Grazia Napoli

Capitale fisso sociale e capitale immobiliare privato nella Palermo di fine Ottocento

Le fasi di maggiore trasformazione delle città, come quella che si produce a Palermo tra la fine dell’Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento, costituiscono i momenti storici nei quali emerge con maggiore intensità e complessità l’uni-dualità delle relazioni, allo stesso tempo conflittuali e sinergiche, città pubblica/città privata, capitale fisso sociale/capitale immobiliare privato, benessere pubblico/profitto privato, che presentano numerose implicazioni di carattere economico-estimativo. L’interpretazione di questa uni-dualità privilegia, in questo saggio, l’adozione di una chiave di lettura economico-estimativa ma non esclude, anzi, si avvale dell’apporto di elementi di analisi che si muov…

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Agriculture and Sustainability: a GIS Based Model to Appraise Incentive Policy

Agriculture is the major form of protection of local identities and sustainability and one of the most fragile Italian economic sectors, exposed to fluctuations of the financial/economic crisis. As a consequence, boosting agricultural policies should integrate conflicting objectives connected to preservation and innovation, effectiveness/efficiency, and landscape features and job opportunities. Referring to a large land area located in the central part of Sicily (Italy) the paper proposes an assessment/planning pattern aimed at providing some axiological items and a specific algorithm able to appraise each specific land parcel, generating different strategies and selecting the best format o…

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Local Equalization and Wide Areas Land Planning in Syracuse

Abstract The implementation process of the Syracuse's Master Plan is characterized by the widespread use of “urban negotiation”. The Municipality has drawn up a protocol aimed at obtaining areas for facilities and public infrastructure in different areas basing on the rule of the transfer of a portion of land in return for the building permission for the remaining part. Since these areas are variously characterized, the negotiation process may not be fair to Municipality or convenient to land owners. Basing on an equalization pattern, this study provides, for each area, the indexes of fairness and convenience, and, more specifically, the difference between the market value of the areas achi…

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The ‘value of solidarity’ in the public housing stock alienation. a case study in palermo (italy)

As many low-income households have still been facing the problem of affordable housing, in several countries governmental institutions have implemented various measures of housing policy and are supporting both the “right to housing” and the “right to buy” a dwelling at a subsidized price. Alienation of public housing is a political measure mostly directed towards low-income tenants, by which the dwellings are sold at a price set by law, assumed as a “administered” price. The gap between market and administered prices may be considered as the “value of solidarity” to be taken into account as the monetary reference of the social housing welfare policies aimed at reducing social inequities. T…

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The encounter between Appraisal and Valuation and other social sciences, such as Geography and Urban Planning, but also Philosophy and Psychology, can be considered as a valuable opportunity to combine approaches expressing different points of view on the same phenomena. The interpretative paradigms and opera-tional tools of Appraisal and Valuation are therefore questioned and should be re-vised to be adopted in the appraisal practice or to support decision-making pro-cesses related to real estate market and urban, territorial and environmental plan-ning, according to a perspective of social inclusion and multiculturalism.

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Il valore dell’espropriazione e l’espropriazione dei valori: un caso-studio a Palermo

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Questo studio si propone di delineare una metodologia di valutazione dell’housing affordability alla scala territoriale, intesa come accessibilità finanziaria all’abitazione, in modo da ottenere un sistema di informazioni da impiegare a supporto del processo decisionale pubblico sulle politiche abitative. L’obiettivo, in particolare, è quello di individuare la domanda locale e i bisogni sociali corrispondenti alla distribuzione territoriale dei gap reddituali che impediscono l’accesso all’abitazione, in modo da intervenire con tutti gli strumenti che consentono di raggiungere una maggiore equità sociale. La metodologia procede attraverso lo studio della distribuzione territoriale della ricc…

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Housing Affordability and Income-threshold in Social Housing Policy

