Eva-maria Nordström

Using uncertain preferential information from stakeholders to assess the acceptability of alternative forest management plans

In forest management planning, participatory planning processes are often encouraged as a means to acquire relevant information and to enhance the stakeholders' acceptability of alternative plans. This requires the aggregation of the stakeholders' preferences that can be done in a wide variety of manners. The aggregation process strives to reduce the information into a single set of preferences that simplifies the information and allows for the use of discrete decision support tools. Depending on how the preferences are aggregated, a wide range of plan rankings can emerge. Although this range of ranking complicates the issue of plan selection, it does highlight the uncertainty involved in a…

research product

Accounting for global drivers in landscape-level assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services

Wood production is a pivotal provisioning ecosystem service of major economic importance, yet its intensive utilization is a key reason for species declines in the EU and globally. A transition from a fossil- to a bio-based economy requires increased mobilization of raw materials from forests. It is therefore essential to find ways to fulfil the increasing wood demand while conserving biodiversity. Wood and various other ecosystem services, as well as biodiversity are produced locally in forest landscapes. However, the demand for wood products is increasingly determined by a global market, i.e. outside the landscape in question. It is at the local level where the trade-off between increased…

research product

Allocation and size of conservation measures in a production boreal forest landscape: insights from applying the Delphi technique

This study aims to assess the effects of spatial allocation and size of individual conservation measures on provision of ecosystem services and preservation of biodiversity in a production forest landscape. Since it is difficult to get a complete picture of the long-term outcome using only empirical studies, we combined simulations with an expert assessment method – the Delphi technique. Using data from a forest landscape of 15000 ha in central Sweden we constructed seven scenarios. In all of them 2% of total area is allocated to each of the following measures representing untouched areas of different sizes: nature reserves (approximately 100 ha each), set asides (less than 50 ha each) and …

research product