Leena Mikkola

Newcomers in the Workplace

When newcomers enter a workplace, the focus is usually only on orientation and onboarding tactics, which aim to socialize newcomers into the workplace. However, it is through workplace relationships that newcomers make sense of their work tasks and create an understanding of “our workplace.” This chapter describes the processes of interpersonal communication in the workplace during a newcomer’s entry phase. Newcomers may face uncertainty regarding professional performance, relationships, job tasks, or membership. This uncertainty is managed by information-seeking strategies. In social interaction with others, newcomers construct their belonging through membership negotiation and identificat…

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Tuen merkityksentyminen potilas-hoitajasuhteessa osastohoidossa

Lectio praecursoria puheviestinnän väitöskirjan "Tuen merkityksentyminen potilaan ia hoitajan vuorovaikutuksessa" tarkastustilaisuudessa Jyväskylän yliopistossa 16.12.2006. Vastaväiitäjänä tilaisuudessa oli dosentti Elina Eriksson (Turun yliopisto) ja kustoksena professori Maarit Valo.

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Vuorovaikutus hallinnollisissa ryhmissä

This article aims to analyze international research on social interaction in administrative groups in the 2000s on the basis of a systematic examination of 62 peer-reviewed empirical research reports. We examined the data through a qualitative content analysis and organized the results into three sections: 1) defining an administrative group, 2) the used research methods and data, and 3) the focus of research. Our results showed that administrative groups were mainly defined on the basis of the employed research approach and data. Group conceptualizations were seldom based on specific theoretical group definitions or approaches. In the context of research methods, there were no specific tre…

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Good medical leadership assessed by doctors in training

Introduction: Medical leadership has only recently begun to be part of common medical terminology. Medical leadership consists of fully trained physicians occupying management positions relevant to practice of medicine. The need to further develop leadership skills of physicians has opened up a discussion to increase leadership studies also in medical training. Methods: Essays on good medical leadership and doctors as leaders in healthcare organizations. The essays (n=225) were written as part of leadership and management training for specialist degree in medicine in a Finnish university during years 2012-2013. Results: As assessed by specializing physicians, good medical leadership of doct…

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Social support in the workplace for physicians in specialization training

ABSTRACT When becoming a specialist, learning-through-service plays a significant role. The workplace affords good opportunities for learning, but the service-learning period may also impose stress on phycisians in specialization training. In medical work, social support has proved to be a very important factor in managing stress. Social support may afford advantages also for learning and professional identity building. However, little was known about how social support is perceived by doctors in specialization training. This study aimed to understand the perceptions of physicians in specialization training regarding social support communication in their workplace during their learning-thro…

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Vuorovaikutus julkisen sairaalan johtoryhmäkokouksissa: Johtoryhmäjäsenten osallistumisen tarkastelua vuorovaikutuksen prosessianalyysin keinoin

Management groups are an essential part of the management system in Finnish hospitals. Nevertheless, only a few empirical studies have, to date, focused on public sector management teams. This study aims to understand social interaction in management team meetings by describing 1) how management team members participate during meetings and 2) what types of participant roles are constructed during meetings. Three consecutive meetings of an operational area-level management team were videoed. The social interaction was analyzed using the Bales’ Interaction Process Analysis. The results show that interaction during these meetings is task-related and chairperson-centered. The members participat…

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Supportiivinen viestintä hoitotyössä : sosiaalisen tuen tutkimusnäkökulmien tarkastelua

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Työyhteisön vuorovaikutus ja työyhteisöön kuuluminen : hoitohenkilökunnan käsityksiä

Työntekijän työyhteisöön kuulumisen on todettu tukevan yksilön työhyvinvointia ja työssä pysyvyyttä. Vuorovaikutuksella on tässä merkittävä rooli, mutta toistaiseksi ei juurikaan tiedetä sitä, millainen vuorovaikutus tukee yksilön työyhteisöön kuulumista. Työyhteisöön kuuluminen on käsitteenä moniselitteinen, ja sitä on tutkittu eri tieteissä sekä useista näkökulmista. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuulumista lähestytään ilmiölähtöisesti viestinnän näkökulmasta, tarkastellen hoitohenkilökunnan käsityksiä työyhteisön vuorovaikutuksesta ja työyhteisöön kuulumisesta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää työyhteisön vuorovaikutuksen ja työyhteisöön kuulumisen välisiä yhteyksiä. Tutkimusote on laadullinen.…

