Janne Kotiaho

Rämeiden ojituksen ja ennallistamisen vaikutukset elinympäristön rakenteeseen, kasvillisuuteen ja muurahaisiin

research product

Elonkirjo ehtyy : suosituksia luonnon monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseksi

research product

Elinvoiman ja elonkirjon puolesta : ekologinen jälleenrakennus kunnissa pandemian jälkeen

research product

Suoluonnon turvaaminen edellyttää ennallistamista ja suojelua

research product

Research data of article: Elo et al. 2019 Species richness of polypores can be increased by supplementing dead wood resource into a boreal forest ecosystem.

research product

Ecological and economic consequences of aggregating conservation sites and multiuse forests

Intensive forest management has fragmented forest landscapes and decreased biodiversity and crucial ecosystem services. Current conservation and management efforts have not been sufficient and more efficient landscape level planning is needed to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services in forest landscapes. One efficient way to improve the species survival and the maintenance of multiple benefits in forest landscapes may be applying an approach where a part (e.g. third or half) of the total area is managed as multiuse landscapes within which e.g. a third of the area is be protected [third-of-third (1), or third-of-half (2)]. Aggregated networks of protected habitats are expected to safe…

research product

The potential biodiversity effects of voluntary peatland conservation in Finland

Extending conservation area networks is one of the most important measures in the struggle against biodiversity loss. Many areas with high conservation effect locate in privately owned land so establishing new protected areas on private land is often seen necessary. In many countries, protection of private land has traditionally been top-down controlled and landowners have had little or no power to affect conservation decisions. A good example is European Union’s Natura 2000 programme that led to conservation conflicts locally. To avoid conflicts and to increase acceptability of new protected areas located in privately owned land, many voluntary and incentive-based conservation measures hav…

research product

The mechanistic basis of changes in community assembly in relation to anthropogenic disturbance and productivity

In the human-dominated world the natural drivers of species diversity, such as productivity and habitat heterogeneity, have been accompanied by anthropogenic disturbance resulting in increased extinction rates at global scale. However, decrease in species richness does not necessarily result in local decreases in species richness. Moreover, species richness provides limited information on processes that cause changes within and between communities, and the mechanistic basis of these changes remains elusive. As all patterns in community ecology can be understood as a result of four processes (speciation, selection, drift, and dispersal), the effect of disturbance should depend on how disturb…

research product