Silvia Antosa
“The Erotics of the Artistic Word in Jeanette Winterson’s Art & Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and A Bawd"
Sexing "Emma": Stable and Unstable Bodies in Jane Austen's Fictional World
“Dirsi lesbica oggi? Lesbofobia nei media italiani tra indicibilità e invisibilità”
Se storicamente le lesbiche sono state quasi interamente assenti, patologizzate e marginalizzate nella rappresentazione discorsiva pubblica, in tempi più recenti si è assistito ad una loro maggiore presenza in TV e in riviste di larga diffusione. Negli ultimi dieci anni infatti sono usciti diversi romanzi e film che includono rapporti tra donne. Tuttavia, tale maggiore visibilità non ha portato ad una maggiore dicibilità dell’identità lesbica, poiché le relazioni tra donne continuano ad essere associate a comportamenti patologici, alla malattia e a diverse forme di abiezione; inoltre, le loro relazioni sono quasi sempre puntualmente destinate a fallire. Allo stesso tempo, in tempi recenti a…
‘The World Will Make Sense’: Time’s Arrow di Martin Amis e l’inversione temporale come metafora della logica rovesciata dell’olocausto
Identità queer e spazi della comunità tra teoria e fiction: i casi di Jeanette Winterson e Sarah Waters
Crossing Boundaries: Bodily Paradigms in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction 1985-2000
Since the publication of her first novel, Jeanette Winterson has been acclaimed as one of the most promising writers on the English postmodern literary scene. This study takes into consideration seven works, from Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1985) to The PowerBook (2000) in which Winterson codifies bodies as culturally constructed signs which can be re-signified and transformed. The strategies she adopts to remodel the body reveal a narrative itinerary that goes from the assertion of the lesbian body of the protagonist in Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit to the virtual bodies of the interactive world in The PowerBook. Winterson works out new body paradigms to subvert the effects of social …
Richard Francis Burton. Victorian Explorer and Translator
This volume offers a critical insight into the life and work of the controversial Victorian explorer and translator Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890). Analysis focuses on his travel accounts and erotic translations, which both re-elaborated and challenged dominant Victorian discourses on race, gender and sexuality, generating controversies in the fields of anthropology, sexology and medicine. The premise of the study is that Burton entertained an ambiguous relationship with the colonial institutions: on the one hand, he pursued the colonial project, while on the other, he was an irreverent outsider who clashed with the imperial authorities. As this investigation reveals, he defied British …
‘Here there is no why’: Creating Life from Death in Martin Amis’s Time’s Arrow, or The Nature of the Offence
During the 1990s, British writers paid a growing attention to the controversial subject of the holocaust. Their interest was a response to the long-standing debate on the possibilities of representing the tragic collective experience of concentration camps in art and literature. On this point, Theodor Adorno asserted that art can only have a marginal role, since it runs the risk of “aestheticizing”, de-historicising and even giving meaning to the devastating experience of an entire community of people. More recently, in an interview-discussion centred on Adorno’s theory, Martin Amis pointed out that art has instead the power and the responsibility to keep memory alive and to make individual…
“Transport and a Society in Transition in the Fiction of George Eliot”
Riflessioni sul queer
'Speeding Your Way to Darkness': suicidio postmoderno e ricerca d'identità in "Night Train" di Martin Amis
Dante Gabriel Rossetti at the Mirror: 'The Portrait' and the Search for the Self
“L’identità queer nella narrativa di Jeanette Winterson”
"Formal and Thematic Influence of Travel Writing on the Novel: from the Pilgrims' Accounts to Defoe"
Recensione di Elizabeth Gaskell and The Art of the Short Story, edited by Marroni, F; D'Agnillo, R; Verzella, M; Peter Lang, Bern, 2011.
Recensione del volume pubblicata su Fogli di Anglistica, V, 9-10, pp. 185-191.
Bodily Transformations and Textual ‘Rape’ in Will Self’s Cock & Bull (1992)
(S)confinamenti: spazi di genere e luoghi delle identità
Ardel Haefele-Thomas, Queer Others in Victorian Gothic: Transgressing Monstrosity, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2012
Sex, Gender And Desire in Jeanette Winterson's "The Passion"
Perché Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick? Leggere Stanze private.
Sulle tracce dei viaggiatori: la scrittura di viaggio e i sentieri dell'immaginazione letteraria
Recesione del primo volume della rivista Fogli di Anglistica
Corporeità virtuali e narrazioni performative in The PowerBook di Jeanette Winterson
Qualche domanda (sul) queer in Italia
Narrating the Intersex Body in Jeffrey Eugenides' "Middlesex"
Soul and Body Have No Bounds: Fantastic Body Transformations in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction
Franco Brioschi, Costanzo Di Girolamo, Massimo Fusillo, Introduzione alla letteratura. Nuova edizione, Roma, Carocci, 2013
(Omo)erotismo e contagio orientalista nella traduzione di The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night (1885-1886) di Richard Francis Burton
Recensione di Aldo Marroni, L'arte dei simulacri: il démone estetico di Pierre Klossowski, Milano, COsta & Nolan, 2009
Recensione del libro di Aldo Marroni
Journeying Through Space and Time Towards the Sources of Artistic Inspiration: Jeanette Winterson’s Art & Lies (1992)
Richard Burton’s Translation of The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night: (Mis)Representation and Sexual Contamination.
“Il viaggio nel Sud e l’ansia della scrittura: strategie di rappresentazione nel Diary of an Idle Woman in Sicily di Frances Elliot”
Identità queer e spazi della performatività. Queer identities and performative spaces
Queer Sexualities, Queer Spaces: Gender and Performance in Sarah Waters' "Tipping the Velvet"
“In viaggio con Jane Eyre: modi e tecniche di una metamorfosi”
Naturalism, Science and Literature: Perspectives and Controversies
The article evaluates the impact that the emerging scientific discourses had on the literary production of the second half of the nineteenth century in England
Recensione di La conoscenza della letteratura vol. II, a cura di Angela Locatelli
Recensione di Il silenzio dell'Escorial, di F. Marroni, Bari, Palomar, 2002 - Terra e gente, XXIII, 2, pp. 28-29.
"Lettere dalla terra", di Mark Twain, introduzione e traduzione a cura di Romolo Giovanni Capuano (Recensione)
Recensione di Mansex Fine. Religion and Imperialism in Nineteenth Century British Culture, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998 - Merope, 31, pp. 267-271
Recensione di Lifting the Sentence: A Poetics of Postcolonial Fiction, di Robert Fraser, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000 - Manuscript, 7, pp. 127-129