G D'allura
Regional Systems of Innovation: a Literature Review
Though various authors have offered reviews of the Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) literature and some have described their personal intellectual voyage amongst the building blocks that constitute this area of scientific enquiry (for example, Cooke 2008), these often illuminating illustrations are nonetheless subjective and, thus, suffer from biases which pertain to the actor performing the analysis. The study proposed in this paper aims to overcome the aforementioned limitation by elaborating an objective review of the main contributions to the RIS field of research, highlighting the main themes studied and the principal approaches followed. The analysis has been conducted following the …
Main Trends in Regional Innovation Systems: An Author Co-citation Analysis
Regional Innovation Systems are increasingly attracting attention on behalf of accademics, practitioners and policy makers. This has produced a wide array of studies in the field, both regards the specific themes treated and the perspectives adopted. Though a number of sujective reviews of the field have been proposed, these tend to present the field according to the analysts' subjective biases and tends to meld what the field is with what the field should be. In order to overcome the limitations present in the subjective reviews proposed untill today, in this study we conduct an objective review of the main contributions to the Regional Innovation Systems fiels of studies.