F Rizzuto
Le fake news ed il diritto all’oblio nell’era della rete. Sulla nuova relazione tra pubblico e privato
This article analyses the new and problematic relationship between the media and individuals’ visibility, as well as privacy in the new context of the Internet, by focusing on the process of transformation of both the public and private dimensions. A new style of Self-presentation/representation emerges in the digital communication ecosystem, which presents numerous risks due to online overexposure, to the logic of the show, typical of infotainment, and to the process of social windowing. In the society of platforms and fake news, it is necessary to redefine the social role of journalism and its limits, above all when connected to some sensitive issues of individuals’ private sphere. At the…
La situazione economica e sociale dell'artista in Italia.
I saperi della comunicazione nell'era della post-verità
In this volume, the authors deal with some issues about communication and theis new ways, especially in our era of post-truth.