Minna Koivula

“I love learning new things” : An institutional logics perspective on learning in professional journalism

In contemporary working life, journalists are often faced with the pressures of an increasingly precarious field where employment is less stable and more contractual than in previous years. Consequently, learning as a skill has grown in importance as journalists enter and leave the job market. Previous research has often portrayed professional journalists as unwilling to learn due to the persistence of the institution of journalism. Consequently, this study examines learning in professional journalism through interviews with 30 Finnish journalists. We adopt the institutional logics perspective to examine which institutional logics manifest in journalists' descriptions of learning and how. W…

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For three years, we manipulated litter size by adding or subtracting pups in eight wild populations of the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus, to examine reproductive costs and allocation of reproductive effort between offspring number and size. In general, litter enlargements did not increase the number of weanlings per mother and significantly decreased the size of weanlings. Reproductive effort and the breeding success of individuals varied within breeding seasons, but time of breeding and litter manipulation did not interact to affect reproductive trade-offs. Our 3-yr field experiment revealed that litter enlargements also reduced survival and fecundity of mothers. Small mammals have be…

research product

Vaakakupissa vaarat ja vastuu: Julkisen palvelun median arvot sosiaalisen median alustojen paineessa

Sosiaalisen median alustat ovat muovanneet media-alan prosesseja ja käytäntöjä merkittävästi. Alustayritysten toimintaa ohjaavat erilaiset arvot ja tavoitteet kuin mediaorganisaatioita, mikä aiheuttaa toimijoiden välille ristiriitaa. Toimintatavoistaan ja arvoistaan sosiaalisessa mediassa joutuvat neuvottelemaan erityisesti julkisen palvelun mediayhtiöt, joiden peruskivenä ovat julkisen palvelun arvot. Tarkastelemme tässä artikkelissa suomalaisen julkisen palvelun mediayhtiön Yleisradion alustasuhdetta laadullisen haastatteluaineiston avulla. Kysymme, miten Yleisradiossa kuvataan ja perustellaan suhdetta sosiaalisen median alustoihin ja minkälaiseen arvopuheeseen suhteen kuvaaminen kytkeyty…

research product

Sex–biased maternal investment in voles: importance of environmental conditions

Adaptive bias in sex allocation is traditionally proposed to be related to the condition of mothers as well as to the unequal fitness values of produced sexes. A positive relationship between mother condition and investment into male offspring is often predicted. This relationship was also recently found to depend on environmental conditions. We studied these causalities experimentally using a design where winter food supply was manipulated in eight outdoor-enclosed populations of field voles Microtus agrestis. At the beginning of the breeding season in spring, food-supplemented mothers seemed to be in a similar condition, measured as body mass, head width, body condition index and parasite…

research product

Creativity and Innovation in Technology-Mediated Journalistic Work : Mapping out Enablers and Constraints

This qualitative study examines creativity and innovation in dispersed, journalistic teams. Specifically, we study the factors enabling and constraining creativity and innovation in journalistic work in technology-mediated settings and explore how technology shapes these phenomena in dispersed journalistic teams. The study is motivated by the media industry’s heightened need for creativity and innovation as well as the changing nature of working life where an increasing amount of work is done via information and communication technologies. By closely examining two journalistic teams and their idea sharing and development processes, this study finds that successful creative work and innovati…

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Mediated by the giants: Tracing practices, discourses, and mediators of platform isomorphism in a media organization

News media are increasingly interwoven with social media platforms. Building on institutional theory, we trace the repercussions of the platform infrastructure inside a media organization by focusing on organizational discourses and practices in connection with the journalistic use of social media. The empirical material includes interviews, field notes, chat logs, and documents collected from a public service media organization during a 6-month on-site and virtual ethnography. The findings show how platform pressures intertwine with content production, audience representation, journalistic values, and organizational development, thus manifesting the infrastructuralization and institutional…

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Body size at birth has implications for the quality of individuals throughout their life. Although large body size is generally considered an advantage, the relationship between body size at birth and long-term fitness is often complicated. Under spatial or temporal variation in environmental conditions, such as the seasonally changing densities of Fennoscandian vole populations, selection should favor variation in offspring phenotypes, as different qualities may be beneficial in different conditions. We performed an experiment in which a novel hormonal manipulation method was used to increase phenotypic variance in body size at birth in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). The effects of body…

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Post-Publication Gatekeeping Factors and Practices: Data, Platforms, and Regulations in News Work

The gatekeeping literature has turned to look at the factors and practices that shape gatekeeping in the post-publication environment, i.e., after news has entered circulation. This article adds to the discussion and argues that news workers share gatekeeping power in the post-publication environment with audiences, platforms, and regulations. Further, this study extends the post-publication gatekeeping framework and considers it in the context of datafication. The article aims to broadly understand how (audience) data is part of editorial decision-making in news media from news workers’ perceptions. The current study was conducted by interviewing news workers from three Finnish news organi…

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Sex and age-specific differences in ultraviolet reflectance of scent marks of bank voles ( Clethrionomys glareolus )

