Maria Regina Morales

Functioning of family system in pediatric oncology during treatment phase.

The study focuses on parents’ psychological implications caused by the treatment of their children suffering from tumor. It investigates some specific mothers’ resource factors such as their strategies of coping and the perception of their own family functioning in terms of cohesion and adaptability. The study was performed with 34 mothers of children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL),duringthetreatmentphase.TheusedtoolsweretheCopingOrientationtoProblem Experienced—New Italian Version, to investigate coping strategies, and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-III, to analyze both real and ideal perception of family functioning. The data related to coping, show h…

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Le potenzialità evolutive della relazione nonni-nipoti in regime di affidamento

Non previsto dalla rivista

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Background: A child’s chronic or oncological disease is a stressful condition for parents, that may affect the adaptive management helpful for warranting the child’s wellbeing to a disease. Particularly, this study focuses on the possible connections between the variable “culture” and parental strategies to cope with child’s severe disease, by a comparison between Italian and Portuguese mothers. Design and Methods: This research inquires differences and cross-cultural elements among the coping strategies used by Italian and Portuguese mothers of child with chronic or oncological disease. Participants are two mothers’ groups: 59 Italian mothers (M=37,7; SD=4,5) and 36 Portuguese mothers (M=3…

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Precursori di ADHD nei bambini moderatamente pretermine

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Il servizio “scuola in ospedale”. Parte Prima: modelli e prospettive per l’attraversamento del rischio

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Il servizio “scuola in ospedale”.Prima parte: modelli e prospettive per l’attraversamento del rischio

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Maternal coping strategies in response to a child's chronic and oncological disease: a cross-cultural study in Italy and Portugal

A child's oncological or chronic disease is a stressful situation for parents. This stress may make it difficult for appropriate management strategies aimed at promoting the child's wellbeing and helping him or her cope with a disease to be adopted. In particular, this study focuses on the possible connections between the variable national cultural influences and the parental strategies used to cope with a child's severe disease by comparing the experiences of Italian and Portuguese mothers. The study investigates differences and cross-cultural elements among the coping strategies used by Italian and Portuguese mothers of children with oncological or chronic disease. Two groups of mothers t…

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Percezione del funzionamento familiare e strategie di coping in madri di bambini affetti da neoplasia in fase trattamentale

Il contributo presenta uno studio correlazionale sul rapporto tra specifiche strategie di coping di madri di bambini con neoplasia in fase trattamentale e la loro percezione del funzionamento familiare, in termini di coesione e adattabilita/flessibilita, muovendo dall’ipotesi che una relazione "virtuosa" tra le variabili considerate possa costituire una risorsa importante per la madre. Lo studio, che ha coinvolto un gruppo di 34 madri di bambini con neoplasia in fase di trattamento, ha previsto la somministrazione di due specifici strumenti: il Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced -Nuova Versione Italiana (COPE-NVI), per rilevare le strategie di coping, e il Family Adaptability an…

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Il servizio “scuola in ospedale". Parte seconda: un contesto di prevenzione

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Risiko. Valutare all’interno di un percorso di formazione

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Mother- and father-infant interactions at 3 months of corrected age: The effect of severity of preterm birth

Early interactions of 92 preterm infants with their mothers (n = 54) and fathers (n = 38) were explored at 3 months using CARE-Index. Results showed differences in interactions based on parent's gender, with higher control in mothers and unresponsiveness in fathers, while no effect of severity of birth weight emerged.

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I costrutti di rappresentazione della relazione nelle madri dei bambini ospedalizzati

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Prefazione de Il Vento della Psicologia pediatrica: l'esperienza di un know how oltre la Psicologia applicata in Pediatria

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I costrutti di rappresentazione dei genitori nell’ospedalizzazione pediatrica

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Il forum nell'ospedalizzazione pediatrica come lavoro di comunità

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Il legame di attaccamento nella casa famiglia: la percezione dell’operatore

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La ricerca: strumenti e procedure nella ricerca in ospedale

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Neurodevelopmental outcomes of moderately preterm birth: precursors of A.D.H.D. in moderately preterm children at preschool age

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Le esperienze: l’intervista narrativa come tecnica di sviluppo

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A Study of Maternal Competence in Preterm Birth Condition, during the Transition from Hospital to Home: An Early Intervention Program’s Proposal

The study was conducted with 104 mothers (average age 32.5 years, SD 6.1) of preterm infants (very and moderately preterm but still healthy) to monitor the perceived maternal role competence from the time of hospitalisation to post-discharge, in order to define an intervention program to support mothers during this transition. A targeted Q-Sort tool (Maternal Competence Q-Sort in preterm birth) was applied at two different times as a self-observation tool for parenting competence in neonatology. A tendency towards dysregulation of the maternal role competence was detected, mainly in terms of low self-assessment and was found to worsen during post-discharge, particularly with regard to careg…

