Miquel ÀNgel Pans Sancho

Life satisfaction in university students with disabilities: Differences by sociodemographic variables and associations with physical activity and athletic identity

People with disabilities tend to have lower subjective well-being than their peers without disability. This study examined differences in the life satisfaction (LS) of Spanish university students with disabilities according to sociodemographic variables, and its associations with physical activity (PA) and athletic identity (AI). A crosssectional study was conducted with 1,227 participants (624 Female - 598 Male) from state and private Spanish universities. The participants completed an electronic survey on LS, PA and AI after which a descriptive analysis, pairwise comparisons (Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis tests), and Spearman's correlations were performed on the data. Instruments used fo…

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ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the new route explored in Sancho Chasm (Pinet, Valencia) by the members of the Valencia Speleological Society (SEV). To show the new rout 'Boletus' the technical data sheet of the installation, a brief description of the exploration, as well as its new topography will be presented. In conclusion, we believe that the dissemination, access and publication of this type of information is necessary for the search of global knowledge and the own territory. KEY WORDS:Caving, Exploration, Sancho Chasm, Topography.

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The physical activity of Spanish speleologists: accomplishment of recommendations and differences by sociodemographic variables

Outdoor adventure activities are becoming more popular due to their potential health benefits, although there is little scientific information on speleology as a physical activity (PA). The purpose of this study is to expand the scientific evidence in this field in two ways: (a) describe the PA performed by speleologists, taking into account the variables of interest such as gender, age, education, speleological level, participation in 'Alpine' explorations and body mass index (BMI) and (b) identify how far the World Health Organization's (WHO) PA recommendations were accomplished (i.e.,150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic PA or 75 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic). A cross-sectional stud…

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Validación de la Athletic Identity Measurement Scale en Estudiantes Universitarios con Discapacidad y Diferencias según Variables Sociodemográficas

La identidad deportiva (ID) puede desempeñar un papel importante en la participación físico-deportiva y, por ende, en la salud de las personas. Esto convierte a la evaluación de instrumentos de medida de la ID en un tema importante de investigación. Por ello, el objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión de 3 factores del cuestionario Athletic Identity Measure Scale (AIMS) (B. W. Brewer & Cornelius, 2001) en una muestra de alumnado universitario con discapacidad. Además, también se busca conocer si difiere o no la ID según diversas variables de interés (sexo, edad, nivel socioeconómico, índice de masa corporal (IMC), tipo y grado de discapacida…

research product

Activitat física i salut a l’alumnat universitari amb discapacitat // Physical activity and health in university students with disabilities

L’activitat física (AF) és una activitat que ha demostrat tindre nombrosos efectes positius en la salut, el benestar i la qualitat de vida de les persones amb discapacitat. No obstant açò, l'evidència empírica ens diu que les persones amb discapacitat realitzen menys AF que els seus parells sense discapacitat. Amb la finalitat de contribuir al coneixement i la conseqüent aplicació de polítiques públiques de salut pública en la promoció de l’AF, aquesta present tesi doctoral té com objectiu estudiar a l’AF de l’alumnat universitari de l’Estat espanyol amb discapacitat. Específicament, a través d’un estudi de seguiment de la cohort 3 anys després, juntament amb el compliment (o no) de les rec…

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Special Olympics un medio para la justicia social en la India rural

El siguiente Poster muestra el trabajo realizado por la Fundación Vicente Ferrer en su proyecto de deporte y discapacidad, en el Estado de Andhra Pradesh (India), donde las personas con diversidad funcional están totalmente estigmatizadas socialmente. Este programa desarrollado desde 2010 de Special Olympics (SO) ha contribuido a promover la igualdad de condiciones, derechos y oportunidades de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y confirmar que el deporte es una herramienta de integración social en la india rural. El estudio del caso de Kullaymma, es representativo del conjunto de niños y niñas con discapacidad intelectual integrantes del…

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Material assignatura: joc educatiu i iniciació esportiva (valencià)

Tema 3

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From social stigma to family referent, boccia for a change on the way of thinking

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the practice of Boccia (adapted sport) with children aged between 4 and 14 years old with cerebral palsy in rural India and the changes that this implies in social recognition and quality of family life. This study took place between January 2015 and February 2016. The research aims to fill the knowledge gap given the little information that exists on the importance of the context, specifically in the case of a family with a disabled person. This project is part of the "Family Centred Program" and is based on the use of a structured interview called Family Quality of Life McWilliams (FaQuOL). A statistical analysis using SPSS was conducted t…

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