G Ristuccia
Middle-Late Pleistocene marine terraces and fault activity in the Sant’Agata di Militello coastal area (north-eastern Sicily)
Abstract The coastal sector of Sant’Agata di Militello (north-eastern Sicily) is characterized by a flight of raised Middle-Upper Pleistocene marine terraces occurring at different heights with respect to present sea level. In particular, the geomorphological survey and the analysis of stereo-pairs of aerial photographs allowed to recognize at least five main orders of well preserved Quaternary surfaces and relative deposits mostly located at the hanging wall and at the footwall of the Pleistocene northwest-dipping Capo d’Orlando normal fault, which controlled the geomorphological evolution of the coastal area. The marine terraces show an overall good morphological continuity and are formed…
Historical buildings: luminescence dating of fine grains from bricks and mortar
In the framework of a research program aimed to define the chronology of the structures of the architectonic complex of San Francesco alla Collina (Paternò, Italy), two luminescence dating techniques were applied: Thermoluminescence (TL) on terracotta bricks and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) on mortars. Dating a historic building through the age of its bricks can be sometimes complex, for the possible gap between the age of the bricks themselves and that of the structure. Considering that the laying of mortar is contemporary to the construction, the principal objective of the work here presented is the verification of the possibility of solving chronological uncertainties of speci…
Datazione di malte storiche tramite OSL
L'applicazione della termoluminescenza (TL) alla terracotta, utilizzata come materiale da costruzione negli edifici storici, permette di risalire all'epoca di manifattura della stessa. Questo istante potrebbe, però, non coincidere con la data della fabbrica. Assume, a tal fine, un'importanza fondamentale la possibilità di datare le malte prelevate dalla struttura in esame la cui posa è, infatti, coincidente con l'edificazione. In questa occazione viene presentato il protocollo di misura messo a punto per la preparazione fisico-chimica dei campioni di malta da sottoporre a misure di datazione mediante Luminescenza Otticamente Stimolata (OSL) attraverso la presentazione dei risultati ottenuti…
Historical mortar: luminescence from fine grain quartz
Within the framework of a research programme aimed at the chronological reconstruction of the structures belonging to the architectonic complex of San Francesco alla Collina of Paternò (Catania, Italy), a procedure was carried out using thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, respectively on terracotta bricks and mortar from the same sampling points. The primary methodological aim was to extend the application of luminescence dating techniques to mortar from historical buildings. Because the TL dating method dates the last firing of bricks, it offers a terminus post quem: the results give the period in which they were manufactured. The possibility that th…
Historical building dating: refinement of established sample preparation protocol
Abstract: The application of thermal (TL) and optical (OSL) stimulated luminescence on pottery and building materials has allowed to resolve numer-ous problems in both the fields of retrospective do-simetry and dating. Routine measurements request the registration of TL signals obtained on polymineral fine-grained frac-tion (FG) extracted from pottery sherds and bricks used as building material with the Added Dose (AD) technique. One of the reasons of the dispersion of the lumi-nescence measurements when using this fraction is the variability of relative contents of quartz and feld-spars, which due to their differing behaviour influ-encing the equivalent dose (ED) and therefore its uncertai…