic impacts on naturally stressed ecosystems: Revisiting river classifications and biomonitoring metrics along salinity gradients

Naturally stressed ecosystems hold a unique fraction of biodiversity. However, they have been largely ignored in biomonitoring and conservation programmes, such as the EU Water Framework Directive, while global change pressures are threatening their singular values. Here we present a framework to classify and evaluate the ecological quality of naturally stressed rivers along a water salinity gradient. We gathered datasets, including aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages and environmental information, for 243 river locations across the western Mediterranean to: a) gauge the role of natural stressors (salinity) in driving aquatic community richness and composition; b) make river classificatio…

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Water-level fluctuations in Mediterranean reservoirs: Setting a dewatering threshold as a management tool to improve water quality

Water-level fluctuations, often linked to seasonal climatic trends, are a natural phenomenon which occur in almost all aquatic ecosystems. In some climatic regions, as the Mediterranean one, they are particularly wide due to the occurrence of two well separated periods: the rainy winter and the almost completely dry summer. Precipitation is concentrated in the first period, whereas in the second strong evaporation losses take place. According to these climatic features, and to ensure a continuous supply of water throughout the year, man-made lakes store water during winter and are subjected to dewatering during summer to compensate the lack of precipitation. These ecosystems are thus charac…

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Effects of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on phytoplankton community structure and water quality: A short-term mesocosm study

Nile tilapia is a highly invasive fish species, deliberately introduced into many lakes and reservoirs worldwide, sometimes resulting in significant ecosystem alterations. A short-term mesocosm experiment with and without Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was designed to test the hypotheses that the presence of tilapia may affect phytoplankton community structure, increase nutrients availability in water column and deteriorate water quality. Nutrients, total suspended solids (TSS) and biomass of phytoplankton in different size classes (as Chl a) were measured. We found that tilapia increased the total nitrogen (TN), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), NH4 + and TSS concentrations, deteriorat…

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Distribution of recent ostracods in inland waters of Sicily (Southern Italy)

From 2003 to 2005, freshwater ostracods were sampled in 67 water bodies of mainland Sicily (Provinces of Agrigento, Caltanisetta, Catania, Enna, Palermo, Messina, Ragusa, Siracusa and Trapani) located from sea level up to 1300 m a.s.l. This survey took into account streams, springs, wells, but especially temporary and ephemeral habitats (e.g., flooded meadows, temporary ponds). The aim of this research was to give the first comprehensive picture of the regional ostracod fauna and establish relationships between the distribution of ostracod species and some habitat features. Altogether, 21 ostracod taxa belonging to five families (Candonidae, Ilyocyprididae, Cyprididae, Notodromadidae, and L…

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Comparing biological classifications of freshwater phytoplankton: a case study from South China

The use of ecological classification systems is becoming more and more widely used when studying phytoplankton. Grouping phytoplankton species into ecologically coherent groups allow to reduce redundancy and in this way, to handle a minor number of biological variables when investigating the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Three ecological classifications are mostly used when freshwater phytoplankton is studied: functional groups or coda, morpho-functional groups (MFGs) and morphology-based functional groups (MBFGs). In this study, these three ecological classifications were comparatively used along with two taxonomic classifications based on species and genera to analyse phytoplan…

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Studies on the zooplankton of the deep subalpine Lake Garda

The specific composition and seasonal dynamics of the zooplankton of Lake Garda have been studied through monthly surveys in two annual cycles (December 1994-November 1995 and January-December 1997). The assemblage is largely dominated by Copipo-diaptomus steueri, a typical calanoid presently identified in deep (Garda, Iseo) and shallow lakes of NE Italy and in the hinterland of the central Adriatic region (Dalmatia and Marche Region). Cladocerans and the smaller rotifers represent a significant component of the zooplankton from spring to autumn. A re-examination of the results obtained in previous studies does not seem to demonstrate substantial shifts in the composition of the dominant sp…

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Metodologia di valutazione della qualità ambientale: applicazione ad aree umide siciliane

Come valutare e classificare le aree naturali A wetland habitat assessment technique (H.A.T.) has been used to screening 16 wetlands of Sicily. H.A.T. uses breeding birds and wintering Anatidae as indicators of habitat quality. Faunal index values are greater for the natural areas using breeding birds. Faunal index value differences between natural and artificial areas are not so evident using wintering Anatidae.

