Old Growth Forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Criteria and Indicators, identification methodology, and results up-to date
Historically, identification and conservation of OGF remnants in the region has undergone several stages: - 2006-10 – pilot application of the OGF concept within the High Conservation Value Forests identification (FSC certification mainly); - 2008-12 – pilot field works on the Old-Growth Forests (OGF) identification in Ukrainian Carpathians; - 2012 – harmonized C&I for OGF identification in Maramuresh part of the Carpathians (RO / UA) developed, - 2012 - now – large-scale field identification; - 2014 – the OGF C&I above used as a basis for the Virgin Forest C&I by the Carpathian Convention, see: http://www.carpathianconvention.org/tl_files/carpathiancon/Downloads/03%20Meetings%2…