S Panzeca
Application of Electron Spin Resonance technique in neutron dosimetry
Along with the Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) development and with the use of thermal neutrons for radiotherapeutic purposes, many efforts have been devoted to the beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures. Reliable dosimetric measurements should be able to determine the various components (neutronic and photonic) of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy [1]. We have studied the effect of the additive such as gadolinium and 10B-boric acid on the neutron sensitivity of alanine ESR dosimeters exposed to a gamma and mixed (n, gamma) field mainly composed by thermal neutrons. We have chosen both this additive nuclei because of their very high capture cross section t…
Investigation of alanine with gadolinium for ESR dosimetry at TRIGA Mark II reactor of Mainz
In this work we have studied the response of alanine pellets with and without gadolinium exposed to the thermal column of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor at the University of Mainz
Neutron dosimetry by means of electron spin resonance (ESR) tecnique
Along with the Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) development and with the use of thermal neutrons for radiotherapeutic purposes, many efforts have been devoted to the beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures. Reliable dosimetric measurements should be able to determine the various components (neutronic and photonic) of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy. We have studied the effect of the additive such as gadolinium and 10B-boric acid on the neutron sensitivity of alanine ESR dosimeters exposed to a gamma and mixed (n, gamma) field mainly composed by thermal neutrons. We have chosen both this additive nuclei because of their very high capture cross section to th…
12C ion beam dose distribution in presence of medium inhomogeneities: comparison between different measurements and simulations with the treatment planning system for particles trip98
Heavy-ions beams offer several advantages compared to other radiation such as low lateral scattering and high biological effectiveness (RBE) in the Bragg peak region, making them particularly attractive for the treatment of radio-resistant tumours localized close to organs at risk [1]. The extension of ion therapy to new clinical cases requires the exploitation of a dedicated treatment planning system (TPS) based on the existing version of TRiP98 [2,3], established TPS for carbon ions. The theoretical models and experimental databases included in TRiP98 are presently mainly based on measurements in water. This approximation can be applied successfully to reproduce many biological tissues wi…
Characterization of alanine EPR detectors response in clinical carbon ion beams
Heavy-ions beams offer several advantages compared to other radiation such as low lateral scattering and high biological effectiveness (RBE) in the Bragg peak region, making them particularly attractive for the treatment of radio-resistant tumors localized close to organs at risk [1]. Although ion beam radiotherapy ultimately requires dose prescription in terms of biological dose or cell survival, absorbed dose is still the quantity mostly used in clinical quality assurance and to dosimetrically characterize the beam. Moreover, the nuclear projectile fragmentation of heavy ions because of inelastic nuclear interactions with medium produces secondary particles with lower Z. The detailed know…
Atti del Workshop: Tecniche Speciali e Avanzate di Dosimetria e Radioprotezione
Atti del Workshop organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Radioprotezione (AIRP) in collaborazione con l'Università degli Studi di Palermo, dal titolo "Tecniche Speciali e Avanzate in Dosimetria e Radioprotezione" che si svolgerà venerdì 24 Giugno a Palermo presso l'Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Viale delle Scienze Edificio 18. L'evento rientra tra i 210 Eventi organizzati per i 210 anni dalla fondazione dell'Ateneo palermitano su iniziativa del Magnifico Rettore, Prof. Fabrizio Micari. L’evento prevede la discussione di 4 tematiche in ambito della dosimetria e della radioprotezione in campo sanitario ed ambientale (Dosimetria Clinica, Dosimetria Ambientale, Dosimetria …