Scent markings of voles are visible via their ultraviolet reflection. Kestrels, and possibly other diurnal raptors, may use this property when hunting. We performed a laboratory study on bank voles to determine whether UV-reflectance of scent marks differs in relation to sex, age and social status. When reflectance spectra of scent marks were measured with a spectro-radiometer, we found UV reflectance to be strongest in mature males. There were no differences between mature females and immature juveniles, nor between sexes in juveniles or mature and immature individuals in females. Moreover, we did not find any difference in UV reflectance between dominant and subordinate mature males. The …

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Interactive effects of past and present environments on overwintering success-a reciprocal transplant experiment

Life-history traits are influenced by environmental factors throughout the lifespan of an individual. The relative importance of past versus present environment on individual fitness, therefore, is a relevant question in populations that face the challenge of temporally varying environment. We studied the interacting effects of past and present density on body mass, condition, and survival in enclosure populations of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) using a reciprocal transplant design. In connection with the cyclic dynamics of natural vole populations, our hypothesis was that individuals born in low-density enclosures would do better overwintering in low-density enclosures than in high-den…

research product

Puhekaverina botti : viestivä tekoäly inhimillistettynä vuorovaikutuskumppanina

Viestivät tekoälyt eli luonnollisella kielellä käytävään keskusteluun kykenevät algoritmit ovat yhä tyypillisempiä vuorovaikutuskumppaneita erilaisilla teknologisilla alustoilla. Yksi tyypillinen viestivän tekoälyn muoto on botti: automaattinen ohjelma, joka käyttää verkkopalvelun käyttäjätiliä tavallisen käyttäjän tavoin ja suorittaa yksinkertaisia toimintoja tai viestii. Tyypillisesti botit tavalla tai toisella pyrkivät näyttäytymään ihmiskäyttäjinä, tai ainakin niille ohjelmoidaan ja suunnitellaan ihmisenkaltaisia piirteitä. Artikkeli tarkastelee bottien roolia vuorovaikutuskumppaneina sisäisessä ja julkisessa mediatilassa kytkeytymällä tuoreeseen ihmis-koneviestinnän tutkimusalaan. Kesk…

research product

Practical, Not Radical : Examining Innovative Learning Culture in a Public Service Media Organization

Recent scholarship has argued for media organizations’ need to radically innovate to ensure their survival in the future. This study deploys the innovative learning culture (ILC) framework to qualitatively study innovation and learning in a legacy public service media organization. While innovation and learning are linked, the learning processes of professional journalists have received only little attention. Through an analysis of a development network operating in a public service media organization, we identify characteristics of ILC in the network and how those characteristics manifest in practice, as well as examine contextual factors that shape ILC. Our findings indicate that innovati…

research product

Can number and size of offspring increase simultaneously?--a central life-history trade-off reconsidered.

Abstract Background To maximize their fitness, parents are assumed to allocate their resources optimally between number and size of offspring. Although this fundamental life-history trade-off has been subject to long standing interest, its genetic basis, especially in wild mammals, still remains unresolved. One important reason for this problem is that a large multigenerational pedigree is required to conduct a reliable analysis of this trade-off. Results We used the REML-animal model to estimate genetic parameters for litter size and individual birth size for a common Palearctic small mammal, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Even though a phenotypic trade-off between offspring number and …

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Attraction of kestrels to vole scent marks visible in ultraviolet light

IN northern Europe, broad four-year oscillations in small rodent and raptor populations are synchronous over hundreds of square kilometers1–6. Crashes in vole populations can induce wide emigration (> 1,000 km) of their predators7 –9, but almost nothing is known about how predators rapidly detect areas of vole abundance. Here we report on laboratory and field experiments on voles (Microtus agrestis) and kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). Voles mark their runaways with urine and faeces, which are visible in ultraviolet light. Wild kestrels brought into captivity were able to detect vole scent marks in ultraviolet light but not in visible light. In the field, kestrels hunted preferentially near ex…

research product

Puhekaverina botti

Viestivät tekoälyt eli luonnollisella kielellä käytävään keskusteluun kykenevät algoritmit ovat yhä tyypillisempiä vuorovaikutuskumppaneita erilaisilla teknologisilla alustoilla. Yksi tyypillinen viestivän tekoälyn muoto on botti: automaattinen ohjelma, joka käyttää verkkopalvelun käyttäjätiliä tavallisen käyttäjän tavoin ja suorittaa yksinkertaisia toimintoja tai viestii. Tyypillisesti botit tavalla tai toisella pyrkivät näyttäytymään ihmiskäyttäjinä, tai ainakin niille ohjelmoidaan ja suunnitellaan ihmisenkaltaisia piirteitä.Artikkeli tarkastelee bottien roolia vuorovaikutuskumppaneina sisäisessä ja julkisessa mediatilassa kytkeytymällä tuoreeseen ihmis-koneviestinnän tutkimusalaan. Keski…

research product

Do Tengmalm's owls see vole scent marks visible in ultraviolet light?