Abstract The issue of affordable housing has again become crucial in ensuring a greater social equity, increasing social cohesion and reducing inequalities within metropolitan or regional systems which, in the current climate of severe economic crisis, have to respond to global challenges of development, innovation and sustainability. This study aims at building a system of knowledge about the housing affordability on the territorial scale, by which to identify the local characteristics of housing problems that could be solved through traditional planning tools or new practices of social housing, which involves private stakeholders and/or public administrations. This system of knowledge sho…

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The European Green Deal: New Challenges for the Economic Feasibility of Energy Retrofit at District Scale

The European Green Deal proposes an epochal change in the European society by transforming environmental and climatic problems into opportunities and making sustainable and fair the European Union economic system. Radical changes will also concern urban redevelopment and energy efficiency measures in order to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve these objectives, rules and standards, as well as financial resources and assessment tools, are needed to support both urban planning and public decision process. This paper aims to analyze the existing European programs that are applied in some European smart cities, as they constitute a valuable source of information for the developm…

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Interventi di riqualificazione pubblica e dinamiche immobiliari a Palermo

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Preface to “Efficiency, Fairness and Sustainability in Social Housing Policy and Projects”

The provision of affordable housing for low-income households is a very complex issue long debated in many countries around the world. Social Housing (SH) is one of the tools for achieving fairness, social sustainability and economic feasibility, and is interrelated with politics, ethics and economics, as well as the environment, architecture and technology. In other words, national and local policy, and also public and private financial resources are all needed to provide SH. SH also involves social and urban transformations and is, consequently, linked to urban planning and redevelopment projects, real estate market dynamics and cooperation between public and private stakeholders. Further…

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Multicultural Palermo between gentrification and real estate market crisis in the historical centre

Multiculturalism is a characteristic of the post industrial city which will challenge planning through new paradigms, in fact the increasing of transnational flow of migrants reshapes the physical urban space and the socio-cultural relations, expressing new housing needs often neglected by planning and public policies. The essay discusses the experimental analysis conducted in an area of the historical centre of Palermo, where there is a high concentration of migrants in order to assess their potential involvement in the processes of residential gentrification, within the controversial panorama of urban regeneration policies, economic crisis and real estate market. The demographic dynamic, …

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Energy Communities in urban areas: Comparison of energy strategy and economic feasibility in Italy and Spain

Energy communities using renewable energy sources directly contributes to reduction of climate-change gas emissions and energy consumption in the European Union. In addition, energy communities enable citizens to transform from (passive) consumers to prosumers (active consumers and producers) and to play a proactive role in the deployment of energy transition in urban areas. As the transposition of European rules about energy communities into the national laws of EU Member States is very articulated and differentiated, this study proposes a framework to analyze and compare regulatory and financial instruments. This framework is applied to the analysis of the case of Italy and Spain, as repr…

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Valutazioni interscalari nel processo perequativo del PRG di Siracusa

La questione abitativa è tornata ad essere cruciale per assicurare una maggiore equità sociale, aumentando la coesione sociale e riducendo le diseguaglianze all’interno dei sistemi metropolitani o territoriali che, nell’attuale congiuntura di grave crisi economica, devono comunque rispondere alle sfide globali di sviluppo, innovazione e sostenibilità. Questo studio si propone di costruire un sistema di conoscenze sulle condizioni di accesso alla casa a scala territoriale attraverso cui individuare le criticità locali dei problemi abitativi che potrebbero essere risolti attraverso i tradizionali strumenti di pianificazione o attraverso nuove pratiche di Social Housing che coinvolgono soggett…

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Campus universitario e mercato immobiliare

Il contributo alla ricerca di questo saggio consiste nell’analisi delle interazioni tra che si attivano tra la presenza di un polo universitario e i processi di valorizzazione di contesti locali. In particolare sono state esaminate le conseguenze di una quota consistente di domanda di locazione della popolazione studentesca fuori sede, in termini di ex-attamento del patrimonio edilizio e di processi di plus-valorizzazione dei beni immobili in riferimento al caso-studio di alcuni quartieri limitrofi alla cittadella universitaria di Parco d’Orléans dell’Ateneo di Palermo.

