Anne Vehmas
Arviointitulosten raportointi
Sidosryhmäanalyysi ja kyselytutkimukset YVAssa
Kokemuksia asukaskyselyistä
IMPERIA -hankkeen tuottamia raportteja ja selvityksiä
Vaikutusten merkittävyyden arviointi
Deliberative approach to impact significance assessment
Impact significance assessment is a combination of objective and subjective assessment, and can be characterized as a multi-criteria problem. In this article we propose a systematic and transparent approach where the impact significance assessment is realized together with experts and stakeholders. First, a preliminary significance evaluation framework is developed by the experts. Evaluation framework consists of criteria, indicators and scales. The framework is then refined based on the discussions with stakeholders and citizens. Thereafter, experts and stakeholders evaluate the significance of the impacts independently based on the criteria and scales defined earlier. In this phase Multi-…