G Paternostro

La crisi del dibattito pubblico nell'Italia contemporanea: il discorso populista

In this paper I discuss the current state of the so called populist political discourse in Italy. In particular my purpose is to shed light on some features of this kind of discourse in order to show the relation between language and policy in the discourse of populism. In this perspective I will follow the eight key points that, according to Diamanti & Lazar (2018), identify the actual populist movements, in order to verify if – and, in that case, which – linguistic traits characterize their discourse.The analysis will be focused on the semantic and argumentative aspects of the discourse of some of the most important political actors in contemporary Italy.

research product

Research Evidence and Implications on Migration Phenomena in Europe

This book provides a summary overview of the activities carried out by the Diversity and Migration Lab, which was set up within the scope of the FORTHEM international Alliance (Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility), and concluded in September 2022.

research product

Recensione a M. Gargiulo (a cura di) Lingua e cultura italiana nei mass media. Uno sguardo interdisciplinare, Roma, Aracne 2014

Recensione su un volume che raccoglie studi sul rapporto fra lingua italiana e mass media.

research product

La negoziazione dei significati nell’intervista sociolingustica: dinamiche interazionali e influenze contestuali nei dati dell’Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia

In this article I discuss some interactional aspects regarding the relation between the participants in the sociolinguistic interview. In particular, I show how interviewers and interviewees work together in order to co-construct the (socio)linguistic data. In this perspective, I analyse the ways in which the participants make observable to each other their interactional roles through the interview. Moreover, I focus on the relation between the individuals taking part in the interview and the invisible, yet influential members of the research group. I show how the latter may affect the interactional moves of the former, but also how participants account for the research group’s role. The an…

research product

Storie linguistiche personali e familiari. Prima ricognizione su un corpus di biografie di studenti palermitani

Il contributo illustra, attraverso una ricognizione originale e l'analisi di un ampio corpus di autobiografie di studenti, la percezione e l'autorappresentazione linguistica nella Sicilia di oggi. Ne emergono politiche linguistiche familiari e percorsi generazionali che, inaspettatamente, non escludono il dialetto dai codici attivamente particati.

research product

Costruendo i dati. Metodi di raccolta, revisione e organizzazione della banca dai nella sezione sociovariazionale

research product