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Membership negotiation in the first workplace : newcomers' experiences

PurposeThis qualitative study aims to understand young professional newcomers' experiences of communication processes in membership negotiation in their first workplace after graduation.Design/methodology/approachInstead of a one-time interview, the participants were contacted five to ten times during the three to ten months, beginning when they entered the workplace. The data were analyzed using a constant comparative method.FindingsThree communication processes during membership negotiation were identified: developing reciprocity, seeking and perceiving acceptance and becoming an active member. To experience membership, newcomers need to achieve acceptance and engage in reciprocal communi…

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Hoitosuhteen vuorovaikutuksen haasteet tuen osoittamiselle

Sairaalahoidossa saatu tuki on olennaista potilaan hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Erityisesti tuki toteutuu sairaalahoidon aikana hoitaja-potilassuhteessa. Tämän artikkelin tavoitteena on tarkastella, millainen vuorovaikutussuhde potilas-hoitajasuhde on, ja pohtia, miten hoitosuhteen tekijät heijastuvat potilaalle osoitettuun tukeen. Hoitaja-potilassuhdetta lähestytään kuvaamalla sairaanhoitajien käsitystä suhteen rakentumisesta empiirisen aineiston kautta. Tutkimuksen aineistona on 12 teemahaastattelua. Hoitajien käsitysten mukaan hoitosuhteen keskeiset tekijät ovat tavoitteiden vastavuoroinen rakentuminen, tasavertaisuus, henkilökohtaisuus ja turvallisuus. Nämä tekijät voivat selittää sitä, miksi…

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The Discursive Struggles of the Client–Worker Relationship in the Social Services

This study examines how disability service workers identify the discourses of the client-worker relationships. We studied the clientworker relationship from the perspective of the relational dialectics theory with a focus on relational contradictions and the meanings created within discursive struggles. We analyzed the interview data from 22 social workers using contrapuntal analysis. According to the social workers’ perceptions, two discursive struggles exist in client-worker relationships: i) the struggle of integration, consisting of the contradiction of the ideal and the real and the contradiction of closeness and reservedness and ii) the struggle of certainty, consisting of the contrad…

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Discursive Strategies to Negotiate Power Relations in Disability Services Client Juries

Collaboration with clients is an efficient way to develop social services. To strengthen the possibilities for clients to influence services, client juries are established. However, collaboration in the juries is perceived as difficult because of the power imbalance inherent in the client–social worker relationship. The aim of this study was to examine how the participants negotiated power relations in client jury meetings. The data consisted of four observed disability services client jury meetings. Analysis was performed using action-implicative discourse analysis, which aims to define different communicative problems, interactional strategies, and situated ideals of communicative practic…

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Constructing responsibility in social interaction: an analysis of responsibility talk in hospital administrative groups

The role of responsibility in hospitals is undeniable. Although administrative groups are essential to organizational performance, previous group and team studies of responsibility in hospital organizations have concentrated mainly on healthcare teams. This study aims to describe and understand responsibility construction in the social interaction in hospital administrative group meetings, based on observation and analysis of seven administrative group meetings in a Finnish hospital. Categories generated by thematic content analysis were compared with responsibility types. The findings show that responsibility is constructed by creating co-responsibility, taking individual responsibility, a…

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Kokousvuorovaikutuksen tehtäväkeskeiset funktiot sairaalajohtoryhmässä

Kokous on tärkeä työelämän vuorovaikutustilanne, joka mahdollistaa yhteisen ymmärryksen rakentamisen ja jossa vuorovaikutuksella on useita funktioita. Kokouksia on kuitenkin tutkittu niiden merkittävyyteen nähden vain vähän, ja erityistä tarvetta on havainnointitutkimukselle. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kokouksen vuorovaikutusta vuorovaikutuksen tehtäväkeskeisten funktioiden näkökulmasta sairaalan toimialuetason johtoryhmäkokouksissa: tavoitteena on kuvata, millaisia tehtäväkeskeisiä vuorovaikutusfunktioita kokousvuorovaikutuksessa esiintyy ja miten ajankäyttö jakautuu eri vuorovaikutusfunktioiden välillä. Kokousvuorovaikutus määritellään ja tuloksia pohditaan strukturaatioteoreettise…

