R Seising

Fuzziness,Philosophy,and Medicine

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APHSC, a forum for the debate on philosophical and historical aspects of Soft Computing.

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Settimo Termini, on research and his seventies

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Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh's lifework on philosophy of medicine

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research product

Having the final say: Machine support of ethical decisions of doctors

Machines that support highly complex decisions of doctors have been a reality of r almost half a century. In the 1950s. computer-supported medical diag­ nostic systems started with "punched cru·ds in a shoe box". In the 1960s :md 1970s medicine wa�. to a cenain extent, transfo rmed into a quantitative science by inten­ sive i nt erdisc ip linary research coUaborations o f exp erts fi·om medicine. mathemat­ ics and electrical engineering; This was followed by a second shift in research on machine support of medical decisions from numerical probabilistic to knowledge basedapproaches. Solutions ofthe later form cameto be known as (medic;ll) expert systems, knowledge based systems research o•· …

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Settimo Termini, a life in research

research product


The notion of Fuzziness stands as one of the really new concepts that have recently enriched the world of Science. Science grows not only through technical and formal advances on one side and useful applications on the other side, but also as consequence of the introduction and assimilation of new concepts in its corpus. These, in turn, produce new developments and applications. And this is what Fuzziness, one of the few new concepts arisen in the XX Century, has been doing so far. This book aims at paying homage to Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh, the “father of fuzzy logic” and also at giving credit to his exceptional work and personality. In a way, this is reflected in the variety of contributi…

research product

Alla Ricerca! Liber amicorum to honour Settimo Termini on his seventieth birthday and retirement

research product