S Burgio

Sibling relationship as a resource to cope a traumatic event.

The study investigated the correlation between the perception of sibling relationship to cope an adverse occurrence – the partial collapse of a primary school – and the indicators related to the traumatic impact set off by the event, by soliciting the child’s reminiscence of the catastrophic experience. One hundred trauma-exposed children were recruited from a Sicilian primary school and were administered the following research instruments: the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC-A), to investigate the traumatized response that can be triggered in the children involved; the Brother as a Resource Questionnaire (BRQ), to delve into the perception of sibling relationship as a resource.…

research product

Coping strategies and locus of control in children suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Introduction The start of the treatment phase of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) diagnosis represents an emotional distress condition for the child (Hildenbrand et al., 2011), which requires to use some resources to manage this condition in an adaptive way, one of these resources is represented of coping strategies. The study focuses on children’s coping strategies according to the model of Miller (1987; Miller et al., 1995), which distinguishes between two specific directions, monitoring and blunting. At the same time, the study presents an innovative aspect focusing on the relationship between coping and locus of control, as well as the possible mirroring between child’s and his mother…

research product

Coping strategies of Italian and Portuguese mothers in response to a child’s chronic or oncological disease: a cross-cultural study

Background: A child’s chronic or oncological disease is a stressful condition for parents, that may affect the adaptive management helpful for warranting the child’s wellbeing to a disease. Particularly, this study focuses on the possible connections between the variable “culture” and parental strategies to cope with child’s severe disease, by a comparison between Italian and Portuguese mothers. Design and Methods: This research inquires differences and cross-cultural elements among the coping strategies used by Italian and Portuguese mothers of child with chronic or oncological disease. Participants are two mothers’ groups: 59 Italian mothers (M=37,7; SD=4,5) and 36 Portuguese mothers (M=3…

research product