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Sosiaalipalveluiden työntekijöiden ja vammaisten asiakkaiden vuorovaikutuksen diskurssit asiakkaiden blogikeskusteluissa

Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tunnistaa vammaisten ihmisten käyttämien sosiaalipalveluiden asiakasvuorovaikutukseen liittyviä diskursseja, jotka ilmenevät asiakkaiden keskusteluissa sosiaalisessa mediassa. Keskusteluista analysoitiin, kuinka sosiaalipalveluiden asiakkaat representoivat asiakkaan ja sosiaalipalveluiden työntekijän ja kuinka keskusteluissa representoidaan asiakas-työntekijävuorovaikutusta. Blogikirjoituksia analysoitiin käyttämällä diskurssianalyysia. Aineistosta rakentui kolme erilaista diskurssia, jotka tunnistettiin analysoimalla representoituja identiteettejä ja erilaisten vuorovaikutustilanteiden ja -suhteiden kuvauksia; 1) kansalaisdiskurssiksi, 2) sortamisdiskurssi…

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Focusing on Workplace Communication

Communication has a constitutive role in the workplace; in workplace communication the organization comes into being. In workplace communication workers create and negotiate meanings and a shared understanding of important work-related issues. Communication is also essential for a functional working environment. Especially in knowledge-based work members of the workplace aim at success, efficiency, and productivity by discussing, conversing, debating, and providing and receiving feedback. Hence, when striving to establish a healthy workplace with high levels of satisfaction and well-being, one has to understand the dynamics of workplace communication. This chapter examines interpersonal com…

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Tuen merkitykset potilaan ja hoitajan vuorovaikutuksessa

Leena Mikkola tutki väitöskirjassaan potilaan ja hoitajan välistä vuorovaikutusta ja tuen merkityksiä. Mikkola selvitti tuen erityispiirteitä, jotka liittyvät potilaan ja hoitajan väliseen suhteeseen sekä osastohoitoon.– Potilaat ja hoitajat antavat tuelle samanlaisia merkityksiä. Tuki on heille tiedon rakentumista, tunteiden oikeuttamista ja käsittelemistä, jatkuvuuden ylläpitämistä ja vuorovaikutussuhteen olemassaoloa, Mikkola kertoo.Hoitajat kuitenkin kuvaavat tukea ensisijaisesti siitä näkökulmasta, kuinka aloitteellista tai responsiivista heidän viestintänsä on. Potilaat puolestaan antavat tuelle merkityksiä ennen muuta sen mukaan, kokevatko he hoitajan toimivan yhdessä potilaan kanssa…

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Kirja-arvio: Jukka-Pekka Puro, Minä viestii : tutkielmia viestivän ihmisen teoriasta ja tulkinnasta

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Narrative Start-up Identity Construction as Strategic Communication

In this qualitative case study, positioning itself within the social constructionist approach, we aimed to investigate and interpret identity narration and organizational identity in strategic external and internal communication at the health technology startup company Naava Group Oy. By analyzing three different datasets (Twitter, blog posts, and interviews), we examined how organizational identity was emerged and which way it was strategic in storytelling and narratives. The results indicate that the startup's strategic social media identity storytelling seemed strategically crafted, as various voices were detected to narrate the same stories that repeated the same narrative content. The …

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Hoitajajohtajien identifikaatiot kokousvuorovaikutuksessa

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Change Talk in Hospital Management Groups

Recent national healthcare reforms have resulted in many changes to healthcare organizations. When social realities are enacted in social interactions, changes also occur in communication through discourses. In public hospitals, middle management groups form one important platform for change talk. This study aimed to identify and understand how change talk emerges in management group meetings. Data were collected from 10 hospital meetings, and change-related interactions were explored by analyzing sensemaking and positioning. In the data, change talk took three forms: collaboration, control and confrontation. These forms consisted of change discourses (change as a possibility, concealed cha…