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Equilibrium/steady-state concept in phytoplankton ecology

This paper summarises the outcomes of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP). The authors mostly addressed their contributions on the following topics: the effect of trophic state on the attainment of a steady-state; the establishment of equilibria in deep and shallow lakes; the role of spatial heterogeneity, disturbance, and stress in the establishment of equilibrium assemblages; the mechanisms leading to the steady state; the frequency and longevity of equilibrium phases, and the role of morphological and physiological plasticity of phytoplankton in maintaining the (apparently) same populations under different environmental condition…

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A (very) brief vademecum on biological nomenclature

This editorial is aimed at explaining why the editors of Hydrobiologia are so concerned with biological nomenclature and why we ask our authors the utmost precision when referring to species in their papers... In these lines, we want to show that this is not just an old fashion formalism, but a necessity to correctly and univocally identify the biological subjects that are the basis of the research published in ecology-related journals.

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Cryptic diversity, niche displacement and our poor understanding of taxonomy and ecology of aquatic microorganisms

AbstractThe analysis of ecological niche is an important task to correctly identify the role exerted by species within ecosystems, to assess their vulnerability, to plan effective measures addressed at fulfilling the postulates of biological conservation, and ultimately to prevent biodiversity loss. However, for the majority of organisms our knowledge about the actual extent of their ecological niche is quite limited. This is especially true for microscopic organisms. Evidence exists that in different geographical areas allegedly conspecific populations can show different, if not antithetical, ecological requirements and not-overlapping ecological niches. This opinion paper discusses whethe…

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Phytoplankton dynamics in a shallow, hypertrophic reservoir (Lake Arancio, Sicily)

Phytoplankton abundance and composition in the hypertrophic man-made Lake Arancio was analyzed, based on a programme of weekly sampling from May 1990 to November 1991 and supported by measurements of limnological parameters. The highest value of phytoplankton biomass (78 mg l-1) was observed in October 1990, during a bloom of the desmid Closterium limneticum var. fallax, while the lowest (0.15 mg l-1) was measured in April 1991. During spring, autumn and winter 1990, species of the genus Closterium dominated the community, in the sequence: C. aciculare, C. limneticum var. fallax, C. limneticum. The summer community was more diverse with the predominance of organisms belonging to Chlorophyce…

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Cladocera (Branchiopoda, Anomopoda, Ctenopoda, and Onychopoda) from Sicilian inland waters: an updated inventory

An extensive survey aimed at updating and increasing the knowledge on species richness and distribution of Cladocera (Branchiopoda) in Sicily has been carried out in the period 2000-2004. More than 250 water bodies, mainly temporary, have been sampled on the whole Sicilian territory and the circum-Sicilian islands. This sampling effort led to the discovery of several species new to the fauna of the island and, coupled with a careful bibliographic review, allowed the realization of an updated checklist that includes 57 species definitely present on the island (only 33 were formerly known), and two more, whose actual presence in Sicily is dubious and needs confirmation. The chorological spect…

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Phytoplankton responses to human impacts at different scales

This book: Deals with eutrophication impact on ecosystem functioning with a different focus and broader perspective. Takes into account the effects of multiple stressors on microalgal assemblages. Includes specific contributions on the autoecology and taxonomy of dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria. Features examples of applications of the morphology-, morpho-functional and functional groups (FG), (MFG) and (MBFG) Phytoplankton responses to human impact at different scales provides a state-of-the-art review of changes in the phytoplankton assemblages determined by human alterations of lakes and rivers. A wide spectrum of case studies describe the effects due to eutrophication and climate chan…

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Shape and size in phytoplankton ecology: do they matter?

