Tomasz Grzybowski
On the origin of mongrels: evolutionary history of free-breeding dogs in Eurasia
Although a large part of the global domestic dog population is free-ranging and free-breeding, knowledge of genetic diversity in these free-breeding dogs (FBDs) and their ancestry relations to pure-breed dogs is limited, and the indigenous status of FBDs in Asia is still uncertain. We analyse genome-wide SNP variability of FBDs across Eurasia, and show that they display weak genetic structure and are genetically distinct from pure-breed dogs rather than constituting an admixture of breeds. Our results suggest that modern European breeds originated locally from European FBDs. East Asian and Arctic breeds show closest affinity to East Asian FBDs, and they both represent the earliest branching…
Population differentiation of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Poland inferred by the analysis of mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA : imlications for conservation
We investigated the genetic diversity of Polish populations of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) using complete sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and allelic variation at thirteen microsatellite loci. We collected data from 146 turtles from 28 locations covering most of the species’ range in Poland. Our results showed a low haplotype diversity and high levels of microsatellite diversity in all populations. We applied two Bayesian approaches using the multilocus data and determined relationships of mtDNA haplotypes by constructing a parsimony network. We observed relatively consistent results of the two Bayesian clustering methods and largely concordant differentiati…
The EDNAP mitochondrial DNA population database (EMPOP) collaborative exercises: organisation, results and perspectives.
This paper presents an overview of the organisation and the results of the collaborative exercises (CE) of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) Group's mitochondrial DNA population database project (EMPOP). The aim of the collaborative exercises was to determine whether uniformity of mtDNA sequencing results could be achieved among different laboratories. These were asked to sequence either the complete mtDNA control region or the two hypervariable regions HVI (16024-16365) and HVII (73-340) from DNA extracts, buccal swabs or bloodstains, proceeding in accordance with the protocol and strategies used in each individual laboratory. The results of the collaborative exercises were employed to id…
Data from: On the origin of mongrels: evolutionary history of free-breeding dogs in Eurasia
Although a large part of the global domestic dog population is free-ranging and free-breeding, knowledge of genetic diversity in these free-breeding dogs (FBDs) and their ancestry relations to pure-breed dogs is limited, and the indigenous status of FBDs in Asia is still uncertain. We analyse genome-wide SNP variability of FBDs across Eurasia, and show that they display weak genetic structure and are genetically distinct from pure-breed dogs rather than constituting an admixture of breeds. Our results suggest that modern European breeds originated locally from European FBDs. East Asian and Arctic breeds show closest affinity to East Asian FBDs, and they both represent the earliest branching…