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Supportive Communication in the Workplace

Supportive communication is a form of social interaction that produces resources with which to solve situational problems and manage emotional strain. Through the management of uncertainty, supportive communication enhances the perception of personal control over life events and strengthens the perception of acceptance. It is enacted in the seeking of support, in providing support, and in supportive listening as a form of emotional and informational support. In the workplace, supportive communication is crucially important: It promotes productive work and employees’ well-being as well as job satisfaction and engagement in the organization. This chapter presents the foundations of supportive…

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Tässä ajassa – Prologin ensimmäinen vuosikymmen

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Problem Talk in Management Group Meetings

This naturalistic study focuses on problem talk (PT) in hospital management group meetings. The study aims to understand how PT constitutes the hospital organization through the different uses of PT within the meetings, and, therefore, to understand the organizing role of these meetings. The communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) perspective forms the theoretical background of the research. The results of the qualitative analysis show that PT comprises many intertwined tasks that aim to perform the meetings, enhance problem solving, and maintain the relational level of group life. Thus, PT is much more than merely solving problems. In PT, problems are discussed from the viewpo…

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Work Coordination as a Social Interaction Process in Nursing Staff Meetings

Work coordination, which here refers to organizing, planning, discussing, and negotiating work, is done through social interaction. Because coordination is essential to work quality and well-being at work, it is important to understand the processes that construct work coordination. This study aims to understand work coordination as a social interaction process by analyzing social interaction in nursing staff meetings of a Finnish hospital. Observations and approaches of inductive and descriptive qualitative analysis were used to examine eight sequential nursing staff meetings that took place in 2012. The results indicate that work coordination consisted of sense-making information, sense-m…

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Pääkirjoitus nonPeerReviewed

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Sosiaalinen tuki työssä: Katsaus 2000-luvun tutkimuskirjallisuuteen

Sosiaalinen tuki on vuorovaikutusta, joka auttaa hallitsemaan kuormittavaan tilanteeseen liittyvää epävarmuutta ja vahvistaa yksilön käsitystä hyväksytyksi tulemisesta ja elämänhallinnasta. Sen on todettu selittävän työssäjaksamista, ja sillä on yhteyttä myös työmotivaatioon ja työyhteisöön sitoutumiseen. Tämän artikkelin tavoitteena on osoittaa, millä tavoin sosiaalista tukea työyhteisöissä on tutkittu ja mitä sosiaalisesta tuesta tällä hetkellä tiedetään kansainvälisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden perusteella. Artikkeli perustuu systemaattiseen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen, tarkastelu rajattiin 2000-luvulla julkaistuun empiiriseen puheviestinnän tutkimukseen. Aineiston analyysissä tarkasteltiin tutk…

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Social interaction in management group meetings: a case study of Finnish hospital.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of management group meetings (MGMs) in hospital organization by examining the social interaction in these meetings. Design/methodology/approach – This case study approaches social interaction from a structuration point of view. Social network analysis and qualitative content analysis are applied. Findings – The findings show that MGMs are mainly forums for information sharing. Meetings are not held for problem solving or decision making, and operational coordinating is limited. Meeting interaction is very much focused on the chair, and most of the discussion takes place between the chair and one other member, not between members…

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Identity and relationship frames in medical leadership communication

PurposeA frame is an interpretive scheme of meanings that guide participants’ interpretations of social interaction and their actions in social situations (Goffman, 1974). By identifying early-career physicians’ identity and relationship frames, this study aims to produce information about socially constructed ways to interpret leadership communication in a medical context.Design/methodology/approachThe data consist of essays written by young physicians (n= 225) during their specialization training and workplace learning period. The analysis was conducted applying constructive grounded theory.FindingsThree identity and relationship frames were identified: the expertise frame, the collegial …

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Työyhteisön vuorovaikutuksen ongelmalähtöinen kehittäminen

Keynote-puheenvuoro Vuorovaikutuksen tutkimuksen päivillä 18.–19.9.2020

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