S Mannia
Dop e Slow Food: formaggi siciliani fra politiche alimentari, strategie di mercato e retorica identitaria
The aim of the present contribution is the analysis of the political and economic and socio-cultural dynamics involved in the protection, enhancement and marketing of some dairy products of Sicily, considered both as commercial goods and cultural / identity expressions of a specific place. We will focus on the field of action and repercussions of the PDO and Slow Food brands according to the experience of some farmers belonging to the Consortia and Presidia, and also on the aspects converging on and affecting the construction of these products, as well as on the rhetorical identities emphasized by commercial strategies.
La morte e i morti nelle società euromediterranee
Il volume riflette sugli atteggiamenti storicamente assunti dall’uomo rispetto alla morte, sulle rappresentazioni e sulle ideologie correlate, sulle visioni dell’aldilà, sul culto dei defunti, sulle pratiche funerarie e sulle forme di trattamento dei defunti, sui riti connessi al trapasso e sulle cerimonie e le credenze legate al "ritorno dei morti".