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Supporto alle famiglie in area ospedaliero-pediatrica

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Le metodiche per lo sviluppo del profilo motivazionale degli alunni

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Madri in corsia. La competenza genitoriale nell’ospedalizzazione pediatrica

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Le differenze di genere nei preadolescenti ospedalizzati

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La trasformazione dei costrutti della competenza genitoriale in madri utenti del servizio di counseling in area pediatrica

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Schemi narrativi sul se' e autostima nel bambino con neoplasia: uno studio pilota pre-test

Aim The contribution reports on a pre-test pilot study, based on the single-case method (N>1 and N=1 one by one) aimed to investigate whether resilience factors regards self-narrative representation, self-esteem and their likely correlation in child suffering from tumour. Methods The administration of specific investigation instruments (T.M.A. – multidimensional self-esteem test and a narrative inquiry framed on purpose) has been planned by the survey. The participating subjects set up a group of 7 children, 8 to 12 year olds, suffering from tumour. The individuation of such subjects has been carried out in terms of some “drawing variables” such as the existence of tumour, its diagnosis (12…

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Le narrazioni sul sé del bambino affetto da tumore in fase trattamentale. Uno studio pilota

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Profili temperamentali e stili di attaccamento nei bambini nati prematuri in età prescolare

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In riferimento alla condizione di rischio della competenza genitoriale nella nascita pretermine, si pone la necessità di prendere in carico proprio l’esigenza di supportare e accompagnare le madri nel fronteggiamento dei nuovi compiti evolutivi posti dalla nascita prematura del proprio bambino, e quindi, di sostenere la competenza genitoriale; in tal senso, le autrici e il gruppo di ricerca di riferimento hanno costruito e validato, nel corso degli anni, uno specifico Q-sort sulla competenza materna percepita

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“La formazione come lavoro di comunità: un’esperienza di stage presso il servizio “scuola in ospedale”

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Perception of family-system and parental competence in mothers of children suffering from chronic heart disease

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Un servizio di counseling per la trasformazione dei costrutti delle mamme dei bambini ospedalizzati

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Early precursors of low attention and hyperactivity in children born late and very preterm at preschool age

Moderately preterm birth seems to be an evolutional risk condition at cognitive, behavioural and socio-relational levels. The study is aimed to investigate the likely occurrence of precursors of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in moderately preterm children at preschool age. The research involved an experimental group made up of 50 moderately preterm children (mean: 34.6 weeks’ gestational age, standard deviation [SD]: 2) without any medical and neurologic neonatal complications and low birth weight (mean:2100g., SD: 350g.) and a check group of 50 full term born children. Parents and teachers of children were administered specific questionnaires to detect ADHD. The outcomes …

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Coping and parental role competence of mothers of preterm infant

The study was aimed at obtaining knowledge about mothers' experiences of preterm birth. The objective of the study is to explore coping strategies and self- perceived parental competence, in mothers of infant born moderately and severely preterm and admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). METHODS: The study involved a group of 16 mothers of moderately preterm children (weeks' gestational age: mean=34, SD=2 and birth weight: mean=2000 g, SD=200 g) and a group of 14 mothers of severely preterm children (weeks' gestational age: mean=29, SD=2 and birth weight: mean=1700 g, SD=350 g). The following instruments were used with mothers to investigate focus areas of research: Coping Ori…

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Il servizio “scuola in ospedale”. Parte Terza: Esiti di sviluppo per l’attraversamento del rischio: il coping

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La scuola in ospedale: un’opportunità di attraversamento del rischio per il minore ospedalizzato

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Il progetto kore: un percorso di accoglienza, ascolto e accompagnamento per la madri in area pediatrica

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La scuola in ospedale: un’opportunità di ‘attraversamento’ del rischio per il bambino ospedalizzato

Aim. The paper reports research on the subject of "Overcoming the illness risk in the School in Hospital service" the aim of which was to monitor this particular service so as to assess whether or not the activities proposed are directed by the model of overcoming inherent risks as defined and reported here. Four research directions were taken to verify the hypothesis whereby the service takes on a supportive-transformative value which enables the hospitalized child to study through his/her illness and is thus able to develop by activating support, protection and diagnosis functions. Methods. The investigation was carried out using the single case methodology which provided for continuous o…

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Il C.’E.’..S.I...P.U.O.’ (Centro Educativo Sperimentale Interistituzionale Pediatrico Universitario Ospedaliero). Un percorso di sperimentazione per l’umanizzazione in ambito pediatrico

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CD rom “Aladino e la sua lampada. Il servizio “Scuola in Ospedale” una forma di tutela del minore”

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