Filipe Carvalho
Ecological network analysis reveals the inter-connection between soil biodiversity and ecosystem function as affected by land use across Europe
Soil organisms are considered drivers of soil ecosystem services (primary productivity, nutrient cycling, carbon cycling, water regulation) associated with sustainable agricultural production. Soil biodiversity was highlighted in the soil thematic strategy as a key component of soil quality. The lack of quantitative standardised data at a large scale has resulted in poor understanding of how soil biodiversity could be incorporated into legislation for the protection of soil quality. In 2011, the EcoFINDERS (FP7) project sampled 76 sites across 11 European countries, covering five biogeographical zones (Alpine, Atlantic, Boreal, Continental and Mediterranean) and three land-uses (arable, gra…
Which traits predispose species to extinction? A review
Biodiversity is shrinking rapidly and despite our efforts, only a small part of it has been redlisted. Identifying the traits that make species vulnerable might help us predict the outcome for those less known. We used machine learning algorithms to filter relevant publications among 2700 potential ones and collected a final list of 559 statistical models within 122 publications, from which we gathered information on trait responses to extinction risk, across all taxa, spatial scales and biogeographical realms, in what we think it is the most complete compilation up to date. This talk will explore gaps in the research: are taxa, or biogeographical regions equally sampled? Then we will answe…