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La valutazione multicriteriale nella pianificazione territoriale: riflessioni teoriche su un caso applicativo

La svolta epistemologica della scienza delle valutazioni ha consentito di ri-fondare una nuova economia e una nuova teoria del valore su processi evolutivi, comunicativi e autopoietici dei sistemi complessi, grazie agli apporti (convergenti) di discipline diverse e solo apparentemente distanti (fisica, chimica, biologia, sociologia, semiotica, ecc.). Questo nuovo approccio culturale è funzionale al superamento delle chiusure autoreferenziali tra la scienza delle valutazioni e la pianificazione, e alla comprensione della complessità dei sistemi territoriali. La gestione della complessità richiede l’impiego della valutazione multidimensionale per analizzare i molteplici elementi che costituis…

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Scenarios of Climatic Resilience, Economic Feasibility and Environmental Sustainability for the Refurbishment of the Early 20th Century Buildings

This paper aims to examine the theme of energy retrofit within the circumscribed field of refurbishment interventions on load-bearing masonry buildings built in the early 20th century. These include a remarkable share of the fabric of many European cities and, in particular, they can be found in geographical areas characterized by a Mediterranean (mild) climate. The main objective is to increase the climate resilience of the buildings by verifying the economic feasibility and the environmental sustainability of the interventions at the same time observing the specific architectural features of the buildings. We put forward alternative retrofit solutions carrying out synoptic comparisons of …

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Industrial Areas and the City. Equalization and Compensation in a Value-Oriented Allocation Pattern

This study deals with the allocation of the firms in a large industrial area of Quarto, a town in the Naples’ district subject to a “Piano di Insediamenti Industriali” – PIP (Industrial Settlement Masterplan). The main concern of the Municipality is the fair integration between environmental issues, economic development and urban identity. Therefore a structured evaluation process, based on a survey about the company profiles and their geographical location, has been carried out in order to make the plan meet the needs of the firms, and to select the best companies to settle in the planned area. A “generative” MAVT pattern has been designed to outline several layout options and to select th…

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Cap Rate as the Interpretative Variable of the Urban Real Estate Capital Asset: A Comparison of Different Sub‐Market Definitions in Palermo, Italy

Real estate capital is in constant competition with other capital assets due to its different and complementary economic functions such as direct use, productive investment, and speculative investment. These features and the resulting opportunities cannot be easily deduced from direct observation of the real estate markets, so some further insights need to be carried out in order to highlight the relationship between prices, rents and performances. This study aims at providing a multifaceted perspective of a specific urban real estate market to overcome the difficulties arising from opacities and informative asymmetries that hinder the decision of investors, by facilitating the comparison o…

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Efficiency versus Fairness in the Management of Public Housing Assets in Palermo (Italy)

Public housing policy has been proposing plans of public housing (PH) stock alienation or, as an alternative, property enhancement plans, since administrative and financial commitments have become too heavy for municipalities. This paper deals with one of the current public housing management policy initiatives, undertaken by the Municipality of Palermo (Italy), which aimed at transferring a significant part of the public housing asset to the current tenants, according to some terms and conditions, and applying a politically fixed price. This policy is described in general, focusing on the amount of the assets involved, reporting the terms and conditions for transferring them at an affordab…

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Housing Affordability in Metropolitan Areas. The Application of a Combination of the Ratio Income and Residual Income Approaches to Two Case Studies in Sicily, Italy

Housing affordability problems have become more serious over the course of the last few decades and are now also affecting the middle-class, despite the fall in prices on the housing market. This study proposes a methodology to assess threshold-income as an index for measuring housing affordability by applying a combination of the ratio income and residual income approaches. The methodology is applied to two particular areas of Sicily in Italy as case studies consisting of medium-size metropolitan areas located in a less developed European region. The areas have been chosen on the basis of their different territorial structure: a polarized area that comprises a high-density city centre and …

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Teoria e pratica dei capitali urbani. La forma temporale e monetaria della città

