Heidi Björklund
Predicting valuable forest habitats using an indicator species for biodiversity
Intensive management of boreal forests impairs forest biodiversity and species of old-growth forest. Effective measures to support biodiversity require detection of locations valuable for conservation. We applied species distribution models (SDMs) to a species of mature forest, the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis, goshawk), that is often associated with hotspots of forest biodiversity. We located optimal sites for the goshawk on a landscape scale, assessed their state under intensified logging operations and identified characteristics of goshawks' nesting sites in boreal forests. Optimal sites for the goshawk covered only 3.4% of the boreal landscape and were mostly located outside pro…
Taide, ekologia ja ihmisen monimuotoinen luontosuhde – kohti yhteistä tulevaisuutta -tutkimushankkeen kyselylomakkeet ja haastattelupohjat (2020-2021)
The survey material includes a research invitation, nature relationship survey questions, environmental film reception survey questions, environmental sound artwork reception survey questions, participant interview questions and artist interview questions. The questionnaires contain unstructured and semi-structured questions about the participants' relationship with nature, perceptions of nature and representations of nature in art and other visual material. The artist questionnaire contains questions about the artist's experiences related to making a work of art as part of a research project. Kyselyaineisto sisältää tutkimuskutsun, luontosuhdekyselyn kysymykset, ympäristöaiheisten elokuvie…