Scent markings (urine and faeces) of small mammals are visible in ultraviolet (UV) light. Diurnal kestrels, Falco tinnunculususe them as a cue to find areas of food abundance. We studied whether vole-eating, nocturnal Tengmalm's owls, Aegolius funereuscan see vole scent marks using UV-vision. In a laboratory experiment, 14 young (less than 6 months old) and 14 adult (more than 6 months old) owls were individually given a choice between four adjacent arenas: (1) an arena with vole urine and faeces in UV light; (2) an arena with vole urine and faeces in visible light; (3) a clean arena in UV light; and (4) a clean arena in visible light. Owls did not prefer any of the four arenas. Our results…

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Intra‐ and Intersexual Trade‐Offs between Testosterone and Immune System: Implications for Sexual and Sexually Antagonistic Selection

International audience; Parasites indirectly affect life-history evolution of most species. Combating parasites requires costly immune defenses that are assumed to trade off with other life-history traits. In vertebrate males, immune defense is thought to trade off with reproductive success, as androgens enhancing sexual signaling can suppress immunity. The phenotypic relationship between male androgen levels and immune function has been addressed in many experimental studies. However, these do not provide information on either intra- or intersex genetic correlations, necessary for understanding sexual and sexually antagonistic selection theories. We measured male and female humoral antibod…

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Slacking with the Bot: Programmable Social Bot in Virtual Team Interaction

Nonhuman communicators are challenging the prevailing conceptualizations of technology-mediated team communication. Slackbot is a social bot that can be configured to respond to trigger words and, thus, take part in discussions on the platform. A set of 84 bot-related communication episodes were identified from a journalistic team's Slack messages (N=45,940) and analyzed utilizing both qualitative content analysis and interaction process analysis (IPA). This integrated mixed-methods analysis revealed novel insights into the micro-level dynamics of human-machine communication in organizational teams. In response to Slackbot's greetings, acclamations, work-related messages, and relational mes…

research product

Frequency and density-dependent selection on life-history strategies--a field experiment.

Negative frequency-dependence, which favors rare genotypes, promotes the maintenance of genetic variability and is of interest as a potential explanation for genetic differentiation. Density-dependent selection may also promote cyclic changes in frequencies of genotypes. Here we show evidence for both density-dependent and negative frequency-dependent selection on opposite life-history tactics (low or high reproductive effort, RE) in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Density-dependent selection was evident among the females with low RE, which were especially favored in low densities. Instead, both negative frequency-dependent and density-dependent selection were shown in females with high R…

research product

Kestrels prefer scent marks according to species and reproductive status of voles

We have previously documented that European kestrels (Falco tinnunculus L.) are attracted to the scent marks of small rodents in the presence of ultraviolet light (UV) but not visible light (VL). I...

research product

Ultraviolet vision and foraging in terrestrial vertebrates

Tetrachromatic colour vision, based on four ‘main’ colours and their combinations, is probably the original colour vision in terrestrial vertebrates. In addition to human visible waveband of light (400–700 nm) and three main colours, it also includes the near ultraviolet part of light spectrum (320–400 nm). The ecological importance of ultraviolet (UV) vision in animals has mainly been studied in the context of intra- and inter-sexual signalling, but recently the importance of UV vision in foraging has received more attention. Foraging animals may use either UV cues (reflectance or absorbance) of food items or UV cues of the environment. So far, all diurnal birds studied (at least 35 specie…

research product

Can number and size of offspring increase simultaneously? – A central life-history trade-off reconsidered

Background: To maximize their fitness, parents are assumed to allocate their resources optimally between number and size of offspring. Although this fundamental life-history trade-off has been subject to long standing interest, its genetic basis, especially in wild mammals, still remains unresolved. One important reason for this problem is that a large multigenerational pedigree is required to conduct a reliable analysis of this trade-off. Results: We used the REML-animal model to estimate genetic parameters for litter size and individual birth size for a common Palearctic small mammal, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Even though a phenotypic trade-off between offspring number and size wa…

research product

Interactive effects of past and present environments on overwintering success - A reciprocal transplant experiment

Life-history traits are influenced by environmental factors throughout the lifespan of an individual. The relative importance of past versus present environment on individual fitness, therefore, is a relevant question in populations that face the challenge of temporally varying environment. We studied the interacting effects of past and present density on body mass, condition, and survival in enclosure populations of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) using a reciprocal transplant design. In connection with the cyclic dynamics of natural vole populations, our hypothesis was that individuals born in low-density enclosures would do better overwintering in low-density enclosures than in high-den…

research product

Frequency and Density-Dependent Selection on Life-History Strategies - A Field Experiment

Negative frequency-dependence, which favors rare genotypes, promotes the maintenance of genetic variability and is of interest as a potential explanation for genetic differentiation. Density-dependent selection may also promote cyclic changes in frequencies of genotypes. Here we show evidence for both density-dependent and negative frequency-dependent selection on opposite life-history tactics (low or high reproductive effort, RE) in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Densitydependent selection was evident among the females with low RE, which were especially favored in low densities. Instead, both negative frequency-dependent and density-dependent selection were shown in females with high RE…

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