Questa monografia affronta il tema dei mercati immobiliari urbani, muovendosi su tre livelli: il livello della teoria del capitale di matrice speculativo-finanziaria (basata su principi economici post-keynesiani) che fornisce gli elementi teorici per comprendere le connessioni tra i mercati finanziari internazionali e i mercati immobiliari urbani, e le trasmutazioni di liquidità che trasformano i beni capitali immobiliari in beni moneta; il livello degli strumenti di analisi estimativa che consentono di indagare e di rappresentare le caratteristiche dei segmenti di mercato; il livello della verifica conoscito-operativa nel mercato immobiliare urbano, che analizza i mutamenti della forma tem…

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The urban rent in the multicultural city: retail shops, migrants and urban decline in the historic centre of Palermo [La rendita urbana nella città multiculturale: attività commerciali, migranti e declino urbano nel centro storico di Palermo]

Changes in consumer shopping behavior and in retail spaces, such as shopping malls, department stores and e-commerce, have modified localization models of traditional retail shops, also affecting urban fabric and spatial distribution of urban rent. Even city centers have undergone significant transformations or even decline, especially if local economic system and real estate market are weak and recessionary. A significant amount of commercial properties may have long vacancy due to excess supply, since many traditional shops close their business because they are no longer competitive and, moreover, there is no immediate takeover by new tenants. The decline of central urban areas depends on…

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Financial Sustainability and Morphogenesis of Urban Transformation Project

The urban transformation projects are very complex and have to be examined from several points of view (socio-cultural, environmental, infrastructural, administrative, and economic-financial) to determine their sustainability. This study aims to test the financial analysis as a tool for outlining the morphogenesis of the project’s characteristics and exploring the frontiers of the financial feasibility especially when the urban projects, according to Italian laws, involve Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). A financial model is applied to a case study (the transformation of an abandoned railway area) in which the absence of an adequate returns on investment, because of the crisis of the rea…

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Market Values and Socioeconomic Mixité in Palermo. The Role of Migrants in the Commercial Real Estate Market

Socioeconomic and functional mixité has been an objective placed at the basis of urban development to guide the transformation processes of urban areas, associating it with social inclusion as opposed to the morphological and spatial segregation, often caused by monofunctional zoning. The implementation of social mixité involves all social groups and, particularly, migrant communities that, in turn, are formed by groups with different cultures, nationalities, resources and income levels. The location choices of migrants and native residents produce an ever-changing urban geography of residential, commercial and service activities that directly impact on the real estate market. Migrants’ act…

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Axiology of the historial city and the cap rate. The case of the old town of Ragusa Superiore

Il contributo affronta il tema del ruolo che il mercato immobiliare assume nei processi di valorizzazione dei tessuti urbani storici nella logica dell’approccio al valor capitale. L’articolazione, eterogeneità e multi-contestualità del patrimonio immobiliare della città storica, la molteplicità delle relazioni tra valori e prezzo, la complessa dialettica fondo/flusso, l’eterogeneità dei profili dei soggetti economici che interagiscono nel mercato, danno vita ad un assortimento di approcci all’investimento immobiliare che in questo contributo, attraverso l’analisi del saggio di capitalizzazione si intendono rappresentare. La convergenza tra valori di contesto e potenzialità inespresse da una…

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The urban being between environment and landscape. On the old town as an emerging subject

The landscape units of the Sicilian mountainous inland, as for the case of Petralia Soprana, are marked by the presence of ancient urban centres controlling the agricultural territory, from which they derived their own wealth, and to which they conferred landscape significance. The unity between economy and landscape has been interrupted by the radical transformation of the socio-economic structure and the technologic progress, which have eroded the consistency between structures and superstructures. We propose an assessment approach based on a synthesis of semiotic and phenomenological view. The approach mainly focuses on the basic concepts and contents of the valuation process that can be…

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L’Analytic Network Process nei processi di trasformazione urbana. Un caso studio a Palermo come occasione per alcune considerazioni teorico-applicative

