Maria Rosaria Seminara
Europe 2020 Strategy and New Policies for Marginal Areas
Marginality should be seen as an a asset rather than a liability for a region or a community. Marginality reflects a strategy of economic development, and this paper also seeks institutional means for championing marginality over conformity.
Innovation in the Rural Areas and the Linkage with the Quintuple Helix Model
Abstract In this paper we analyze some specific conditions for local development. Our interest is oriented towards a multidimensional aspect of peripheral and rural areas. The rural areas considered as a productive system reflects a strong relationship between the agriculture and the other economic activities, In addition eco-systems must be protected and enhanced to develop innovation models that propose new roles and responsibilities for a new development vision. Following the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy and the Quintuple Helix Model this paper underlines the importance of connecting the innovation process with rural territories. We have considered some environment…
The links between smart specialisation strategy, the quintuple helix model and living labs
This paper analyzes how the Living Labs can be designed as tools for a more effective implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) within the Quintuple Helix Model. Above all, the Quintuple Helix espouses the formation of a constructive situation encompassing ecology, knowledge and innovation, and creating extensive synergy between economy, society, and democracy. In this paper, we shall be focusing on the Quintuple Helix and Living Labs geared towards creating a shared arena in which services, processes and new ways of working via technology can be developed and tested with user representatives and researchers. Since the Living Lab is a rather new research area, the number of s…
Sustainable Development and Transition Management: A New Approach for European Peripheral Areas
This paper on Europe as a sustainable economy and its policy for peripheral areas contributes to the analysis on the relationship between Transition Management and new approaches to regional development. It follows that regions are different ecosystems which require not only conventional macroeconomic visions for development processes, but also a precise spatial approach based on different levels of geographical aggregation. The physical environment, therefore, becomes a useful element not only to analyze the transition mechanisms, but also as a constitutive part of economic, social and environmental changes in the short, medium, and long term. A number of interesting aspects are examined a…
Le potenzialità innovative delle aree rurali in Sicilia
Il presente lavoro sottolinea l’importanza di collegare processi di innovazione in territori rurali al modello di innovazione della quintupla elica, alla luce dell’implementazione della Smart Specialisation Strategy. A tal fine sono stati presi in considerazione, alcuni indicatori ambientali e settoriali per la Sicilia e confrontati con i dati a livello nazionale, proprio per sottolineare il valore che aree periferiche possono avere per una nuova competitività basata su principi di sviluppo sostenibile. Following the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy and the Quintuple Helix Model this paper underlines the importance of connecting the innovation process with rural territori…
Bioeconomy refers to a system based on the smart utilization of biological resources based on sources from land and sea as industrial input and production of food. The Bioeconomy will also contribute to limiting the negative impacts on the environment, reduce the heavy dependency on fossil resources, mitigate climate change and move Europe towards a post-petroleum society. The work aims to investigate how the territorial marginality linked to socio-economic disparities can be a competitive advantage for the challenges proposed by the bioeconomy innovation strategy. An example of a Sicilian bio-cluster is indicated for a significant product differentiation and functional integration of agric…