Clémentine Azam
Impact de l’éclairage artificiel sur l’usage des continuités écologiques par les chiroptères
International audience
Impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on biodiversity and ecosystem services
As part of a ‘fitness check’ evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), completed in autumn 2017, we conducted an in depth literature review to evaluate both direct and indirect effects of the CAP on biodiversity (BD) and ecosystem services (ESS). Beyond instruments that are designated towards the protection of BD and ESS, such as agri-environment(-climate) schemes (AECM), greening, and cross compliance (CC), we considered and evaluated non-designated instruments such as Direct Payments, that likely have indirect effects on BD and ESS by affecting land-use changes, farm structure and management. Although literature suggests that AECM can be locally effective (1), their effectivenes…