Le valutazioni multidimensionali costituiscono un valido strumento a supporto del processo decisionale in risposta a quesiti di tipo diverso (problem solving, ranking, sorting, designing). In particolare, quando i quesiti sono riferiti alle trasformazioni urbane e territoriali, le valutazioni multidimensionali: sono in grado di rappresentare la complessità degli elementi coinvolti a diversi livelli (ad es. ambientale, economico, finanziario, culturale e sociale); facilitano l’esplicitazione dei nodi di conflittualità o di convergenza della pluralità di soggetti portatori di differenti sistemi di valori, di obiettivi e di conoscenze tecniche; rendono trasparenti e ripercorribili tutte le fas…

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Forms and Functions of the Real Estate Market of Palermo (Italy). Science and Knowledge in the Cluster Analysis Approach

The analysis of the housing market of a city requires suitable approaches and tools, such as data mining models, to represent its complexity which derives on many elements, e.g. the type of capital asset-house is a common good and an investment good as well, the heterogeneity of the urban areas—each of them has own historical and representative values and different urban functions—and the variability of building quality. The housing market of the most densely populated area of Palermo (Italy), corresponding to ten districts, is analyzed to verify the degree of its inner homogeneity and the relations between the quality of the characteristics and the price of the properties. Five hundred set…

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Public and Private Economic Feasibility of Green Areas as a Passive Energy Measure: A Case Study in the Mediterranean City of Trapani in Southern Italy

Green infrastructure in urban environments provides a wide range of ecological, social, aesthetic, and health co-benefits. Urban plant covers in particular contribute to improved outdoor environmental conditions that, in turn, influence the energy behavior of buildings and their indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort performance. Within this context, this study illustrates a methodology aimed at verifying the economic feasibility of alternative types of green areas for public and private stakeholders, which are analyzed as passive energy measures. Therefore, our methodology integrates approaches from different disciplines and consists of a microclimatic analysis of different vegetation scenarios…

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Values Spaces Migration. Appraisal scenarios for an intercultural society

Incessanti flussi migratori si muovono verso nazioni o città in cui trovare condizioni di vita migliori sospinti da sperequazioni economiche, instabilità politiche e sociali, conflitti bellici ed emergenze ambientali, e generano perturbazioni, reali o percepite, sull’organizzazione sociale, ed economica dei territori. I mutamenti dei sistemi valoriali, sociali, spaziali ed economici conseguenti ai flussi migratori sono stati dibattuti durante il convegno SIEV ‘Valori Spazi Migrazioni. Identità e alterità nella citta multiculturale’, che si è svolto nel mese di ottobre del 2020. Lo studio di questi fenomeni coinvolge numerose scienze sociali rispetto alle quali la comunità italiana di studio…

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Supporting public decision process in buildings energy retrofitting operations: the application of a Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding model to a case study in Southern Italy

Abstract The challenge of promoting sustainable cities and reaching the objectives developed by the European Green Deal includes the renovation of the building sector, as it is responsible for 40% of energy consumption in Europe. Regional or local public administrations have to allocate their financial resources for improving the energy performances of their building stock and to face a multidimensional problem, where different aspects – such as energy efficiency, financial-economic feasibility and environmental protection – have to be harmonized. The present study proposes a Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding model, which includes the ELECTRE TRI-nC method, for supporting the public decisio…

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A Paradigm Interpreting the City and the Analytic Network Process for the Management of Urban Transformations

When urban and environmental transformations occur in areas where the equilibrium between nature and culture is complex and fragile, public ad-ministrations could decide to induce private investments using several tools, such as financial contributions to those projects of refurbishment that better re-spect the purpose of improving the environmental quality and of preserving the local architecture. Multicriteria models may support public decision process re-garding this issue, but it is essential to adopt a scientific paradigm that provides a major theoretical reference. This study proposes the development of a net-work model based on the scientific paradigm by Rizzo and the Analytic Net-wo…

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Fair Planning and Affordability Housing in Urban Policy. The Case of Syracuse (Italy)

Equalization can be implemented in the planning process by means of several tools. The Syracuse’s Master Plan has used “urban negotiation” to obtain land for facilities and public infrastructure in different urban areas basing on the rule of the transfer of a portion of land in return for the building permission for the remaining part of each property to be developed. The Master Plan also aimed at providing social housing because the economic crisis has amplified the gap between housing market prices and household income. This study proposes an equalization and compensation model to support the urban negotiation for providing the indexes of a fair and convenient development of several inter…