This paper summarises the outcomes of the 14th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP). The authors mostly addressed their contributions on the following topics: morphological and morpho-functional descriptors of phytoplankton, size and shape structure of phytoplankton related to different kinds of environmental variables and the role of morphological and physiological plasticity of phytoplankton in maintaining the (apparently) same populations under different environmental conditions. Case studies from different kinds of aquatic environments (deep and shallow lakes, reservoirs with different age, purpose and trophic state, floodplain wetlands m…

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Spatial structure and β-diversity of phytoplankton in Tibetan Plateau lakes: nestedness or replacement?

Spatial patterns and β-diversity of phytoplankton assemblages depend on the relative importance of species dispersal capacity and species-sorting. Variability in species composition, composed by differences in species richness (nestedness) and/or species replacement, may be caused by niche availability and environmental selection. A field survey was carried out in Tibetan plateau on 38 lakes. Tibetan plateau lakes, located at high elevation, are harsh ecosystems characterized by low temperatures, low available nutrients, high UV amount, and strong salinity gradients. Only well-adapted species can survive in these environments. We therefore hypothesized that environmental filtering was the m…

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Larger cell or colony size in winter, smaller in summer – a pattern shared by many species of Lake Kinneret phytoplankton

We examined an 8.5-year record (2004-2012) of cell size data for phytoplankton species from Lake Kinneret, Israel, sampled weekly or at 2-week intervals and determined microscopically by the same person. Many of the species abundant enough to be counted year-round showed a typical seasonal cell size pattern that repeated annually: cell diameter was maximal in winter and minimal in summer. This pattern was shared by species from different taxonomic groups including cyanobacteria, chlorophyta, and dinoflagellates. Similarly, in colonial species of diatoms, chlorophyta, and cyanobacteria the number of cells per colony was larger in winter and smaller in summer. We postulated that the seasonal …

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Preface: Emerging trends in aquatic ecology II

You are now consulting the celebratory volume 750 of Hydrobiologia, the international journal of aquatic sciences. The journal has, since its first volume in March 1948, now exactly 67 years ago, covered a lot of ground and has seen a lot of change in the landscape of scientific publishing in general, and in that of aquatic biodiversity in particular. It has evolved from a fairly locally managed journal, to an international journal with ever increasing impact and ranking. With an ISI 2013 Impact Factor of 2.212, it now ranks 32 out of 103 journals in ‘‘Marine and Freshwater Biology’’. But in the ‘‘Marine Sciences and Fisheries’’ Category of Google Scholar, Hydrobiologia ranks proudly at a 9…

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On the occurrence and distribution of Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritschagin, 1873 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Pseudodiaptomidae) in Sicily, Italy, with some notes on coexistence and species replacement in calanoid copepods

The only population of the pseudodiaptomid copepod Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritschagin, 1873 to date reported to occur in Sicily disappeared at the beginning of the XXI century due to deep environmental changes which affected the single site (Lake Biviere di Gela) known for this species on the island. In that site C. aquaedulcis is now replaced by Copidodiaptomus numidicus (Gurney, 1909), a diaptomid copepod whose distribution has been greatly increasing since the second half of the last century. In the present note, the occurrence of C. aquaedulcis in 12 novel water bodies spread throughout Sicily is reported, and some environmental data on the sites where the species was collected are prov…

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Phytoplankton in the physical environment: beyond nutrients, at the end, there is some light

This article summarizes the outcomes of the 15th Workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology. Four major issues dealing with the role of physical factors in phytoplankton ecology were addressed in the articles of this special volume: global change and its likely impacts on phytoplankton, the role of physical factors in the autecology of particular species, impacts on the inocula for the following years, and the role of light in shaping phytoplankton dynamics. Case studies from different types of aquatic environments (rivers, deep and shallow lakes, floodplain lakes, wetlands, oxbows, and even the deep ocean) and from diverse geographical locations (not o…

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Distribution and seasonal dynamics of Cryptomonads in Sicilian water bodies

