Violeta Atienza
Two new conidial lichenicolous fungi from Spain indicate the distinction ofLichenodiplisandMinutoexcipula
AbstractTwo new conidial lichenicolous fungi are described from Spain:Lichenodiplis crespoaeonCyphelium notarisiiandMinutoexcipula tephromelaeonTephromela atra.Lichenodiplis crespoaediffers from all the described species of the genus in the narrower and shorter conidia, and the hostCyphelium notarisii.Minutoexcipula tephromelaeis characterized by subglobose, conidiogenous cells occasionally bearing 1–2 long proliferating extensions, short conidia and by the hostTephromela atra.
Notes on the genus Polycoccum (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae) in Spain, with a key to the species
AbstractComments on and a key to the 13 Polycoccum species known in Spain are presented, including synopses of their world distributions. Amongst these is P. rubellianae sp. nov., a lichenicolous fungus growing on thalli of Caloplaca rubelliana in eastern Spain (Valencia). It has relatively small ascomata, the lower part pale brown, and also small ascospores which are coarsely verrucose and have a thick gelatinous sheath when young. The new species is associated with a Phoma-like anamorph. The identity and systematic position of P. opulentum requires further study as the name has been applied to different species, and the occurrence of P. marmoratum in Spain is in need of confirmation. The …
Hongos liquenizados y liquenícolas de la Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel, España)
[spa] Se presenta un catálogo de 462 hongos liquenizados y liquenícolas de la Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel, Aragón, España), como resultado de la IV Campaña de Recolección organizada por la Sociedad Española de Liquenología (SEL). Diplotomma hedinii es novedad para la Península Ibérica y Lepraria leuckertiana constituye una segunda cita peninsular, 69 taxones son novedad para Aragón y 86 lo son para la provincia de Teruel.
Lichenothelia renobalesiana sp. nov. (Lichenotheliaceae), for a lichenicolous ascomycete confused with Polycoccum opulentum (Dacampiaceae)
Abstract:The name Polycoccum opulentum proves to have been wrongly applied to a lichenicolous fungus belonging to the genus Lichenothelia, and which differs from the type material of P. opulentum in having non-ostiolate broadly stipitate ascomata and narrow ascospores with a conspicuous gelatinous sheath. The Lichenothelia represents an hitherto undescribed species, named here as L. renobalesiana, sp. nov. which is associated with verrucarialean lichens on hard limestones in temperate regions. The true P. opulentum is known only from the original collection on Polyblastia hyperborea from Sweden.
Minutoexcipula tuckerae gen. et sp.nov., a new lichenicolous deuteromycete on Pertusaria texana in the United States
The new deuteromycete genus and species Minutoexcipula tuckerae is described and illustrated from five collections on Pertusaria texana made in Louisiana. It is characterized by the formation of black convex sporodochia-like conidiomata which also have a well-differentiated exciple. The branched conidiophores bear proliferating holoblastic conidiogenous cells with distinct annellations, and the singly borne conidia are brown and 1-septate. The separation of the genus from Lichenopuccinia, Milospium, Monodictys, Sclerococcum, and Trimmatostroma is discussed. Notes on other brown-spored deuteromycetes known on Pertusaria are also included, together with a key to the nine currently known speci…
Propuesta de microrreservas vegetales. Una alternativa para la conservación de líquenes en la comunidad Valenciana.