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Housing affordability nelle regioni urbane. Una proposta metodologica per definire il reddito soglia

Within context of urban disintegration and social fragmentation, the concept of post-metropolis induces to critically consider the typical dichotomy between centre and periphery. Even in marginal areas where metropolis did not develop according to traditional stages and classical models, the traditional analytical categories are no longer able to interpret the widespread phenomenon of regional urbanization. In any case, the large urban regions are recognized by some authors not only as driving-force of the global economy, but also as the main sources of inequality and of social/environmental injustice; places where the gap between high and low income of social groups has been exacerbated. I…

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Smart city ed efficientamento energetico: opportunità e sfide dall’European Green Deal e dai programmi europei

L'efficienza energetica è diventata un argomento centrale nella pianificazione e nella gestione urbana a causa del cambiamento climatico globale e delle emergenze ambientali. L'articolo analizza i modelli e le procedure che sono stati testati nel gruppo MySmartCityProgram da diversi programmi europei che promuovono misure innovative di efficienza energetica a scala di quartiere. L'analisi dei casi studio del Programma ZenN, in particolare, ha evidenziato che struttura della proprietà, erogazione di fondi pubblici e disponibilità di finanziamenti bancari sono i principali fattori critici per raggiungere o ostacolare la fattibilità finanziaria. In vista delle fasi di implementazione del Green…

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Appraisals in Italy Identity, contents, prospects

The paper presents the results of a wide field research concerning the teaching of appraisal studies in the courses of Architecture and Engineering in Italian universities. This general report, including critical observations and interpretations, provides the basis for strategies to increase the presence and impact of appraisal studies. The aim is to spread the personal and professional awareness that the estimative sensibility is a key element for the knowledge and planning of the city and the territory. The paper is divided into three coalescing parts. The first highlights the presence of appraisal teaching in different universities and courses of study, and answers the questions: from wh…

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The Financial Costs in Energy Efficient District. Alternative Scenarios from the Demo Sites of the CITyFiED Program

The European Union’s environmental policies actively promote the transition to a low-carbon society and to sustainable energy systems that improve people’s quality of life and do not negatively impact the natural environment. To achieve these goals, the European Union funded several programs to pilot energy efficiency measures for buildings and districts and, lately, launched the European Green Deal. The results of these experimentations have shown that often the economic feasibility of retrofitting interventions is not achieved without public grants. This contribution aims to analyze the influence of financial parameters on the profitability of projects of energy efficient districts. The s…

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Housing Affordability for Urban Regions

Urban regions are recognised as driving forces of the global economy as well as the main sources of social inequality. In recent decades, particularly, housing access has become a serious problem, not only for the most disadvantaged population, but also for the middle class, as a result of economic crises and despite of prices decline in the housing market. In urban regions with high population density, some social groups face problems of housing affordability that depend not only on market prices but also on income availability. The contribution proposes a methodology for income-threshold assessment through a combination between the ratio income and the residual income approaches, which is…

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Palermo multiculturale tra gentrification e crisi del mercato immobiliare nel centro storico

Il multiculturalismo è una caratteristica della città post-industriale con la quale la pianificazione deve confrontarsi attraverso nuovi paradigmi. Il saggio illustra le analisi sperimentali condotte in un’area del centro storico di Palermo, al fine di valutare l’eventuale coinvolgimento dei migranti nei processi di gentrification, nel controverso panorama di politiche urbane di rigenerazione e di crisi economica e immobiliare. Alcune misure correttive delle politiche pubbliche sono individuate per tutelare il mix socio-culturale. Multiculturalism is a characteristic of the post-industrial city, which will challenge planning through new paradigms. The essay discusses the experimental analys…

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Aspetti metodologici della valutazione ambientale nei processi di VAS