Several species with a relevant ecological importance belong to Cryptophyta. Nevertheless, species-level identification from microscopic observations is problematic, lacking recent taxonomic keys. In this study we report our observations on distribution and seasonal dynamics of Cryptomonads in 33 Sicilian water bodies, as well as the main taxonomical problems we encountered. Species of the genera Cryptomonas and Plagioselmis are the most common in the examined water bodies. Their biomass seasonal trends usually show a peak in late winter and early spring. In advanced spring, and also in summer, due to the higher grazing pressure, the Cryptomonads biomass reaches its lowest values. Moreover,…

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First record of a representative of the subfamily Paradiaptominae (Copepoda Calanoida Diaptomidae) in Italy: Metadiaptomus chevreuxi (Guerne & Richard, 1894)

Metadiaptomus chevreuxi (Guerne & Richard 1894), a diaptomid calanoid copepod belonging to the subfamily Paradiaptominae, has been found in two neighbouring temporary pools in the Egadi Archipelago (Sicily, southern Italy). This finding constitutes the first record of a representative of this subfamily in Italy and the second known European record for this species. M. chevreuxi, commonly found in the arid areas of Maghreb, has already been reported to occur in Mallorca Island (Balearic Archipelago, Spain), while it seems to be rare in the eastern quadrants of the Mediterranean basin. The characteristics of the new Italian site are briefly described and drawings of morphological details …

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Updated checklist and distribution of large branchiopods (Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca, Spinicaudata) in Tunisia

Temporary ponds are the most peculiar and representative water bodies in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world, where they often represent diversity hotspots that greatly contribute to the regional biodiversity. Being indissolubly linked to these ecosystems, the so-called “large branchiopods” are unanimously considered flagship taxa of these habitats. Nonetheless, updated and detailed information on large branchiopod faunas is still missing in many countries or regions. Based on an extensive bibliographical review and field samplings, we provide an updated and commented checklist of large branchiopods in Tunisia, one of the less investigated countries of the Maghreb as far as inland w…

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Steady-state assemblages in a Mediterranean hypertrophic reservoir. The role of Microcystis ecomorphological variability in maintaining an apparent equilibrium

Lake Arancio is a hypertrophic Mediterranean man-made lake, located on the southern coast of Sicily. Its artificial origin and the climate make it a very dynamic environment, strongly characterised by very wide water-level fluctuations. These vertical water movements interfere with the thermal stability of the water body often causing the breaking of the thermocline in mid-summer. In addition, the summer level-decrease influences the nutrient dynamics and modifies the zmix/zeu ratio. All these modifications were observed to support a high environmental variability, which was reflected by the richness of its phytoplankton composition and by its dynamics. Nevertheless, an investigation carrie…

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Phytoplankton assemblages in reservoirs: Is it chemical or physical constraints which regulate their structure?

Data on phytoplankton assemblages and the correspondent environmental variables, collected in a limnological investigation carried out on 21 Sicilian reservoirs between 1987 and 1988, were ordered to clarify which physical (light availability, mixing depth), chemical (nutrient availability) and biological (grazing pressure) parameters modulate the structure of the assemblages. In particular, data sets were analyzed using CANOCO 3.1. The results of the analysis have shown that physical factors are more important in selecting species for those environments subject to pronounced water-level fluctuations. The reasons of such strong influence may be understood in the secondary modifications that…

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Mixotrophic phytoplankton dynamics in a shallow Mediterranean water body: how to make a virtue out of necessity

Mixotrophy is a combination of photosynthesis and direct access to organic carbon sources, mainly through osmotrophy or phagotrophy. This strategy is adopted by several, phylogenetically distinct, phytoplankton groups and is commonly occurring in marine, brackish and freshwater ecosystems. Traditionally, it has been put in relation to both scarcity of inorganic nutrients and poor light conditions. However, we observed blooms of the mixotrophic, toxic haptophyte Prymnesium parvum in different periods of the year and under variable resources availability. The analysis of a 6.5-year data set of phytoplankton weekly records from a Sicilian shallow lake (Biviere di Gela, south-eastern Sicily) al…

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Equilibrium/steady-state concept in phytoplankton ecology