ATIENZA, V., SEGARRA, J. G & LAGUNA, E. 2001. Plant micro-reserves proposal, as an alternative for lichen conservation in the Valencian Community. Bot. Complutensis 25: 115-128. In the scope of the Valencian Community 6 areas are proposed as lichenological flora micro-reserves, two of them are located in the Alicante province: 1.Villena, Cabezo del Chocolaino and 2. Xàbia, Cabo de San Antonio, Morro dels Cocons, two in the Castellón province: 3. Pina de Montalgrao. Santa Bárbara de Pina and 4. Illes Columbretes. Illa Grossa and two in the Valencia province: 5. Puebla de San Miguel. Cerro Calderón and 6. El Saler. Pujol Nou. Location, description and a list of the most interesting lichen…
Verrucoccum (Dothideomycetes, Dictyosporiaceae), a new genus of lichenicolous fungi on Lobaria s. lat. for the Dothidea hymeniicola species complex
Two lichenicolous fungi, one growing on the thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria in the United Kingdom (Scotland) and the other in apothecia of Lobaria linita and L. oregana in northwestern North America (Alaska and British Columbia) and northeast Asia (Russian Far East, Khabarovsk Krai), show similarities to the species originally described as Dothidea hymeniicola (later transferred to Polycoccum s. lat and Endococcus) from a Lobaria s. lat. species in Central America. Critical morphological comparison showed that, despite the superficial resemblance between Alaskan, Canadian, Russian, and Scottish collections and the holotype of Dothidea hymeniicola, they can be distinguished by detailed microsc…
Use of Ganoderma lucidum (Ganodermataceae, Basidiomycota) as Radioprotector
For millennia, naturopaths and physicians have used Ganoderma lucidum (reishi mushroom) for its diverse therapeutic properties, as recorded in the oldest Chinese herbal encyclopedia. Indeed, a radioprotective effect has been reported in the isolated components of its extracts. A systematic review and meta-analyses (PRISMA) was conducted in March 2020, searching databases including PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Google Scholar, along with Clinical Trials. The inclusion criteria were ex vivo, in vitro, and in vivo studies, with full texts in English, conducted to determine the radioprotective benefits of G. lucidum, or reports in which ionizing radiation was used. From a total number of 1109 rec…
Catálogo de los líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de Sierra Nevada (España)
The authors are grateful to the Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Andalucía and the direction of the Sierra Nevada National Park for the facilities and the means placed at their disposal to carry out this work. Ana Rosa Burgaz has received financial support from the project CGL2013-41839-P, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain. Maria Prieto, Clara Rodríguez and Sergio Muriel were funded by the project CGL2016-80562-P from MINECO, Spain. Salvador Chiva and Cristina Dumitru were funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO CGL2016–79158-P) and Prometeo Excellence in Research Program (Generalitat Valenciana, PROMETEO/2017/039), Spain.
Líquenes y hongos liquenícolas de la Serranía de Ronda (Málaga-Cádiz), sur de España
As a result of a field trip organised by the Spanish Lichen Society in Serranía de Ronda, south Spain, a catalogue of 360 taxa is presented (336 lichens, 24 lichenicolous fungi). The list includes three new records for the Iberian Peninsula: Arthonia paretinaria, Micarea myriocarpa and Niesslia keissleri, 51new ones for the Autonomous Andalusian Community, and three and 81 new ones for the province of Cádiz and of Málaga, respectively. After these results, the total updated number of the province of Málaga rises to 556 lichens and lichenicolous fungi. The best represented lichen genus is Cladonia (18) with the most species, unlike Lecanora (15), Pertusaria (12), Physconia (12) and Collema (…
Verrucoccum (Dothideomycetes, Dictyosporiaceae), a new genus of lichenicolous fungi on Lobaria s. lat. for the Dothidea hymeniicola species complex
Two lichenicolous fungi, one growing on the thallus of Lobaria pulmonaria in the United Kingdom (Scotland) and the other in apothecia of Lobaria linita and L. oregana in northwestern North America (Alaska and British Columbia) and northeast Asia (Russian Far East, Khabarovsk Krai), show similarities to the species originally described as Dothidea hymeniicola (later transferred to Polycoccum s. lat and Endococcus) from a Lobaria s. lat. species in Central America. Critical morphological comparison showed that, despite the superficial resemblance between Alaskan, Canadian, Russian, and Scottish collections and the holotype of Dothidea hymeniicola, they can be distinguished by detailed microsc…