La Valutazione Ambientale Strategica è un processo di valutazione che interseca ambiti differenti: tecnico-amministrativo, politico, ambientale e quello proprio della Scienza delle valutazioni. Nell’apparato legislativo è però assente qualunque riferimento per la scelta dell’approccio alla valutazione, tra i numerosi modelli forniti dalla letteratura di settore, anche se una lettura attenta dei contenuti di norme e procedure consente di dedurre alcune indicazioni su quelle che devono essere le caratteristiche basilari dei modelli di valutazione impiegati nella VAS, in modo che siano coerenti con gli obiettivi contenuti nella legislazione EU e in quella italiana. L’obiettivo dell’integrazion…

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Promoting Research and Landscape Experience in the Management of the Archaeological Networks. A Project-Valuation Experiment in Italy

Archaeological sites are part of the history and identity of a community playing a strategic role on the different scales of the cultural and economic common life. Whereas on the one end the most famous archaeological sites attract huge flows of tourists and investment, on the other hand, many minor archaeological sites remain almost ignored and neglected. This study proposes a project-evaluation approach devoted to the &ldquo

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Social Housing and Affordable Rent: The Effectiveness of Legal Thresholds of Rents in Two Italian Metropolitan Cities

Social housing is an instrument of housing policies to support those groups of people who are disadvantaged due to particular economic weaknesses and/or social relational fragility. Consequently, to achieve the objective of social sustainability, the rents of social housing must be below the market rents and low enough to be affordable. Italian law has set several rent thresholds which are based on local territorial agreements between landlords and renters associations. This article aims to examine whether these thresholds generate social fairness and housing affordability within each city and between different cities, or instead inequalities and spatial asymmetries. A cluster analysis is a…

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La valutazione ambientale: l’evoluzione e l’integrazione dei processi di valutazione VAS, VIA e VINCA

This paper analyses the environmental assessments (Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Implications Assessment), as they are an important tool for assessing the effects of human actions on the environment. The study has revealed that the environmental assessments are strongly related to economics, to environmental policy and to the theory of value, and that several improvements have been conceived during the last years. These improvements concern: - the evolution of the concept of environment (from both a semantic and a legislative point of view); - the context of application of the environmental assessment (wider qualitative and quantitativ…

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The Urban Park as a "Social Island". The ANP in the Participatory Project of Parco Uditore in Palermo

An urban park provides many environmental and recreational facilities and services, and moreover it may become a catalyst for social energies and an instrument of community identification. This paper analyses whether participation and bottom-up planning may compensate institutional absences in implementation of urban parks, and how multiple criteria model may support socially shared decisions about their management. These issues are examined from the singular case of Parco Uditore in Palermo (Italy) that is located in a land which has been surprisingly undeveloped, despite the expansion of the city. The phases of promotion, planning and implementation of the park were the result of a synerg…

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The Complexity of Value and the Evaluation of Complexity: Social Use Value and Multi-criteria Analysis

The “challenge of complexity” is one of the many points of convergence between the Encyclical Laudato si’ and the evolution of post-modern scientific thought. This study aims to analyze how complexity represents the essential element of the profound renewal in the scientific paradigm of the discipline of evaluation, particularly in regard to the theory of value, the categories of value, and the instruments of multi-criteria evaluation. Some contemporary theories of value propose, in fact, a complex source of value, such as surpluses of energy and of information (Ecological Economics) or as the creative and synergistic combination of three surpluses, namely energetic and non-entropic, geneal…

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Applicazione degli standard internazionali nella stima immobiliare

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Interventi di riqualificazione pubblica e dinamiche private nel centro storico di Palermo

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Il sistema dei valori nel centro storico di Palermo

Questo saggio approfondisce il tema del rapporto tra soggetti pubblici e privati nell’ambito delle trasformazioni urbane che riguardano, in particolare, i centri storici. Sono state analizzate le cause e le condizioni (macro e micro-economiche, macro-micro-territoriali, culturali, ecc.) che hanno determinato un cambiamento del sistema di valori (immobiliari) del centro storico di Palermo rispetto ai valori del sistema urbano, e si propone di definire le condizioni di convenienza economica dei soggetti pubblici e privati nell’investimento in interventi di riqualificazione degli spazi pubblici e di recupero del patrimonio edilizio storico. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire un modello di riferim…