This paper summarises the outcomes of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP). The authors mostly addressed their contributions on the following topics: the effect of trophic state on the attainment of a steady-state; the establishment of equilibria in deep and shallow lakes; the role of spatial heterogeneity, disturbance, and stress in the establishment of equilibrium assemblages; the mechanisms leading to the steady state; the frequency and longevity of equilibrium phases, and the role of morphological and physiological plasticity of phytoplankton in maintaining the (apparently) same populations under different environmental condition…

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Fifty years after the "Homage to Santa Rosalia": Old and new paradigms on biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems

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A century of research on micro-organisms from the inland waters of the largest mediterranean island

The first studies on the micro-organisms inhabiting Sicilian inland waters date back to the middle of the XIX century. However, these were based on single samples and mainly addressed at compiling faunistic and floristic inventories. It was in the first decades of the XX century that the first methodical studies were performed, which focussed on assessing microbial diversity in saline and hypersaline inland waters. Studies on plankton dynamics in ponds and reservoirs of the island started at the beginning of the 1980s and, since the end of the 1990s, temporary waters have also been intensively sampled, especially as regards phytoplankton and micro-crustaceans. These intensified sampling eff…

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Importance of water-level fluctuation on population dynamics of cladocerans in a hypertrophic reservoir (Lake Arancio, south-west Sicily, Italy)

During a period of three years (1990-1991 and 1993), we studied the population dynamics of planktonic cladocerans in a hypertrophic reservoir. Weekly sampling revealed that the five most common species followed a trend which reflects the peculiar hydrological characteristics of the reservoir and their key position in the pelagic food web. In particular, 1991 was characterized by a strong water inflow which probably interfered with the reproductive activities of the dominant fish population (Rutilus rubilio) and reduced the concentration of inedible planktonic algae allowing the development of small Chlorococcales. This event was associated with higher population densities of Daphnia hyalina…

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Spatial heterogeneity of spring phytoplankton in a large tropical reservoir: could mass effect homogenize the heterogeneity by species sorting?

Reservoirs are river–lake hybrid ecosystems characterized by a marked longitudinal zonation and variable flushing rates depending on the use of stored waters. The structure of their phytoplankton is therefore subjected to the interplay between the environmental conditions of the different zones (species sorting) and the strength of the unidirectional flow (mass effect). The spatial distribution of spring phytoplankton was investigated in a tropical reservoir across its different zones. Phytoplankton displayed heterogeneous spatial patterns from the turbulent, nutrient-rich riverine zones to the relatively stable lacustrine zone. The analysis of this spatial heterogeneity revealed the relati…

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Phytoplankton dynamics and structure: a comparative analysis in natural and man-made water bodies of different trophic state

Previous investigations on Sicilian man made lakes suggested that physical factors, along with the specific morphology and hydrology of the water body, are important in selecting phytoplankton species. In particular, the variations of the zmix/zeu ratio due to the operational procedure to which reservoirs are generally subject were recognised as a trigger allowing the assemblage shift. To investigate if these variations may be considered analogous to those occurring in natural lakes as trophic state and phytoplankton biomass increase, causing a transparency decrease and a contraction of the euphotic depth, phytoplankton were collected in two natural water bodies, one mesotrophic (Lake Bivie…

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Phytoplankton in extreme environments: importance and consequences of habitat permanency

AbstractThere is hardly any sunshine exposed surface on this Earth, be it water or terrain, which would not support some biota. Still, many habitats offer harsh conditions requiring specialized physiological adaptations to survive. These environments are referred to as extremes; often inhabited by extremophilic organisms. In this review, characteristic species and assemblage properties of phytoplankton inhabiting extreme environments (especially lakes and pools where planktic life is potentially possible and independently of their origin) in terms of alkalinity, acidity, DOC, salinity, temperature, light and mixing regime will be outlined. Lakes characterized by more than a single extreme a…

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Phytoplankton colonization patterns. Is species richness depending on distance among freshwaters and on their connectivity?

