Emanuels Grinbergs
On osculation, superosculation and characteristic points. Addenda: Computations
Par n dimensiju Eiklīda telpas līknēm
On educational problems of mathematics for the faculty of economics and management
Problems concerning education of mathematics for the students of the Faculty of economics and managements are considered.
Motives for reflections. Part one
Facsimile of manuscript from the archive of Emanuels Grinbergs, University of Latvia. The article (in three pieces of manuscripts), written in Russian, contains some reflections on graph theory. It may be written in 1973.
Motives for reflections Addendum to part one
The article (in three pieces of manuscripts), written in Russian, contains some reflections on graph theory. It may be written in 1973.
Motives for reflections. Part two
E. Gringergs archive manuscripts may be found in the Library of the University of Latvia under https://lira.lanet.lv/F/98QNED45E7J5HDUHLY51HV43QNRX97XCQJPHQ9S6L7HX4FABFB-10883?func=find-b&request=E.Grinberga&find_code=TIT&x=32&y=13&filter_code_1=WLN&filter_request_1=&filter_code_2=WYR&filter_request_2=&filter_code_3=WYR&filter_request_3=&filter_code_4=WFM&filter_request_4=
On osculation, superosculation and characteristic points
Translated into English by D. Zeps Original text: Par oskulāciju, superoskulāciju un charakteristiskiem punktiem, https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/46435 Facsimile of the manuscript of dissertation: https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/46446 Facsimile of the manuscript of computations: https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/46433 Page numbers in translation are from original in Latvian
Analītiskā ģeometrija
Analītiskā ģeometrija. Lekciju konspekts, Lasīts fizikas un matemātikas fakultātes studentiem 1940./41. g.
Par oskulāciju, superoskulāciju un charakteristiskiem punktiem. Disertācijas manuskripta faksimils
Daži pētījumi par telpas ruletēm
Darbs kvalificēts kā Kandidāta darbs, Konkursa darbs, iesniegts LŪ, Matēmatikas nodaļai 1933. g. 14. augustā. Stud. math. Emanuels Grünbergs, Matr. 14875. Motto "Patientia vincet." Disertācijā 143 lpp. Publicējam bez pilnā teksta arī disertācijas ievadu.
On threeconnected graphs with unique Hamiltonian cycle = О трехсвязный графах ...
Dažas transformācijas elementārā ģeometrijā
Referāts nolasīts matēmatisko zinātņu darbinieku kongresā, 25. aprīlī 1935. gadā. Izdots Rīgā, 1936. Izdevusi Matēmatisko zinātņu darbinieku biedrība. Autors Cand. math. E. Grünbergs
On some geometric variation task
This is the first article of Emanuels Grinbergs devoted to subjects in differential geometry and algebraic curves that he was dealing with before WW2, e.g., in his doctoral thesis "Osculation, superosculation and characteristic points" (1943).
Daži trīssakarīgi grafi un to saimes bez Hamiltona cikliem
These manuscripts (in Latvian) contain examples of graphs without Hamiltonian cycles. See the flower snark J5 on the page 13. The date here 1.6.78.
Analītiskā ģeometrija: 2. daļa, Analītiskā ģeometrija plāksnē
Lekcijas lasītas Fizikas-matematikas fakultātes studentiem 1940./41.g.