Domenico Caradonna

L'attrito esercitato dagli attacchi in acciaio inox nel riallineamento dei canini superiori con dispositivi ortodontici fissi a bassa frizione

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Occlusion and posture in evolution age

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Rimodellamento condilare ottenuto in seguito all'uso di un bite: caso clinico

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Osteopathic manual therapy versus conventional conservative therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders: A randomized controlled trial

Summary Objective Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a term reflecting chronic, painful, craniofacial conditions usually of unclear etiology with impaired jaw function. The effect of osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) in patients with TMD is largely unknown, and its use in such patients is controversial. Nevertheless, empiric evidence suggests that OMT might be effective in alleviating symptoms. A randomized controlled clinical trial of efficacy was performed to test this hypothesis. Methods We performed a randomized, controlled trial that involved adult patients who had TMD. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: an OMT group (25 patients, 12 males and 13 females, age 40.6±11.03) …

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Oral breathing and head posture

Abstract Objective: To determine the head posture and cephalometric characteristics in oral breathing children. Materials and Methods: Lateral cephalograms taken in natural head posture of 35 oral breathing patients (OB) (mean age 8.8 ± 2.2 years SD; range 5–13 years) and of 35 patients with varied malocclusions and physiological breathing (PB) (mean age 9.7 ± 1.6 years SD; range 7–13 years) were examined. Results: A Student's t-test showed that an increase in angles NSL/OPT (P = .000), NSL/CVT (P = .001), FH/OPT (P = .000), FH/CVT (P = .005), and NSL/VER (P = .000); a decrease in the distance MGP-CV1p (P = .0001); and a decrease in the angles MGP/OP (P = .000) and OPT/ CVT (P = .036) were …

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Manual therapy of the mandibular accessory ligaments for the management of temporomandibular joint disorders.

Temporomandibular joint disorders are characterized by chronic or acute musculoskeletal or myofascial pain with dysfunction of the masticatory system. Treatment modalities include occlusal splints, patient education, activity modification, muscle and joint exercises, myofascial therapy, acupuncture, and manipulative therapy. In the physiology of the temporomandibular joint, accessory ligaments limit the movement of the mandible. A thorough knowledge of the anatomy of accessory ligaments is necessary for good clinical management of temporomandibular joint disorders. Although general principles regarding the anatomy of the ligaments are relatively clear, very little substantiated information …

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Reeducation dans les dysfonctionnements Crane-mandibulaires

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The arterial blood supply of the temporomandibular joint: an anatomical study and clinical implications

Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze three-dimensional images of the arterial supply to the temporomandibular joint. Materials and Methods: Ten patients (five men and five women, mean age 36 years) without signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, who underwent contrast-enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scanning with intravenous contrast, were studied. The direct volume rendering technique of CT images was used, and a data set of images to visualize the vasculature of the human temporomandibular joint in three dimensions was created. After elaboration of the data through post-processing, the arterial supply of the temporomandibular joint was studied. Results: The analysis …

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Relationships between stomatognathic and oculomotor systems in the postural determinism

Objectives To establish if oculomotor apparatus, stomatognathic apparatus and postural system are someway related. Materials and methods Ocular deficit, postural stabilization, head inclination and rotation, shoulder position and dental class were assessed by convergence test, cover test, postural and stomatognathic examination in a sample of 22 patients with ocular disease (convergence deficit, strabismus and heterophoria) aged from 10 to 18 years. Results In patients with convergence's deficit, body axis deviated to left (65%) and head inclination to right (65%), right shoulder was higher (68%) and I dental class was observed (49%); in patients with strabismus, body axis deviated to left …

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Fisioterapia elettromiograficamente assistita nella sindrome di Pierre Robin

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Correlazione tra i sistemi stomatognatico e oculomotore nel determinismo della postura

Riassunto Obiettivi Valutare la correlazione tra l’apparato stomatognatico e il sistema oculomotore. Materiali e metodi Il campione preso in esame per il nostro studio era costituito da 22 soggetti, con eta media di 12 anni, con disturbi oculari che interessavano la propriocezione muscolare extra-oculare, sei soggetti con difetti di convergenza, cinque con eteroforie e 11 con strabismo. Risultati Per ogni singolo paziente sono stati valutati il tipo di malocclusione e i difetti oculari che interessano i muscoli extraoculari; ci si e avvalsi dell’esame obiettivo intra-orale e dell’esame oculare mediante il test di convergenza e il cover test. Nei soggetti con deficit di convergenza, il 49% p…

research product

Sindrome di pierre-robin trattata con fisioterapia elettromiograficamente assistita: case report

Pierre Robin syndrome is characterized by the triad: micrognathia, cleft palate and glossoptosis. This syndrome, which often undermines several organs and systems, is treated with a multidisciplinary approach that involves several specialists. The AA. present a case of Pierre Robin syndrome in neuromuscular rehabilitation by physiotherapy EMG-assisted. PMID:19445280[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Aparatul stomatognat si postura. Corelatii si examenul clinic postural.

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trattamento osteopatico dell'articolazione temporo-mandibolare

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Fisioterapia dell' A.T.M.

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