Phytoplankton assemblages in two Sicilian water bodies were compared to test the hypothesis that colonization events and the successful establishment of a new species in an aquatic ecosystem may depend on the number of water bodies in a given area and on their relative distance. The two ecosystems are both natural, shallow lakes and they are protected sites hosting a rich avifauna. Lake Biviere di Gela is located in an area with a high density of ponds, whereas Lake Pergusa is an isolated waterbody without other aquatic ecosystems in its surroundings. Both lakes had almost disappeared about 10 years ago because of the over-exploitation of their main inflows. They were therefore re-filled us…

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Different invasibility of permanent and temporary waterbodies in a semiarid Mediterranean Island

Nonindigenous species (NIS) represent a threat to aquatic biodiversity worldwide. However, freshwater ecosystems in drylands are potentially more prone to biological invasions than those located in temperate regions because of the higher number of artificial waterbodies generally occurring in these areas, which might act as invasion hubs for NIS. We review the available information about NIS in Sicilian waterbodies, discuss the role exerted by artificial lakes and ponds in facilitating the establishment of NIS in arid and semiarid areas, and compare the invasibility of permanent and temporary waterbodies in drylands. Artificial waterbodies increase the target-area effect for dispersers and …

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Tracking management-related water quality alterations by phytoplankton assemblages in a tropical reservoir

Water quality improvement and suppression of cyanobacterial blooms were planned in a eutrophic reservoir in southern China through ecological engineering measures from 2006 to 2011. This consisted in (i) a hydraulic resetting of inflows and outflows to increase the distance between inlet and outlet and the water residence time in the reservoir, and in (ii) the installation of floating frames hosting wetland vegetation to promote an alteration in phytoplankton composition. The environmental changes were therefore followed through the analysis of biotic responses in phytoplankton assemblages. Ecological engineering was effective in reducing phytoplankton total biomass, in re-establishing more…

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Geological development of a gypsum lake formed at the beginning of the 20th century in central Sicily, Italy: Integration of historical data with modern survey techniques

A limnological investigation was carried out on the small, endorheic lake, called Lake Sfondato, located in central Sicily (Italy). All the aquatic environments in the central part of the island are rich in salt, with conductivity values above 5 mS cm−1, and are characterized by high alkalinity values and hard waters. In addition, due to intensive agriculture, many of these ecosystems have experienced a strong anthropogenic eutrophication over the last decades. In order to better understand the functioning of these peculiar environments, the morphology, hydrology, and geochemistry, as well as several selected physical and biological characteristics of Lake Sfondato, were studied in the year…

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Ecosystem services provided by marine and freshwater phytoplankton

AbstractPhytoplankton, the ecological group of microalgae adapted to live in apparent suspension in water masses, is much more than an ecosystem’s engineer. In this opinion paper, we use our experience as phytoplankton ecologists to list and highlight the services provided by phytoplankton, trying to demonstrate how their activity is fundamental to regulate and sustain Life on our Planet. Although the number of services produced by phytoplankton can be considered less numerous than that produced by other photosynthetic organisms, the ubiquity of this group of organisms, and their thriving across oceanic ecosystems make it one of the biological engines moving our biosphere. Supporting servic…

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Use and misuse in the application of the phytoplankton functional classification: a critical review with updates

Since its publication, the article ‘Towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton’ (Reynolds et al., J Plankton Res 24: 417–428, 2002), has attracted the attention of dozens of phytoplankton ecologists worldwide. These numerous applications of the functional classification to describe phytoplankton patterns in various aquatic ecosystems allowed the recognition of some uncertain features of this concept originating from various reasons. In this article, we attempt to facilitate the application of the functional classification, by providing a detailed description of the typical misplacements and by modifying some of the original habitat templates and species allocations.…

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Ecology and distribution of Calanoid Copepods in Sicilian inland waters (Italy)

(2006). Ecology and distribution of calanoid copepods in Sicilian inland waters (Italy) SIL Proceedings, 1922-2010: Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 2150-2156.