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La forma monetaria della città. I quartieri limitrofi allo Zen di Palermo

Ogni città possiede una sua forma temporale e monetaria di-segnata dal valore degli immobili, che è in continuo dis-equilibrio dinamico e che, riflettendo in ogni momento il sistema dei valori sociali, economici e culturali condivisi da una comunità, si muove su un piano di lettura che integra e completa la conoscenza proveniente dalle discipline dell’architettura. La complessità del mercato immobiliare urbano è stata indagata attraverso lo studio delle caratteristiche dei segmenti di mercato che sono presenti nei quartieri limitrofi allo ZEN di Palermo e ha condotto alla individuazione dei range di variazione dei valori di offerta relativi ai diversi segmenti. Questi valori di mercato poss…

research product

“Houses for One Euro” and the Territory. Some Estimation Issues for the “Geographic Debt” Reduction

The phenomenon of the “houses for one Euro” is the epitome of the progressive and increasing abandonment of the inland territories in which many small towns are affected by continuous and unstoppable depopulation. This process, mostly affecting the southern and insular Italian regions, have been triggered by the quick industrial development started after the second post-war, led by the northern regions, that deeply and irreversibly modified the anthropography of the whole country until now. The impoverishment of a wide part of the Italian territory, is one of the many issues connected to the social-territorial justice that is the original topic by which appraisal and valuation, that is scie…

research product

Elementi critici e «casi-studio» della VIA delle infrastrutture viarie

The infrastructures in-form (or de-form) territorial systems, since they produce the structure which multiple interrelations are plotted on. The foundation of a consensual language dominion, which the social integration of environmental values is based on, can be obtained by going on with the epistemological renewal of the Science of evaluation (Rizzo 1972 e 1999). The EIA can harmonize environmental values with economic, ethic, aestetic, political and cultural values. The EIA analysis of two road-infrastructures (the Bridge on the straits of Messina and the railway Siracusa-Gela) pointed out that there is a communicative gap among political, juridical, administrative and estimative areas, …

research product

Energy Equalization and the Case of the “nZEB Hotels”

Nowadays, energy equalization is one of the many issues concerning the energy policies on the urban scale and in the perspective of reducing the Urban Heat Island effects (UHI-e). The different economic-financial profiles of the interventions implemented in the buildings having a wide range of climatic locations, typological arrangements, architectural-historical constraints, need to be coordinated within unitary local energy-environmental policies inspired by economic-financial as well as environmental issues. The renovation of existing hotels to achieve a nearly Zero-Energy performance is one of the goals of the 2050 EU’s energy policy. This paper presents the nZEB retrofit case of an exi…

research product

A Chain of Words as an Introduction: Human Dignity, Language, Identity, Citizenship, Values, Human Capital and Urban Spaces

To analyze the issue of cities-migrants interactions, as well as social-monetary values interactions, it is necessary to place it in a “higher” context, in order not to risk losing the necessary connection with universal ethical principles, and in a “broader” one, in which understanding complexity on a global scale interprets local conditions. The study of migration flows and urban dynamics, as well as housing markets, through theoretical paradigms and scientific tools from different disciplines provides an opportunity to learn and compare, dialogue and interface with new keys to understanding the problem, or with alternative interpretations and unprecedented perspectives in the path of mul…

research product

An Application of Analytic Network Process in the Planning Process: The Case of an Urban Transformation in Palermo (Italy)

The primary objective of this study is to test the multicriteria analysis application in favor of a selection process among alternative transformations of an urban area in the city of Palermo. The choice is referred to as a strategyoriented one aiming to create “new urban centralities” able to redraw all urban structures that start to activate renewal processes within the existing city. The application of multicriteria analysis technique, such as the Analytic Network Process (ANP) - BOCR model, is due to the need to represent the complexity of the decision problem characterized by interrelations among several elements described by many indicators from different levels. The case study is als…

research product

Campus universitario e mercato immobiliare: il caso della città di Palermo

research product