C. Casadio
Future mmVLBI Research with ALMA: a European vision
Very long baseline interferometry at millimetre/submillimetre wavelengths (mmVLBI) offers the highest achievable spatial resolution at any wavelength in astronomy. The anticipated inclusion of ALMA as a phased array into a global VLBI network will bring unprecedented sensitivity and a transformational leap in capabilities for mmVLBI. Building on years of pioneering efforts in the US and Europe the ongoing ALMA Phasing Project (APP), a US-led international collaboration with MPIfR-led European contributions, is expected to deliver a beamformer and VLBI capability to ALMA by the end of 2014 (APP: Fish et al. 2013, arXiv:1309.3519). This report focuses on the future use of mmVLBI by the intern…
Jet collimation in NGC 315
VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'Jet collimation in NGC 315 and other nearby AGN.' (bibcode: 2021A&A...647A..67B)