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New, old and evergreen frontiers in freshwater phytoplankton ecology: the legacy of Colin S. Reynolds

This paper offers a brief overview of the contributions provided by widely recognised phytoplankton ecologists to honour the memory of an undisputed leader in the field of aquatic sciences: Colin S. Reynolds. Colin passed away quite unexpectedly in December 2018 causing a wave of sorrow that rapidly circulated among friends and colleagues all over the world. The 14 review papers collected in this Special Issue form a tribute to Colin’s scientific thinking, which survives the man and represents a legacy to all the scientists in the field, especially to young generations. Although authors and editors carefully selected 14 different topics, a certain degree of overlap exists among the collecte…

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How do freshwater organisms cross the “dry ocean”? A review on passive dispersal and colonization processes with a special focus on temporary ponds

Lakes and ponds are scattered on Earth’s surface as islands in the ocean. The organisms inhabiting these ecosystems have thus developed strategies to pass the barrier represented by the surrounding land, to disperse and to colonize new environments. The evidences of a high potential for passive long-range dispersal of organisms producing resting stages inspired the idea that there were no real barriers to their actual dispersal, and that their distribution was only limited by the ecological characteristics of the available habitats. The development of genetic techniques allowed to criticize this view and revealed the existence of a more complex and diverse biological scenario governed by an…

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Phytoplankton assemblages in a complex system of interconnected reservoirs: the role of water transport in dispersal

Phytoplankton in a complex network of reservoirs for drinking water supply was sampled in the dry and flood seasons to understand the role of dispersal through hydrochory and of environmental filters in determining the phytoplankton abundance and composition. The main assumptions tested in the present study are that (i) phytoplankton structure in these waterbodies is strongly dependent on the transportation with the river waters flowing through them and (ii) the importance of this stochastic transportation is decreasing as the connectivity with the river decreases allowing environmental filters to shape phytoplankton structure. The multivariate analysis showed that although phytoplankton wa…

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Different lineages of freshwater jellyfishes (Cnidaria, Olindiidae, Craspedacusta) invading Europe: another piece of the puzzle from Sicily, Italy

Correctly identifying and mapping the distribution patterns of passively dispersing freshwater organisms is an important task to understand the mechanisms through which these organisms move across the world and to counteract the introduction of invasive alien species in a timely way; moreover, in the light of the growing evidence of the pervasiveness of cryptic species and cryptic biological invasions among all animal groups, the use of molecular identification tools is strongly advisable. In this context, we present the first record of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester, 1880 in the Mediterranean island of Sicily, Italy. This invasive species, native to China, was fo…

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The effects of absolute and relative nutrient concentrations (N/P) on phytoplankton in a subtropical reservoir

Abstract The elemental composition of phytoplankton is a critical factor for primary production and nutrient recycling. The increase anthropogenic nutrient input into freshwater ecosystems is affecting phytoplankton assemblage structure and its stoichiometry. Reservoirs of South China generally show low level of phosphate and it is not clear how phytoplankton can grow and occasionally bloom in such conditions. Therefore, an indoor experiment was conducted to investigate the response of natural phytoplankton communities to 25 levels of supplied nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (N/P), arising from the combination of 5 levels of N and P. Our aim was to check the effects of absolute and relative N…

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Preface: Emerging trends in aquatic ecology III

Humans have never faced such major threats to their homes as they are experiencing now. Despite several global initiatives to ameliorate environmental problems, to preserve biodiversity and to alleviate poverty, these major threats are far from being resolved. According to a recent survey conducted by Ripple et al. (2017) and signed by 15,364 scientists of 184 countries, several indicators of environmental health are still worsening significantly. For example, along with the continuing increase of atmospheric CO2 and global temperatures (the threats best known by the general public as ‘‘climate change’’), there are still steep increases in atmospheric concentrations of methane and nitrous o…

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Supplementary material 1 from: Barone G, Cirlincione F, Di Gristina E, Domina G, Gianguzzi L, Mirabile G, Naselli-Flores L, Raimondo FM, Venturella G (2022) An analysis of botanical studies of vascular plants from Italian wetlands. Italian Botanist 14: 45-60. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.14.95072

List of data references on botanical studies of higher plants in Italian wetlands

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